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HAS BLEN PROVED a The ttUREST CURE for Ö I KiDNEY DISEASES. Does a lame back or disordered urino indi$ cato that you aro a viotiin P THEN DO NOT "O E UESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at onoe, jg 5 (TiatoreoommendiOandit willspeedily . oomo the diseaso and restore healthy action. O j „Jíq. Por complaint poculiar L LCtulvOi toyour box, Buch as pain j audweal!:nes3e3,Kidney-WortÍ3iiDflurpassed. ¦ % as it will act promptly and aafely. L EitherSex. Incontinence, retontion ofunne, O L brickdufltorropy deposita, and dull dragging c 0 pains, all speodily yicld to lts curativo power. 2 8OIJ) BY AIJj PBirQGISTS. rrice ti. X 1 bave prescribid Kimley-Wort it'Vi very ijmii nteeiit Ín a score orín ove obstinate cases of Kklney and Liver Troubles.aUofor feniale weaknesses.- Philip C. Balloa, M. D., Moukton, vt. "My wifu lias beon much beneflted froni tlie De of KidiicyWort. Slie liad kldney and otheroomplalnts," wriles Kev.A. B.C'oleinan, Fftyettevllle, Tenn. 18 A SURE CURE I for all diaeases of the Kidneys and LIVER It has speciñe action on thls most important orgau, eiiablins it to throw oS torpidity and inaction, Btimulating tho healthy secretion of 1 too Bile, and by keeping tlie bowels in freo condition, efEecting its regular discharge. ' PW - líiríS IfyouareBufferingfrom , ! ÈCJIc!rl(d malaria, havo theehuis, ai-c bilious, dyspoptic, orconatipated, KldnoyWort will surely relieve and quickly cure. I In the Spring to clemmo tile Syotem, every 1 ono shO'iJd takfi a tnorouí,"h courso of it. i SOLD BY DRUCClírrSjPCÍUj "I am a living advocate of tlie virtues of Kldney-Wort. 1 suílered UDtutd axony from liver disorder. It cured ."-Jim. D. Nevius, BprlDgfield, Olilo. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF % COrcSTIPATION. I " Wo other diseaso is so prevatont in this CQ try as Constipatiou, and no romedy has ever - equalled the celebratod Kldney-Wort as a c ; cure. Whatovcr th.o cause, however obstínate L8 (C tho caso, this remedy will overeóme it. u W DBI RíQ THIS distressing O nk0a piaint Ís very apt to be oomplicatedwithcoii3tipatlon. Kidney-Wort " 4, strengthens the weakened parta and quickly m et cures all Icindsof Piles even when physiciana i" a and medicines have before failed. o tlTlf you have eitherof theae troublea "D PRiCe$l. USE DrugglatsSell 'Coustipil.ion, iu a 1 its forme, yields to Kulney-Wort. In feniale diseases it is very succes eu!.1'- Dv. Philip C. Ballou, Monkton, Vt. Apr.. 20-82. cTHE GREAT CURE POB 5 I - R H E ü M A T I S M- i As it is for all the painful diseases of the ¦g L KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. L n It clcanicB the system of the aorid poison Ce that causes the dreadful sufifóring which m 0 ouly the victima of Hheumatism can realize L THOUSANDS OF CASES J of the worst íbrms of thia terrible disease - B have been quickly relieved, and in short time L PERFECTLY CURED. o rnio:, ti. Li(rii)ou bkv. sold iu uuugcists. iir Dr? cau ho seIlt by "lail. 3 w JSL.L3, HICaABDSON & Co. , BurUngton Vt. "I could íldd no reimedy for niy kidney eomplaint and rhtuinatism," writes Mr. A. A. llurr, f Temple'8 MUÍ, Florida, '"untll I wascured by Won," lixposiiru, incident tol niiilieriiig.caused Mi'.liurr's disorders.