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Classified_ad: Something for Everybody

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Something for Everybody, $pad, Mark mi. ko.wardly JDigert, AöHBUBMlA, Mafi., fai. M i';S'' I have been very siek oyer two yeare.aju was gi ven upas past cure. Itricd the mot skillíul physicians, but tliey did nat reacl tlie woistpart. My lungsand heart wouk lili iip every nightand distressJme very bad I told my children I never sliould die ii peaoe until I had tried Hop Bitters. I tooi two bottles. They lielped me very mud indeed. I took two more; and am well Tliere was a lot of dek folks here who sav liow tliey cured me, and tliey used tlien aud are cured, and feel as tliaukful as I do Mrs. Julia G. Cusiung. Battle Ckebk, Mich., Jan. 31, 1880. I have used seven bottles of Hop Bitters which have cured me of a tereré Chronli difflculty of the kidneys.called Briglit's dis ease by the doctors. Kodney PBABSON VValiiesd, Kansas, Dec. 8, 1881 I write to inform you what great relief ] got f rom taking your Hop Bitters. 1 was gufferinc with neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervous debility, and woman's troubles. A lew bottles have entirely cured me, and I ain truly thankful for so good a medicine, Mrs. Mattie Cooper. CedauBatoü, Texas, Oct.28, 1882. I have been bitterly opposed to auy medicine not prescribed by a physician of my clioice. My wife, lifty-six years okl, had come bv degrees of disease to a slow gun down, and doctors failed to benefit her. I got a bottle of Hop Bitters for her, which soon relieved her in many ways. My kidneys were badly affected.and I took twenty doses, and fouud mnch relief. 1 sentto Galveston for more, but word came back,uone in the market, sogreat is the demand; but 1 got soine elsewhere. It has restored both of us to good health, and we are duly grateful. Yours, J. P. Maget. New Bloomfield, Miss., Jan. 2, 1880. Gents - I have been suffering for the last flve years with asevere Itehing all over. I have used up tour bottles of your Hop Bitters and it has done me more ;ood than all the doctors and m dicines that tliey could use on or with me. I ain old and [oor but feel to blessyou for sucii a relief fioin your medicine and torment of the doctors. 1 have had 15 doctors at me. One gave me seven ounces of solution of arsenlc; inolher took four quarts of blood froui me. All they could teil was that it was skin sickness. Now, after these four bottles of your medicine, I am well, and my skin is well, clean and smooth as ever. II. Kuoche. Milton, Del., Feb. 10, 1880. Beingiuduced by a neighbor to try Hop Bitters, I am well pleased with it as a tonic medicine, it having so inuch improved my feeliugs, and benelitted my system, which was very much out of tone caiising great feebleness foi years. Mrs. James Beïts. Ka lamazoo, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. Iknow Hop Bitters will bearrecommeudation honestly. All who use theiii confcr upon them the highost encomiums, and give them credit for makiug cures, all the proprietors claim for them. I have kept them since they were rirst oilered to the public. They took high rank trom the lirst and inaintaiued it, and are morecalled for han allothcrscombined. So long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and uselulness I shall continue to recomnend them- something I nave never be'ore douo with any other patent medicine. J. J. BabcocK, M. 1)., & üruggist. Kaiioka, Mo., Feb. 9, 1880. I purehased five bottles of your Hop Biters of Bishop & Co. last fall.for my daugher who had been sick for eight years,and ain well pleased with the Bitters.' They did ler more good than all the doctors or medicine alie has taken.aud have made her pericclly well and strong. Wm.T. MoClure. Greenwjcii, Feb. 11, 1880, Ifcp Bitter Co : Sirs- I wasgiven up by the doctors to die of scrofulaconsumption. Two bottles of your Bitters cured me. Tliey saved my life, and I am grateful. LeRoy Brrwer. Greenwich, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1881. Hop Bitters are the most valuable medicine I ever knew. I should not have any mother now but for them. Hexry Knapp. Lone Jack, Mo., Sept. 14, 1879. I have been using Hop Bitters, and have ï'i . ui i rj, 1 (, l,,,.,..:i 4.'.. . i & i i"" Licíit ueuem rroin tiieui lor liver and kidney complaint and malarial fever. - 1 liey are superior to all otlier medicines P. M. Barnes. Cleveland, O., Oct. 28, 1879. My better lialf is firnily impressed with the idea that your Hop Bitters is tlie essential thlng to malta life happy. B. Pope, Sec'y PJain Dealer Co. Spbingfield, 111., Sept. 3, 1880. Gents- I have been taking your Hop Bitters and received great help f rom them. 1 willgiveyoumy naineasoneof thecured sufferers. Yours, Mrs. ÏIary F. Starb. Grenada, Miss., Nov. 3, 1879. My daughter, now a young usïng your Hop Bitters, and is greatly pleas¦ ed with the beneticial effects on herself and enitd. D. D. AIoore, Prop'r New Svuth, Sanderton, Pa., Nov. 6, isyy. Dear slr- I have used four bottles of your Hop Bitters, and they have cured me. I hd UiaiThea, dyspepsia,and chronic inflammation or the bowels, and was jriddy in the lieaci and nurvous. Prkd. Thu.vsberger. Paulding, Ohio, Peb. 2, 1880. Gents- Have used two bottles of Hop Bitters in my family, and think them the 'jest medicine ever made. Geo. W. Potter, Banker. Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 31, 1879. Gentlemen- Having been artticted for a nuinber ot years with indigestión and general debihty, by the advice of my doctor I used Hop Bitters, and they affonled me almost instant relief. lam glad to be able to testify in their behalf. Tuos. G. Knox. Itchiug Plles-Symptoms and Cure. Thesymptoms are moisture like perspuation, intense itehing, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seems as f piif-worms were crawling m and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes alVected If il owed to continue serious resulta inay follow. "Swayne's Ointment" is a nleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itcl!, salt rheun. scald head, erysipelas, barbers' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin diseases Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes tor $1.2., (in Stampa). Address, Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold }' Druggists.' i Posiilve cure for Piles. ' To the people of this County we would say we have been given the Agency of Dr. Marchisi's Italian Pile Ointment-emphatleally goaranteed to Cure or money refunded-Internal, External, Blind, Bleed"g or Itching Piles. Prlce 50c. a box I Nocure Nopay. For sale by Eberbach te Son, Drugglsts. ' DYSPEPSIA, í"own byKin-eRiilar a - - . SS' tite, sour bclchïng, weiht o "'llenclernessatpitofstomach.dcsii.ndency LIVER Biliosjn.... Mlr,i, chili, d tl u!m) bottom of. nbs; woariness, irritabilitv kidneys: gjgy'saggaasfe í HEADACHE. S H fitf & ¦ - h 1129-1180