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I swayn? Comrortms p, tho Sik. ThoiigiDKlBdie fioni nepbot i; pioperly treat wwno DIooS, a.msi.ipation, ."l.ep; sla, iif afaiia, Bpopley, v'. k ' baart dita-uw, dnut-y, oil iïjem"iu-ii Kut to iliíi ;lol!littjl !Jtínl".i'd WA c" Berioug íUkle0f, we -on.-f,i.nH.uisly ix-commendSwayn I'''18-" f ('' t:'!" inedlcfual properttM possea-ed by no otüer reajaif. e'H '' "lilil fo.r " ('"t"' box of30 i-ills; 6 boxes. l. (m gtainM). Acidi-ess Dr. 8wayiie&8on, Plillaaelpfila, Pa. Sold by Dru-íjíists. IHAA week ramio at home hï th maut-LriÍHl long. Bad burineM no I tjw pab1 i II lie Capital not needed. We wlll trt I Fvou Men. oniL-u. boys und ílrta I I F wanted evetjwhereto work for u. Non 'FU íd i f the lime. Yon can work ili Hpure ti nc or "ívb your whole time to tlie boelneís. o o 'her t'Uinc wlll pay yon ncarly U well. No one can lail to imite enormollB pay. ly t onceCwtly ouifli and .enna free. Monuy made tmt, easily, and honorably. Addruse Tkl-e Co., Port. land, Maine. OET THE BEST f LEAD ALL OTHEBS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed XJneqixaled FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvsmcnts and Convenienoos found is no ethers. Always Reliable. 'POPULAR EVERYWHERE. ForSalein'Evory City and Ton in tho United State. And by John Pflsterer, Aun Arbor. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases which cauee human suífering result finan derangwment of the stomach, bowels, aiKl liver. Avku's OATHABTXC Pills act directly upon these organs, anti are especially designed to care the distases causöd by their derangemeut, iticluding CoiiKtipHtion, Indigestión, DyspepBla, Hmdache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant reinudy. The extensive use of these Pills by eminent physicians tu regular practico, shows unmistakably the estimaticm in wliich they are held by the medical profession. These Pills are oomponnded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely f ree trom calumel or any other injurious ingrediënt. A Sufferer from Headache wrltes : "Ayer's Pills are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. I have been a sev re sufferer from Headache, and your Pills are the only thlug 1 could look to for relief. One dose wil! quickly move my bowels aaid free my litad from pain. They are tlio most ettective and Ihe easiest physic 1 have ever found. 11 is i pl.-.isuru tt me to Bpeak iu their praise, and 1 Uways do so when occasion offers. W. L. Paoe, of W. I.. Page & Bro." Franklin St., Riohwond, Va., June 3, luw. "I have used Ayer's Pills in numberless instances as reeouuneuded by you, and have never koown thein to fall to acuomplish the desired result. We coiLstantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize tliem as a pleasaut, safe and reliable faniily medicine. FOR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. H 4.VL " Mexia, Texas, ,Iune 17, 1882. The Rev. FbamcIS B. Harlowk, writlng from Atlanta, Ga., says: " For souie yens past I have been subject to coustipatiou, from which in splte of the use of medicines of various kinds, 1 suffered increasiug ineonveniunce, until snme inonUis ago I began taking Ayer's Pii.i.s. Thev have entirely corrected the costive habit, auil have vastly improved my general health." Ayer's Cathabtic Pills correct irregularities of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and digestión, and by their prompt and thorough actlon give tone auii vigor to the whole physical eoouoiny. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, A11 experience tlie wonderful beueflOLD, AND A , cletre:t8Ot Aye" s Sarsaparilla. ARFÍ1 Children wlth Sore Eyes, Sore Ears naLU. or any scrofulous or svphilltic talnt, ' may be made healthy aud strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists ; 81, slx bottles for $g. Couimlssloners' ïïotice. STATEOP MICniQAN.County The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said Coiinty, Commipsioners to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demanda pt all persons aj-ainst the estáte of Jcweph Schnabel, late of said countv, deceased. hereby give notice thatsixmontbs l'rom date are ollowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditore to present their claims agaiiiBt the estáte ol said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of W.H. Uaveuport&Son ui the village of Saline, in said county.on Mouday the twentieth day of Ausjust, and on Monday, thè mneteenth day of November next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, May 19, 1883. WILLIAM H. DAVKNPOKT. I „ JOHN W. IIULL, f Commissioners. 1M8-4 Tfotlce to Credltors. QTATR OP MICHIQAN.County of p ï, . íe 18 llerel)y g'ven, thatby an order of ihe Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, made on the fourteenth day of May, A. D. 1SK). six months from that date were allowed for creditors to pivscnt their claims against the estáte of Olive Jane Winplow, late of said county, decoased.and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to eaid Probale Court, at the 'róbate Offlce,in the city of Anu Arbor.ror examination an? allowai)ce.onorbelorethefourieenth day oi November next, and that sach claims will ba heard before dni Tnesday.thc fourt, enthday ol AuKust l"t ,elne,8d"T. tne fourteenth day ol November da ' 'U the forenooD e=o o' aid Óa'ted, Aun Arbor, May 14th, A. D. 1883 .... ,,„ WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, 1143-1HG Judire of ProDate. Estáte of William Hulbert. gJATEOF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw At a seHslon of the Probate Conrt Cor the Coonty ol Washtenaw holden at the Probate Office, in thl of M?.v iV,a.rbür on Sat"rdtt-. the twelfth daj „J i y,' k .íe year one 'hoimand eiírht hundred In the matter of the estáte oí William Hulbert SmSÜS8?:. fComBtck ""I the adSiinl rator oí eald estáte, comes into courtand rcp; escuta that ílowed ai ? 8U'? "ecount should not b WILLIAM U. HAKRIMAN WM. G. DOTY. Probate ttgdg ' $g% " Comiiiissloners' Notice. 2TATE0F MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw he Probl cecU MBÍS'ml,baviníí ''eou l'P.m elby ueFiobaU-Court tur cai(lcouiity,Ci)mniiii.i)ii#.ii, ,. ¦robtó Coiut, for credltor. to Meéent thIrcl 7 diiist satd cluima. ""¦'''" rcC1-" ''. examine and Dated, Aprll 27. 1883 JAMES B. VANTATTA I WILLIAxM MUhhaY', ' f c"nmssiouer.