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From llie Ilerald A lare number of large tiles were unloaded here. and Ciirted north for tlie use of the "Stockbrklue " raihoad. One evening last week tliieves entered the residence of Jacob Shaver durlnjj tlie fauiily's absence. They eflecled au entmnce by breaking a pane of glass and aising the wlndow. Tbey ransacked the house, but only a silver wátcli is missing. DKXTEK. From the Leader. A Dexter wlieat bliyer is lesponsible for saying tlint red quirrols are "death on rats." M. Jones, of Webster, wliile trying to drive a span of colts, one :i-year-old and the other 4, tlie latter tried to run, but not succeeding, undertook to sit 011 the seat with the driver. In the operation she broke the bujigy tougue and doshjoard. UANCHBSTEB. From the Enterprise. The council voted au appiopriation of $1,500 tor the town hal!, at tlieir meeting last night. John Rensler is building the foundation for a line residence, about tliree miles soutli of this village. The tax paven of this village wlll be taxed oiie-eighth of one per cent. to pav for street work this year. The council authorized the pinchase of caps and rubber capes for eight of the hook and laddf-r company. This is to protect the clothing from the acid in the Babcock extingtiishers. SALINE. In giving a marriage notice the Observer suys : " The printers were made happy by a large supply of the briclal loaf." AVe presume that waM wliat bribed huu to insert the notice. TPSILANTI. From the Commercial. Bishop Iliirris preached au able sermón at St. Luke's, Monday evening. Thirteou parties were conlirmed. The May Festival held at the M. E. Cliurch last week Frklay evening was a grand success. The net receipts were over $90. bTRiKiXG- Mrs. Dunham, teaclier of the First Priinaiy, lias a striking picture of a cow and sucking calf on her blackboard. The cow's tail is representad switched out. 'i'he name of erery tardy pupil is written tor all to see at the end of the cow'e tail. It is rare for a boy or girl to be seen swinging there. From the Ypsilantlan Barnum & Earl have just linished au order for class rings for the secoiid-year studeuts of the Normal. It is said Rev. Dr. Wllson, of this eitv intends holding Episcopal service at Beïlville once in two weeks hereafter. The University Paculty has voted to continue the High School on the diploma list this year. President Angel], in his letter to Superintendent Tutuam, says 'Prof. Langley was much pleased witli your laboratory and chemical work." From the Sentinel. The work of clearing up and gradinothe premises about Cornwell's new house and putting on the finishing touches on the building is going forward, and the whole, wheii done, will present a line appearance.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News