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UET VOLK l'KOl'KKTY ÏNHUKEJ) BY C. II. MXXjXíEXT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldiwt asrency iu the citj. Ftabllbi a quarter ol a centnry a.. Representiug the rolleming int-cUM compaiiiee: Home Inxuranre Co., of N. Y $ ,0 '0. Continental IuurancCo.,ot N. Y 4.807.30 Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,73.) Kli.. Hirird bIHSD0e ('o., eí I'hila í'Viu'-tíli Oriënt Inmnuioe Co., of H.irtiord ríí!M5H Commercial Ui.ion, of I.onrl i. ilïK'XÏ Liverpool, Londn and Globe .n,uuii,uui' BS" KatM Lot. Lomm Uberall! adJnsted and promptij pald C. H. Wíülen. 1141-HBS WKHETICWEDICIHE. 'KBRAIN &NERVE F00d3K? a cure Guaranleed in all Ogei ForOlil and Voiiiig, Male and Fomale. 11AC1SETI U EDICINE ; a Brain and Nopvs Focd Unfaüin? and PositiTO Caro. 'Ionen up ihe d bilitated ysieni, arri'siH all involunlary dUchürtres.removei mental gloom and dcnpundincy nd rís'ores wotu derful power lo the weakcncl orí;. n IXT With carh order lor twelve parkdge, nccinnpanied wilh flve dollars, we will seDd our Gnaranten to relund the moncy il Ihe trealrneni doe" no' effect a cure It is the Cneapeatand Bes; Medicina i" tne market Full particular Ín PíBipWet, uhicli wp ninll free to any iddrew. Sold y all Dniaíisrs, onu packatre M cent; 81x for 8.80, or ient hy malí m rrcelpt ol price, by the MA3HETIC KEDICINE CO., Oetroil. Mlch. uaruntees iar-ned in An" Arbor by C. E. HOLMES, Coofc Hotel Block. 1135-85 OET THE BEST ! LIAD ALL OTHERS! EveryStyle& Price. Guaranteed XJneiinaled FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements ani Conreniences found lo ¦ so others. Aiwaysi Rel Bable. OPULAREVERYWHERE. For Salo in'Every City and Tcwn in the United Statei. And by John Pflsterer, Aun Arbor. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, Trith the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as raay be desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimulates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a 1 .;l i. v Hair Dressing, the Vigor is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Brioher writesfrom Kirbtj, O., July 3, 1882 : " Last fall niy hair oommenoed falling out, and in a short time I became nearlv bald I used part of a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, wlnch stopped the falling of the hair, andstarted a new growth. 1 have now a full head of hair gruwiug vngorousiy, ana am conviuced that but tor the use of your preparatkm I suould have heen entirely bald." J. W. Bowex, proprietor of the ,Vc Arthur (Ohio) Enguirer says : " Aykr's Haik Vioor is a most excellent preparation the hair. I speak oL it trom my own oxperienee. lts use promotes the growth of new liair, and makes it glossy and soft The ioor is also a sure cure for dandruff Kot within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mr. ABODB Fairüairx, leader of the celebrated" Kairbairn Family " of Scottish Vocalist, writes from Boston, Mass., Feb. 6, 188(1 " Ever since my hair hegan to give silvery evidence of the change -Inch fleeting time procmeth, I have used Ayer s.Hair Vioor, and so have beeu able to maintam an appearanceof youthfulness - a matter of considerable consequence to ministers orators, actors, and in fact every one wlio lives in the eyes of the public." Mrs. O. A. Prescott, writing from 18 Elm SU, Clmrlestoum, Mass., April 14. W savs "Tira years ago about two-third of my hair carne off. It thmned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On ujlng Ayhh's Hair Vioor the falling stopped and a new growth commenced, and in about a inonth my head was completely covered with short liair. It has continued to Krow,and Is "j"5" dPa,s,befr t feil. 1 regularly uied bu aneyïta1r.r0esitingy.IOOB' bUt I0W "" "-¦ "We have hnndreds of similar testimoniáis to tha efficacy of Ayer's Hair Vioor. It needs but a trial to conviuce the most skeptical of its value. l'REPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Commissioners' Xotice. 0 TATK OF MICniGAN,County o . v ndcrsigned having been appoiuted by the Probate Court for said Oomny, Commifsioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demande 01 all persona against the estale of Joseph Schnabel late of said countv, deceaed, hereby nve noticè (batsixmontbs from date ar ollowed, by order of iald Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims againet the. eetnte of said deceased, and that they win meet at the „toreof W.U.üavunp ortAisö" n the v.llage of Saline, in uld county.on MoDday! the twentieth day of Auaiist, and on Monday. thè nineteenth day of November next, al ten ?cloS ïi$tZTL7d dliy8' tü receiVK' " Dated, May 111, IHBS WILLIAM H. DaVENPORT l„ JOHN W. nULL, Commineloncr. 1111-47 Order of Publication. (JTATKOF MICHIGAN. Suit pending in ihe O Circuit Court for the County or Waehtenaw. In A D 1S831" rbr' " tha 12th d!iy of JlluedóuSant a PnelPi'coniPlainantvs-Daniel Piielps, aflíuávi!SÓf It0olyAappCarlníí t0 thi9 Collrt y the fr.fn.. ï L .$ e-sious, soltcitor for the comfn thie ckn? lneb?'a ha9 been dlll' Í98U' in tius cauee, and that the same cannot be ¦ v,-j ïï'! ft the reason that he ie nonfrom the date of this order; and in case at his anañtaorhPfs Bon?!," 1m ," 9"kl SïïSStaS ISta dcraïlt }hPif thri.'Sd Dolice of this or in 1 8ntAcansl copy of this order to bc p bliehcd intho Ann Arbor Courier, a public newsnan.r SaldOon PfbheHd ' th'tyPof Ann Á"bS?.P n ai 1 County of Washtenaw, and that euch pnblicaion be continued therein at leaat once in enrh eek for sii successive weeks, or that uhe ransJ :opy of this order to be pereoí aíy "ved " "aid on-reriaent dcfendant at least twont daye before SSJftfiSST für 8aid WS Dated June li'.h, 1883 3nc of the Circuit OWUSSSfSiíSk, ' 1147- Ilij3 Posiilve cure for Piles. To the people of this County we vvotild iay we have been vven tlie Agency of Dr aarohtafsltallan Pile 0ntment-e,n, hxtcally guaranteed to Cure or mo„ey "- anded- Interoal, Esternal, Blind, BleeUngor Itclnng PU Price 50c. a box Dn. FOrSalebyEberbaci;


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