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POLEDO, ANN AUBOR & O. T. R. E. Columbus 'lime. Throilïh timo table In efleot Janusry 2TUi, 1883. oiNo nbhth. corso socaa i i t T 9 S Oí L fc w ft STATIONd. L w & .1.. a a t BIUI'M 8 85AM y Toledo Ar 9 Síah 5 4ÜM 8 18' 8 40 '¦ Manhattan Jet 9 8?" i M ' 6 25 " 8 47 " L Alexis Jnno 9 Í8 " S !l '¦ 7 01 "' 9 29" Monroe Jot 8 41 " 4 61 " 7(6" 9 40 " Dundeo 8 32 ' 4 4J ' 7 16 " 9 64 " Aaailla 8 Í0 ' 4 27 " 7 40 " 10 06 " Mllan 8 05 ' 4 10 " 7 69 " 10 19 " Urania 7 62 " II 67 " 8 05 " 10 25 Plttsflel 1 42 " S 47 " 8 20 " 10 85 " ArAnn VrU 7 80 " 8 35 ' 1 20" 12 3!pm Jackson M. C. ( )i" 9 DO au 107AM 2 15" Battle Creek 3 49 7 ts " 1 65 " 2 66 " Kalamazoo 2 60 " 7 10 7 81 " 4 M" Grand Kaplds 10 40pm 6 ÏO " 6 CO " 10 35am LvAnn Arbor Ar 3 J5pn 7 25" 11 20" ArSouthLyonl-v .....,..„ SN" 12 02PM Howell DfN 2 18" 120" Lansing 1 eo " 8 05" Ionln 1116AM 5 04' Krirnore ..'. 9 10' 6 40 ' BI Raplds ... 7 2) " 4 45" Howard Uttr 9 25" 4 15AM PetoskerOKi 105" 7 00 ' Mackinaw City 9 &0PM Comiectlona. - At Toledo withraiireadsdlverging: at Aloxis wllh Canada Southern, Ij. 8. M. 8., and F. t P. M It'y's; at Hanlmltau June, vrlth WheelI11K & Lako Erie 11. R. ; ut Monroe Jet. wlth L. S. & M. 8 ; at l')undee with j 8. & M. 8.; at Milan wlth W. Bt.L. & P. R'y; at PlttsHeld wlth L. 8. M. S ; at Ann Arbor witb Michigan Cen R'y; at South JLyon wlth Detroit, I.ansing & Northern R'y. II. W. A8HUEY, Snp't W. H. Bkvnett. Gen'l Pas. Airent. TC1ORT WATNK JAÜK.8ON R. R. Detroit and Indianapolis Line. By Michigan Oentral Railroad irom Ann Arbor to Jaokson. Traína leavo Ann A rbor as follow: lndlnnapolü) Expreis 8 40 a ni Ft Wayno Acoomodatloa 5 22 p m Clnolnnetl Bxpreas 11 17 p m All traína lea ve by Chicago time. Procure tlolret at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. D rOODFOltU, Oen'l Bup't. 'TtBw'i;rI"ACinÑAT& íüCkCivÉrvÉ iírT 'J January, 15, 1883. Pioneer East and West Line Throngh the Upper Península of Michigan, 240 Miles Shofterbetween all eastern and norihwostem polnts vla Detroit, end 311 Miles Shorter via Port Huron to Montreal and all pofnta In Cánida, etc. BA8T. riTATIONB WETr. 9 IS A. s. I, Marquette A. 4 3a p m. 10 41 " Onota 8 18 " 11 ?0 " Au Trin J 4s " 12 10 v. Jl MUDlslns 3 00 " 2 20 " Soney. 12 15 " 3 00 " McMlilm 1115 a. m 3 30 " DoUarvllle 10 50 " s SS " ...Newberry 10 30 " 7 00 " A St. Ignaos L 7 30 " VIA il. O, R. I{. 7 10 A.M Bayülty 9 45 p. 11 8 57 ' Lapcer Junct.... 7 21 " 10 li " Port Hurón 4 16 " 7 58 " BaglnawClty.... 8 30 10 35 " Lmtlng 5 35 " 11 43 " Jackson 4 15 ' 1125 " Detroit 5 Cu " VIA a. R. & I R. R. 1 00 p. m Grand Kapldn.... 6 15 " 2 67 " KalamM-io a 26 " Connecttons are made at BT. IONA-'K wlth: Tbe Mlohlgan Central railroad fr Detroit and all polnts In Michigan and In the east, soutb an BoutheasL Train leavo Macklntc City 8:30 a m acd 9:30 p. m. The Orand Raplds 4 Indiana R. E. lor Grand llaplds. Fort Wayne and tho soulh and easi. Leav ing Macklnac Citynt 9:50 p. m. üonneetlODS made at MARQUETTE wlth The Marquettc, Hougbtsn Ontonagon railroad for the Iron and Copper distrtcts. Throngh tickets on sale at Uarquetto and 8t Ignaceand nt all polnts In the Northern Península Aleo tickets to Enropean porta by all principa! line at Gen'l Pas?, A gec t's office For Information as to passenger and f reight ratos spply to office of General Frelght and Passenger Agent. Tralns dally eicept Bunday. D. McOOL, 3T.ANK MILLIQAN, Gn'l Sup't. Gen'l Frt. &Pass. At, Marquette, Mlch. Marquette, Mlch. VÏICHIGAN CKNTUAli RAILROAD. Time Table, Nov. 12, 1882. OOpQwisT. """ilillllílliHllil All. A.M. P. U. P. M. P. M. P. M A. M, Betrolf . . Lr 7 OU S 85 6 55 4 05 8 00 9 50 4 00 G. T. Jane... 7 16 9 66 ti 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 WajneJunc. 7 55 10 24 6 4! 4 46 8 45 10 40 4 44 rpsllantl.... 8 23 10 48 7 05 6 05 9 08 11 OS 5 05 Ann Arbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 5 22 0 25 11 17 6 19 Dexter 9 C8 .... T 48 5 30 9 4i .... 6 86 Chelsea 9?o... . 8 05 6 52 10 00 . 5 50 GTassLske.. 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 80 .... 6 13 P. M A. M. Jackson June 10 10 8Í5 6 38 Jaobson 10 20 12 15 d 6 55 11 06 12 45 7 02 Alblon 11 0J 12 60 - 7 4! 11 56 1 2Ï 7 42 Marthall .... 11 60 1308 8 OS 12 20 1 43 8 06 P.M. Battle Crcek. 12 19 1 65 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 82 A.M. t. Qalestmrg. . 12 63 . . . . i. IL 9 15 117 „,. 9 00 Ealamaioo.. 1 13 2 36 4 60 9 85 1 SS 2 46 9 18 Lawton 152 5 26 2 13 9 50 Decatnr. ... 2 07 6 42 2 32 ... 1005 Dowagtae... 2 2',i 6 07 .... J 67 ...1027 Nlles 2 65 4 04 6 50 8 27 4 IE 10 52 Buchanan . . 8 08 7 02 8 42 11 06 ThreeOaks.. 8 58 7 27 4 12 ... 1182 NewliuCTalo. 8 53 4 62 7 40 4 35 1145 Mlch. City.... 4 23 6 18 8 08 ... 6 03 5 28 P. M. Lato 6 13 6 02 8 54 6 51 0 18 105 Knlngon. . 6Í0 6 60 9 45 6 40 7 10 2 00 t'htCTgo..Ar 6 50 7 40 10 35 7 80 8 10 2 50 ooraa kast. PH 1 - BTAI1ON8. y ï gáll SÍ Á ? ?l $ï$ U U i AM. A. M. P. M. p. IJ, p. M. P.M. ChtoKO. ..L,v 6 45 9 00 3 40 5 15 9 10 3 30 Kenslngton . 7 36 a f 0 4 30 6 00 10 CO 4 2J Lake 8 17 10 27 5 13 6 50 10 40 Mlch. Cltr. ¦ 6 03 1113 6 00 ... 7 36 1138 sV) Now Iluffalo. 9 JI 1133 6 25 1166 Three Oaka. . 9 42 6 40 A.M Buchanan... 10 30 p. M. 7 00 12 82 Nlles 10 16 12 18 7 87 9 00 12 45 BÏ7 Dowagtao... 1168 8 06 1 la xjv n ugiav ... 11 uu .... J vu Í X Decatur ... U 18 .... 8 33 187 Lawton 11 3S 8 68 1 4S P. M. A.M. Kalamasoo.. IJ 19 138 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 30 7 Galenbura . . 13 33 .... Pá 7 08 BattleOreek 103 2 15 J 7 38 11 OS 3 20 8 1 Marshall .. 1 50 3 00 % S 8 OU 11 33 3 46 8 36 Alblon 2 13 3 21 ; 8 SI 11 15 4 12 A.M. A.M jACksoa...Lv 8 0Í 4 05 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 0 28 CJrr.s Lnko. . 3 32 ... T J8 9 5J 5 26 O'hclsea. 8 5S .... 7 60 10 07 .... 550 Dexter 4 15 . 8 08 10 19 .... C 05 Ann Arbor.. 4 87 5 OT 8 26I0S4 2 05 C 86 10 26 465 6 2S 8 43 10 4Í 2 20 6411041 WajneJunc. 6 20 5 45 it OS 11 08 2 44 7 0') (}, T. Jnnc.. 6 00 6 16 9 411186 3 50 7 46 112 Detroit 6 Ui 6 30 10 00 1160 3 85 8 O0J1 4 Sundajr exeepted. iiaturdvy A Sunday" tUally. I eicepted. O. W. RUGGLES, H. B. LKCYABD, ' O. P. T. A., Chieag. Om. Smp'i, Delroü. W.H H. Boylaa Co., PAINTERS and Tellers tn French, American & Plate Glass. Sign Writing, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Frescoing, etc. lUJain it, 2ad Floor, Tteïmain, Insurance Agency orno örer Casper Rtosey's öroeery Store, OÖR. IIÜRON AMD PO0ETH ST, North Ihitish Ingurance Comp'j (Ot London and Edinburg) OtpiUl 18,000,000, Qoid. Detroit Ftoe and Marine Ins. Co. Ctaih Assett f600,000 SpHngfieiaing.compjy of Mass# C8h Aïseto. . . .100,000. Howard Ins. Co., of Kew ïork, Omh Aets....100,000. Asrifultural InBurimce Comp'j WAXEBIOVm. . . MBWX08K, cwiABMfa. - ,4.nmfioo. SaSiJRKSlltSfliiatidjiltpnjinpU pan.


Ann Arbor Courier
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