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nUnfaiung r ForailSkinV f BEMCDYL SUCHAS DISEASESJ ItETTER.ITCH. SORES. PIMPLES, ƒ yERYSIPELAS WRING WOIWV 7HE GROtfURE FOR IÏÏM6PILES fiymptoras are moisture, etinging, 1 1 ¦ hm „:, worsc at night; teems aa if pin-worme wera crawling about the rectum; the private parts are often affected. As a ploaaant, economical and positiva cure, Swayni's Ointmint ii superior to any article in the market. Sold by druggiats, or aend 50 ets. in S-ct. Stampa. 3 Buxe, $1.25. Addrew, Da. S wat nk & Son, Plu la., P 1120-1180 AYER'S Sarsaparilla ooms Klii-muut hm, Neuralgia, Rhcumatic Oomé, General Debility, Catarrh, and all ftnlan mse4 by a ttiin and inipoveriaheá, or omptftd, conditiou of thu blod; exiolltng Xhe Mú-pfcons front the systein, enrichiitg and rensvtug the blood, aud restoring its vitalizing pwflv. Dovéms a long period of unparallaled usefulrees, Atbr's Sarsai-ahilla bas proven its perfect adaptation to tbe cure of all diseases ortginatluy in poor blood and a weakened vitality. Jt is a hlghly eonc0tratel extract of Saraaparilla and othor blood-ptirlfyin root 8, comblned willi Iodide of rotii-inin and Iron, auil is tbe safest, most reliable, and most economical blood-imritior and bloud-lood tbat can t"' uaed. Inflammatory Khnnnat i-io Cured. "Aveu's BARSAPABllJLá bJM nred me of the InflHintnatory iCheumatisni, witli whloh 1 have öuüered for inaiiy years. V. II. IfiOOliB. Iturliain, Ia., March '1, 1882. "Eight years ago I had an attaok of Rhoninntism so si-vere tliat 1 couM not move f rom tb bed, or drese, without belp. 1 tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I took Avüí's Saksapakilla, by the use of two buttles of which I was eompletely cured. I have not been troubled with tbe Kbeumatism since. Hav sold hirce quantitiea of your Saiísai-akilla, and it still retains itswonderful popularity. The niiuiy notable cureB it haa effectod in tliis vioinity conviuce me that it ie the best blood medicine ever oiftveri totlie public. K. F. Hahkih." Itiver öt.t Buckland, Mass., May 13, 1883. " Iast ]Iarch T was so weak from general debility Üiat I could not walk without help. FolLowinfl Uie advice of a friend, 1 coinineiiced taking Aviat's Sarsapabili.a, aud before 1 had usea tli ree bottles I feit aswell as I everdidinmylife. 1 have beeu at work now for two months, and tliink your Sahsatakilla the creatost blood uifdicine in the world. James MATKAED." 20 West i2d St., New York, July li, IS'-'. Aver's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Couiplaints, KrysipelUH, Eczema, Kingworm, ISlotches, Sores, Bolls, 'luiiu)H,uid Eruptionnof the Skin. Itctears the biod of all ünpurities, aids digestiou, -tin. latea tfce actin of the bowels, and thus restores vitality aud strengtheos the whole system. PKBPABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggisU; price $1, tU buitk; 96.


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