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Simmons Liver Regulator

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- - -"- - "g For Dyspcpsia, Pll -J Kick Headache, y yjSfV vhcoa, Jaundice, ' )B8 JJ y I M 11 . w ST'ie, Malaria, VlXf ¦_ gil Jfty and all Diseasca -".'"" A caused by Dcrangciucnt of Liver, Iiowels and Iiidnoys. TÏS? 9 A DISEASKD Lrv'ER. liad Brcath ¦ Pain in the Side, somctimes the P 1S ' nd" tha Shouldor-blade, mistaken fo? Rhcumatism; general loss of appetite; BoweU generalij costive, omttime, alternating with lav the heaa b troubled with pain, s dull Ind heavy" with considerable loss of memory, accompaniid w,thapamfulSensatu.nofleavmgu,doneSomethh2 which oughfto have been done; a slight, dry couKK and flushed face is sometimos an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patiënt complaiiu of wearmess and debility ; ncn-ous, er.sily startlcd ¦ _ ioet cold or burning, sometimes a priokly sensatio of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent ancl, altnough satisfied that exercise wotild be benefidal, yet one can hardiy sammon up fortitudc to try it- ia tact, distrusts every remeuy. K-veral of the above symptoms attend the disease, bat cajes have occurred when but few of ihem existed, yet examination after death has shown the Li ver to have been cxtensively dcranged. It should be used Ty all persons, old and youngr, wlienercr any of the above symptoms appear. Persons TraveUncr or Living in Uuhea thy LoeaUtieHAy taking a dolé ÓccasTona y to keep the Liver m healthy action, wlll avold all Malaria, BIUous attack's, Diz2iness, N sea DrowsincM, Depression of Spirits, etc It w.ll lavigorate hkc a glass of winc, but ís no intoxicatlllü birrrn " iess at night, uke a close and you will be relieved. Timo and Doctora' Bills will bo saved by alway tecping tho Regulator in the IIousc! lor, whatever the ailmcnt may bc, ¦ thorouehll safe purgative, alterativo and toaic caí never be out of place. The remody is liarmleH picare D lnterfcro business o" A l t,IT Y F UKELT VEGETABLE And has all the power and efficacy of Calóme! or Qumine, Without any of the injurióos after effects! A GovernoV's Testlmony. bimmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for somt time, and I am satisficd it is a valuable addition to the mcdiral science. J. Gill Shübteb, Governor of Ala. Hon. Aloxaniler H. Stepliens, of Ga., says : Have denved same benefit from the use of furtherTriaV1" ReLu!at3r' and wish t0 S'va it a Rël(.nliyhTIllnE:Jthat neTer fa" JJCIJove. -I have used mr.ny remedies for Dy. peps.a L.ver Affection and fcebility, but nev have found anything to benefit me to the extern nZTT r Rg"tor has. I sent from MinS e?rSa for it, and would send further for üfrW ïedlc'ne' a"?d W-J'd vhe M who are s!mllarly affected to givc it a trial as t seenu the only thmg that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannet, Minr.eapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Masón saj-s : From actual expenen m the ,; of Sim.-rins Liver Redíate "n my praaice I have been ar.d am satisfied to use and It as a purgative medicino. fi@="Take th Genuino, which always has on the W rapper the red Z Tradc-Mark and Signature of J. n. ZEILIN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL_DRUGGISTS. The only known speclüc ior Epileptic Fits. "QJ Also for Spasma and Falling Slcknesa. Nervous "Wcakness it instantly relieves and cures. Clcanses blood and quickens sluggtsh circolatlon. NoutraIizes genns of dlsease and saves síckness. Cures [A SKEPTIC SflID] gly blotchcs and stubborn blood sores. Elimlnatea olls, Carbuncles and Scalds. CPermanently and iromptly cures paralysls. Yes, it Is a charming and icalthf ui Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Kvll, win brothers. Changos bad brcath to eood, remoTIng the cause. Eouts blllous tendencies and makes clear complexión. Equalled by none in the delirium of fevcr. A charming resolvent and a matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the -wind. tyContains no drastic cathanlc or oplates. lïellevcs ETHE GREflTJ jÑfElBfvfEjCCOWlQlUER[ORD tbo brain of morbid f uncios. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it. Kestores life-glvlng propcrtle8 to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. LFEeliablo when all opiates f all. Ee. freshes the mind and lnvigoratee the body. Curei dyspepsla or money ref unded. LlNlElVlElRÏFWSP DIseasesof theblood ownltaconqueror. Endorscd innTltlngby over flfty thousand leadlng citizens, clergymen and pliyslclans In U. S. and Europe. t3"For salo by all leadlng drufjgists. $1.50. (13) For Testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. Tha Dr.S. A. Richmond Med Co. St. Joseph, Mo. HALL'S gatarrh Pure Wo manufactur and sell itwitha positivo guarantee that It will cure any 02180 and wowill forfeil tho above axuuuut iritfaiisin a single instance, Itia unliko any othcr Catarrh remedy, a is taken irtternally. actlng upon th BlOOd. H you arf'troubUdirMthls distresslng disea3e,8sk yourDruggistforit.and ACCIPT NO 1MITATIOHI OS SDECTITOTE. It he nas not got it, eend to u and we wlll ibrwarii Iniiaedlatcly. Prico, 75 cents por bottla. F. J. CHEMEY & CO., Toledo. Ohia, U82-I183 For sale by Eberbach & Soa AYER'S Agne Cure ¦ ¦ i i s .111 antidoto for all malarlal dJfrordera whloll, so far as known, Is uaed in no other remedy. It contalns no Quinine, nor any minera] nor dcleterious substaoco whateyer, and cousequcntly produces no injuriou effect ujioii the conatltution, bnt leave th rtem m liealthy as it was beíoro tbo attok. WE WAERANT ATEE'S AGÜE CUBE lo curo cvcry caso of Fover and Asme, InUrinltteilt or CW1I Fevor, Eemittent FeTer, lniiub Agne, Iülious Fevor, and Livr Com[ilalnt causee! by malaria. Ín oate of fallur, aíter due trial, dealers aro autboriied, byour circular dated July lst, 18S2, to rofund tho moilííy. Dr.J.C.Ayep&CoLoweJi.Mass. Sold by all Druggists.