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eidedVJ M 3t0U Cil'Cuit COUrt has Jeciueu tiiat Mre. Mason, wife of Sere-pant Ma The jury in the star ronta trial smrators. Iiut that was not all ; tóey must X" toundconspiracj and oue overt act thevsliniilïl you find conspiracy aud "" overt act and no eonspiraev. A verdict n n iUym a general verdict ta thaf way A verdict of not euOty of course covers the' Whole ground, and that is the rule as to the houtf nUmbt'r Of tbe defendanta iïh "ñotfuiltv'' JUryt,m.ay haTO concluded that not KUilty" was their own easiest way out. of the tanele. Wheu the verdict was anLou"ccd Mmer and Vaile feil upon each other's npoks and wept tears of joy, but Dor. ey and Bradv werepl,legmaticanl immovable as farasout Zf ri ?PPearances were concerned, and "Í ceived the announcement that made them free SSS f„ e.xtrao-dtaary serenity. The miserÏÏJ18 cn,Jcl after many months, and SSnd2d'Wn?0pCOple'8 m0Dey ha8been The commission appointed to investígate the alleged smuegling of Chinese women of Bntish Co umbia has submitted a report, from wÈfcb tf, appears that the praetice wa Lolapg.altbOUgh tÜerC b Judge William ïïtley, who, it will be remembered, a short time aeo entered sult against Dorsey of star route fame, for personal assauit, bas just died in Washington Judge Baiiia WaS at ne tim Uaittd Sta'es consul "¦ Word has been received at the Indian bureau tLat the Cree Indians of Canada are ftboutto come into Uncle Sam's territorv for the purpose of blood-ehed. The Hill invesügation is in progresa in t !Ph 'íDf ?nú In tbe one case of tbe PstofHce ï-m ,'Jj.deIph!a " has beeu sbown that over f oüü,(XK) were unüeeessaiily expended There are otlier numerous ustances of frauds, and mattors look dark ior Mr. Hill. Brmly, he of star-route fame, had just been acquitted of one charge, when anothi-r indictmeut was filed agaiaet him for fraud and corruption in connection with a mail coatract in Mexico. Mary Uemruer.ono of the most widely known newspaper correspondente in Washington is about to be married to a man some 15 yeare her .iunior. Rerdell, a star-router, but whose trial bad nOt taken place, in view of the verdict of the jury that none of thfl men were euilty was ordercd to appear in court, and change his plea from "gulltj to "uot guilty." It is stated at the Bureau of Interna] Revcnue that the work of eancelling stamps ïmprmted on cheeks, etc, t 111 be completad soon, aud that the check" books will be returned to the ownera before July 1. For the week June 16, 193.499 sllvcr dollars were issued from the United States mines. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Evans is making some radical changes in that Uepartment. lic has already removed several of the most trusted and competent agents of the service, and supplied the vancancies by the appolntmeut of his personal friends. Three of the men appointed by Evans were diseharged by i,x-commissiom.r Kaum for negiect of duty. The Court of Commissioners of Alab&ma Claims has decided that subjecte of Great liritaiu residinje at the time wlthin th United States and 6ailing on the high seas under the protection ef its flag, were embraccd within the beneficial provisions of the two acta establisking and re-establishing the Oourt of Commissiuucrs of Alabama Claims on an equal footing with all other resident alions. GENERAL ITEMS. Chinese firms are buying up lare quantities of real estáte iu British Columbia and proposo to erect exieiisive business housrs. The celestials propose to monopoli.e the tradc in Chiuese aud Japanese goods, dow sliared with eastern Canada, on the completion of the Canadian Paciüc rallway. The governor of Pennsylvania has slgnctl the bill to abolish the contract syatem in orisons and reformator' institutions. At the coreuionios attending the dedication of a soldiers' rnonumejt at Mystic Briage, Conn., while a ealute w:is being ({red, cighteen members of the local posts of the G. A. K. were seriously injured by the premature discharge of a eannon. Capt. Webb, the noted English swimmer, has arrived in this country, and proposes ti) swim uic wmripool rapids oí the Niágara river. a feat liever aceomplished, though frequently uudertakcn by dariug adventurers. The United States district court at Austiu, Tcias, has diclared tlie civil riglits act of 1S75 unconstitutioual. The case was that of Laars Evans agaiust the Houstan and Texas Central for $500 dainages for being excltided from a ladies' car on that road Yonng Nutt, who shot Dukes, liis father's murderer, at Uniontown, Pa., will be tried in September. His crime is not a bailable one, and he will have to renudn in jail until that time. He has tliu sjmpathy of all in hls misfortune, and it is not at all probable tbat if his case ever comeE to trial he will be convietcd. Already there is strong talk of circulating a petition for his temporary release. The Harper high license bilí has passed both houses of the Illinois legislaturc and been signed by the governor. Oiie of the most novel and interestiiig entcrprlses ever planned, has iiist been broughtto light; viz: a proposed poeuniatie pipe line a thousand miles long, byj which pareéis will be carried írom Chicago to New York in four hours. The projectors of the enterprise say theuecessary capital has already been piedged. If the scheme is carried out a great savine not only of time but of moner wlll be effeeted. it is intended to send letters, simples of and otherlight pareéis. Bishop Spaulding of Teoria confirms the report that the Catholic arehbishops of the Uuited States have been summoned to meet at Konic utxt fall to arrange for a plenary couuell to be held in America for the contideration of ccclestical affairs strictlv. Chicago's board of trado was stunncd and theuplungedinto wild excitement by the failure of the great lard iirm of McUeoch, Everiugham & Co. This firm's losses on lard alone amount to $1,000,000, and lts total loss to about 1,500,000. Variuus other concerns are badly crippled. The price of July lard droppt-dfrom $11 32í to Í9, but later was worked up to $9 80. The press dispatches state that the ruinous break in prlces is attributed purely to speculation, and is nscribcd bv no one to any cause save that an effort was made to maintain the prices to a high pitch by speculative methods. ïlic body of N. T. Dukes, the man who eaused so mueh sorrow and blood-shed in Uniontown, Pa., has been buried, and all that was mortal of the man is now hidden f rom i sight. Though only one mourner- the aged I mother - followed him to his last resting place, 1 mSUSC!'-o7dKatheredtowitn!S ie ceremonies, whichwere short, though yery affectJal has just been issued by which it is learned that the insnlvpnt Augustiniau society of Lawrcnce Mass Most of the depositara wcre laboring people JonrnTf W-,Sheanan' On3 f the ablos journalist in this country is doad. He was fo ChieoTHouU61 Cdltr'aI "" the Major Nickerson, the army official rhti,aJ;ennf10 uhurricaii passed over t atliam, Ont., the other day, arrying away ,1 „,?ll"aytbr1idgC over the Thames riverrand crÓnfgrs VnagC t0 trees and Srowine crops. Several persons were seriously Ten different suits have boen combythl Km ï,halfKOt those .ustalncd ZZ in n?1'? Howate was recently seen red hlir ÍnHnS CleíerIí toed in dcd fiery tó havo h -A gvernment oiflccr is roportcd urn not CatcS hun; a rai road "accident " enn retnrneJ toTv UDt addS that be has already CRIME c3' hpDMk,0S who shot and killed A, C. Nutt in Uniontown, Pa., a few months ago, was shot a few days ago by James Nutt, a son of Capt Nutt. The young man who thus summarily ayenged his father dfaFh is but 20 j cars old, and always coneidered a quiet death and the circumstanees attending it, together with the thouht that Dukcs his murderer was now freé, eo preveel nícm h mind, that he was led 'to comrnit tKeed stülfreshin the micds of all. Dukes was engaged to Miss Lizzie Nutt. But he had Vestioned her chastity and written letters to her ather who m response to an invitation f rom Dukes had gone to the latters room to talk thé matter over, when Dukee deliberatelv shot the atherof young; Nutt. Dukes was" arrested tned and aequitted. Great indigaation wa avehUear" "iC A dastardly triple murder occurred at Kockfprd, Ala., ou the 13th inst. A neirro named James Corbin cntered the house oí Benjamin Carden ana shot him while ]jMng n bed. His wifcandson interfered, and thev were mslantly shot. The muroer was withoSt provocation, Carden and his fami] beinè the most peaeeful and law-ablding eitlzens ogf íhe Jordau Corbin, the negro who so brutally murdered Benj. Carden, at Rockford, Ala and seriously iujured the wife and son úf he nurdered man, has sinee been eaptured He was put iu jail but Ín a íew hours after his arLÏÏ!K bis ceI1 hy au iníuriatea Rev. J. Lañe Borden, President of M?„ y;fíic]d tmale eoBege, loeated at Mansíu-Id La., was murdered bv theRev Ben Jenluus, íi. a few days ago, Jenkins accued JeOnrkfnsíamiirÍnS & " Mcnd POLITICAL The Ohio greenback labor party asBembled in convention in Columbuson thel3tli inst,, and adopted a platform cbarging botn pat partiesivith bribry and eorruptiol, wth fostenng monopolists, aud with abuse of the taxlug power. They demand a substitutie of legal tender paper money for the present moner, favor postal telegraohy, condein the extortioDate rates demandeJ by railroads de mand the abolition of the conyict contract sts tem aiid a reformation in the temperanee cause 1 hc foHowing ticket was nominated : For gover nor, Charles Jenkins of lieutenant governor, William Baker of Lickiui 6uprem, judge, short term, H. A. Chamberla'n of YnoZ suprenie judge, long term, James R. Grogan of üentz, Franklin; attorney general, Lloyd G Tuttle, Lake; auditor, Col. 5. H. Rodes, San! dusky; treasurer, John áeitz, Sénecacommissioner of public schools, l M. CaTe' JohTcSr'xu1:0"080118' v ,Í ,V ,10 stalc Prol bition convention he,d In Columbus on the Hth inst. ivas the largrst and most cntbusiastlc convention ever held by t.hat party in Ohio. ConEidering the many phases of the quee tion involved the convention was rcmarkably harmonious. The prohibltionists endorse tlie natioual platform adopted at Chicago last year, denounc ! p7rs,m al hberty as advoeatcd by the Demócrata, and the pohcy of taxatton embodied in the muchtalked of Scott and Pond laws, condemn the taxation prqposition of t),e constituMonal amendment, and favor the adoption of a pro' hibitory clause, and urge the value of education of the young upon this all important cuestión of temperance. The ticket uomiuated was as f ollows : Governor, Ferdinaud Sehu-nacher Summit county ; Lieutenant Governor II t' Ugden, Harailton county; Su reme Jiidee (short term) i , B C. Payne,' Fraiiklln eountf! SupremeJudge (long term), D. C. Montpomery, Knox eountv ; Clerk Supreme Court, J H Beachford Prebfe county; Attorney General, J. W. Roseborough, Fulton county ; Auditor oí State, (ier?ham Lease, Hardin couutv Treas urer of State, V. M. Whiting, HurolfeounSState Coniinissioner of Common Schools H A PmÜh'u' bFra,nk'ia?ounty ; Member Board of Public orks, G. . Cruzer, Hardin county. TUE NEW UAMI'SIIIIIB SENAT0U8HIP. " Tlie New Hampshire legislature be19th inst Sevcn candidatos were voted for on the hrst ballot taken in the Senate, and eight in House Rollins receiving the highest vote in both Houses By a vote of 13 to 10 the Sen! ate decided to elect but one Senator this ses6lon. A dispatch from Shanghai says the situation in China is becoming very serieus, and ÏSund that"dtye aro 8tatloned The czar has cornrmited the death mentIforife.nUmberf nihi!fststo imPon Great excitement was caused in Cairo t.gypt, on account of the conversión of a youne Mahometan by an American missionarv Th? excitement was so intense that the voung convert had to be sent to Cyprus for safety. The trial of the dynamite conspirators at London is endcd Of the defeudints, Dr Gallagher Wilson, Whitehcad and Curtin were found guilty and were senteneed to penal servitude for Ufe; while Ansburgh ancÏBernard Gallaser wcre foun not guifty and dfseharg ed. Mr. Mathinson, counsel for Bernard Gallagher, ventured the statement "that píou Texisted in America for the manufacture of dvnamite for use against England, almost wlth the conuiTance of the American gövernmcnt '" but beingrebuked by Justice ColerWgc, h wH drew the statement. In charginl the iurv Justice Coleridge faid the case walnst Vr Thomas Gallagher, Whitehead and WUson was stronger than against the others. He declarcd that the assertion that the nitro-elycerine wa ble. No legitímate trader would have carried it about London as it had been carried. The Freneh village of Valloirs has been entirely destroyed by firc, the inhabitants barely escaping wlth their lives. Nearly all of their live stock was destroyed. Many commumties in Enrfaml protegí against therlgid enforcement of lawa fo the exclusión of American cattle. Various places in Eucador have suf fercdscverelyfromcarthquakaB, and a repetí' tion of the catastropbc of 1867 U feaivd lüe Insh informers aro said to fear assaseination by a secret society. Li Hung Chnng.militarv coinmandor IT luVvill not declare wa"r gainst S snscsü Essr so'diers c ¦i . ¦


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