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The Greatest Show On Earth

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-¦?-.- f - TTIÊ-riTIEID ZiVEOHSTSTIEüR, SHOTlïariuiui. Bnlley and IIiilcliitiMHi, - Sole wn'r$3.000.000 Represented. S4.8OO Daily Expensas. More than the enilre receipts of any OtllW lu the United States. AN1TARB0R, TTTrriï1 5ñ S ATT7RD AT, J U JN üi WÜ 2 ENORMOUS MHNACéRIES UNDER TWO TENTS 2 HPPODROME IN NEARLY HALF-MILE TRiCK I MUSEUM OF LIVING CURIOSITIES 3 CIRCUSES IN THREE RINCS 3 I HUCE ELEVATED STACE, 6Ox8O FEET FOR OLYMPIAN CAMES, 0 FOREVER UNITED SHOWS. CP Xot tnerely an Exliibiiion, Uut au Institution of the Land. BEHOLD ITS MOUNTA!N-HICH FEATURE PYRAMID ! ¦ e si 5b ik The Pride of ilie Britlh Hcari. Tlie hiíII II gcttl Elcplinnl i Matod r wlialever i-in or out f Captirity. III upllfted fe B irmik iia.h.-. upward 36 feel. Hl welght Í mar IO tens! His Iiciglit is beyond belief! p 9 Ui- Olant rtrlde i over onc rod. TiílTTTlT "H Giraffes in Hnrness and Groupcs, 32 Camels, 2 Giant I LI I U Dronieüarles, 0 White Mecca and 4 Nubian Racers.Giattt I Jjlj Rliinoceros, only 2-Horned Rhinoceros, only true Nile w Hipuopotamus, only Nyl Ghau, Sea Lions, 6 Giant Babboons, C Educateil Kangaroos, 7 Dens of Trained Wild ¦ ¦¦ii ¦ nnntn Beasts, of Tigeis. Lions, Panthers, Jaguers, Leopards, ¦ I I I I G kind of Bears, Cougars, Hyenas, etc, with teachers II m 1 1 II 1 II I H :l1111 trainers among them, and a Transparent (il.ASS I 1 II Ij CAR OF SERPENTS AND FEMALE HINDOO JIUIIIIUIjHIIj SNAKE CHARMER IN FULL VIEW, besides 30 GAGES OF RARE WILD ANIMALS! AND EVERY CAGE A CARVED CHARIOT, Which tliere is no space to catalogue. MENAGERIES OF LOOSE AND LED ANIMALS, Nubian Long-Horned Cattle, African Klanda, Llamas, Guanacos, Sacred Cow and Buil, White Buflalo, Bisons, Yak, Moose, Elks, Red Deer, only Zebras ever broke to work in liarness, and an endless list of rare sights and more than are owned by all other Shows on this Continent lf put together. _ O Zulu Warriors. with Princess and Baby ; 13 Nubians, Pajran?, 1 I -- „ -,.„ Mohammedans, Nomads, and Arabs of the Desert; Australian II lf 11 ï fin LVuinibals, Black Trackers, or Trailers; Boorneranur Throwers, n U A II r Bllshmen' Wilil Beast Hunters with Sticks in their Nosen; Tribe I lf I I II I 1 1 11 ot Sioux Indian Warriors, Cow Boys frotu the Plains, Mexican VJiX I lijn. UU Vlcuros, etc. The whole in Characteristic Scènes, War Dances, Strange Ceremonies and Natural Groupes. 33 GOLDEN TABLEAU CARDS 33 Sania CIBUI in UU I rij Sieigh wiili Reindeer Team. The Old Woincii wlio Lived in a Slioc, and Ciiidcrella's l'airy Cliariut in Free Full View. Tw""H-irN T rtmiT More Men, Woinen, Children, Horses, Chnriots, I! I !-¦" JHi I W Lairs' Loose Wild Trained Animáis, Fine A" Jtifc J&. JL. liarness, Jeweled and Gold-trimmed Wardrobe, Roman Glint and Glamour, Conntng Surprises, T A T Ik TT7I Sun-eclipsing Magniiicence, Daxzling Gorgeousfr %_ ƒ¦% ! 3 J"j '"'" :""' Matc!lless Splendor than all the' other "" "¦' " Shows in America coinbined can produce. Prom the Grounds Daily at 8:30 A. M. A1TI1Í HITfllUITil Goshen, the 8-Foot Giant. Little People, Dogfaced II II I W 11 I ï I 11 Man' Wikl 1SIel1 of Bonico, Aztees, Last of the III II II 11 I II Moutezluas' W'UGirl, Circassians, Fat Women & UllÜ I UI U ijiHJlll 1,000 WONDERFULandCURIOUS FREAKS. 61 1 People. :tl2 Uranglit Stock. 100 Race and Ring Homes. IO Pealea and Jeruzalem Donkc] s. 5 ar in 4 Train. Ak the Station Agent. 1 n TTTiTTin nn ïmnm SBra"sBa(l. One Reed Bnnd. Lite arnl Drum IV K Ui IH IVI I 1 X I ?'"" Calllope. Hcoteh Iiag Pipers. 7-Ootave L M lIJu UT lf II 11 Ml Hlllmf ?.fI3ellK Mechanica! Colijo Band and -Li-I li-XxlJJIj Ui 1I1UU1U Uraud Me'.ochor Oigan. 80 Acts at Every Performance. Only Three Ring Circus, with Ncarly 300 Performers. Only Huge Ele vated Stage, 00x80 feet. Only Original Clowns and Popular "DiKÏcs," and all the Great Sensations of the whole exliibiüon-world worth ¦eeinff. Lm-gest Tents ever built; nearly 600,000 Square Yards of Material, and coveiing 8 Acres of 0 round. ¦arw m tx rand Fint Race. Ladies' Ilurdle Race. Roraau Slandlns IFl 1 TVi LX HU -HorseChariot Race. Mau agalnst Homo Race. Pony AVVlUXLll witli Moukey Rlrters Race, Professional Foot Race. Obstacle Race. Camel Race. Wheelbarrow Race. Back Race. Ladle1 Foot Race. Liberty Race. Steeplechase Race Indlau Life with 3 Jk flT'C! Tribe of Sioux Warriors. Nubians, Zuliis, Austrullans, Cow JCfcj ¦% % i Fj Boys, Mexican Vlcaros, and full utrength of the Company In tlie Most Ueulistlc Spectacle ever seeu on earth. Only exhihition which the moral classes delight to patronize. More tone and respectability than any other. lts people are better behaved and dressed, even the supernumeraries wear button-hole bunquete in their lappels. Every Feature. Acl, Animal or Individual Adrertlsed Posillvelr Exhiblted. Try t flud soniethiiif,' advertiscd wliicli we do uot exhlbit, uiid teil us about It. We spccially Invite Crltlclsm. The Afternoon Performances are as perfect and enjoyable as those givcn in the Evening, and aflbrd an oppnrttinlty for uged people, ladies and children to avoid the treniendous crowds late in the day. Every Railroad run cheap rate Kxcursion Triiins to every Exhibition. For tlie comfort of IIiomc wlio desire to avoid tlie rrowda on llic grounds COITPO IK lilis CiOOD FOR RESERVED l BERI I ílilics. can be purchacd at the UNiial ¦ i - ii i udt'ance at BLISS9 JEAJTELRY STORE OSl THE I,V FOR I illltl I F O!LY. Positively no Free Tickets given away. 20,000 Seats. General Admlsfiion 50 Cents, (liildren onder }ears, 25 Cents. Keserved N mulo-red Chaira, extra. Two Performances every day. üoors open at 1 and 7. Perforuiauce cummeuces at 2 and P. M. LANSING, FridayTune 29. DETROIT, Monday, July 2.