The High School

The twenty-fourth clags to graduate from the city High School received their diplomas, Friday morning on the platform of the M, E. Churcli. The room was filled with the friends of the graduates and of the school. Fourteen speakers relieved themselves of their ideas of how the world might be improved, and how good or bad it was now or had been. The crowded state of our columns this week prevents our giving a detailed notice of the speeches, so we can only refer to the best ones: Mabel Beal, Ellen Freuauff, Louise Loving, Gustave Schlotterbeck and Ada Upson. These excelled In clearness of delivery, and In perspicuity of tuought aml style. The class, which numbers llfty, s somewhat smaller than usual and are divided among the courses as follows: Classical course- Frank E. Beeman, Kiite A. Gleason, Charles D. Hieley, Win A. Huwkes, Satia J. Hyde, Flora M. PoN ter, Gustave W. Schlotterbeck, Ada L, UpSOD. LatÃn course-Mabel R. Beal, Erama E. Beers, Helen M. Dawson, Sarah A. Graham, Satia .1. Hyde, Annia C. Krause, Louise L. Loving, Robert W. Moore, Wm. Mltcliell, Manon Peer, Mary A Hich"L? Edward Taylor, AHce B Wheeler. English course- Willard E. Ames, Jas. L Blufee, Blanche G. Hayden, Lillie J Hicks, Auderson H. Hopkins, Frank D Jenks, Myron W, Mills, John E. Mills! Jennie M. Shadford, E. Lyuian White. Scientific(oins(- KittieE. Barnes, Eva A. Beal, Charles F. Beek with, Seward W. Cramer, Anna M. Frothingham, Ellen C Frueautl, Alired W. Huteel, Nellie a". Platt, Charles H. Webster. Engineering course- Lincoln F. Buzzard, Wm. U. Condon. Charles V. Di.on Malnor A. Shuinard, Earl P. Wetmore. Commercial course- Merritt W. Blake Uonnell T. Davenport, Grant G. Fisk, inosS. Harndon, Elliot A. Upson
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Seward Cramer
Louise Loving Roberts
Anna M. Frothingham