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-i.-i.min i nu n -¦'¦-- GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHEKS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guarantced TJnequaled FOR OPERATION, ECONOMYj DURABIUTY and WORKMANSHIP. Imprevements and Conveniences found in , no others. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Kor Salo in Every City and Town In the United State.. And by Jolin l'llstciw. Aun Arbor. iElil! An Interna! Kemody and aSUEE CUSE lor all kinds t RHEÜMATIC COMPLAINTS gjjTHERLANb bHEJJMTINE Jf you are suffer ing f rom Külliï (JOMPIAINTS! Give HHKUMATiXKafair triai. You will never regret hftVlng done so. Fruin Mr. ..S. WISNER, of J. Wisner &. Son, Manu iacturers of Agncultural Implements. Hrantford.Ont.. July 28. 1S80 J. N. Sutherland.lïsq : Dear Str- I tnink pleasurc n I e irini; testimnny to the efficacy of your Khcu m Una L,;ist spiinji I was completcly (Usabled wit! Rheumatfsm. and trled vnrious rt-medies, baths &C and tinally heard of your cure I purchased ant usedliirce bottles of it, and it eflected a complete cure, tbr I liuve not luid a return of" ihe disease smee W. S. W1SNSR See our Change of Testimoniáis every week in Daily Papers. NOLI) BV ALL. DBtrCtCtMTS. Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michigan, MESSES. SWIFT & DODDS. 1U2-11ü: Estáte of Fraiiklin S. Hemliiyway. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, üouniy 01 Washtenaw.Bn At a BMrtOn of thu Probate Cüurt for the County oi Waehteuaw, holden at the Probatfl Üfllce. in Ihe City of Ann Arbor, on Tuetday,the nine-teenthday ol June in the year one thousand cight hundred aud eiyuty-three. Present, Wihiam D. Uarrlman, .Iiidge ol Probate. In the matterof the estáte of FrnnklinS.HeminKway, deceased. B. L. Hubert executor of the last will and testament of .-aid deceased, comes Into court and represent? tbat lie Ís now prepared to render his flnal accouut ae such executor. Thereupon It is ordered. that Tuesday, the seventeeuth day of Jüly next, at ten u'clock i the forenoon, be ass.'ued tor examining and allowine such account, and that the devisees, leñatees ana heirs at law of said doceased, and all other persons interested ín said estáte, are required to appear at a seesion ol sald court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol' Ann Arbor, in said connty, and show cause, 1 any there be, why the aaid account should not be .llowed. And it is Turther ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, ol the pendeney of s.iid account, and the hearing thereol, by canwBg a copy of this order to be published iu theAuu Arbor Courieiñ newspaper priuted and circulatinií in said county, tbree successive weeks previous to sairt day orhearinu. (Atruecopy.) WILLIAM i). HAURIMAN, Judge ol' Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 11JS 1151 Order of Publi'cation. (JTTEOF MICHIGAN. Suit pending in the n Circuit Court for the (ïounty nf Washtenxw in Chaucery. ai Ann Arbor, on the 12th day ol' June, A. D. 18S3. Magdalena Phclu'.complalnantvs. Daniel PLelps, defendant. It Hatisf;:ct(irfly appearit,Lr to this Coart by the aftldaiit ol J. C A. Se-sions, soljcitor for the complainant. that tlie subpn'ua has been dnly issued In this cause, and that the same cinnot be served upon said detWidant for the reúnen that he isanonresident of this late : On motton of J. (J. A. Sesslons, solicitor forcomplainant, it ie ordered, that the defendant, Daniel Phelps, causu hip appearance in lliis cause to be entered within lour montbs from the date of this order ; and in case of his appearance he cause his answer to the complainant's mil of coiuplaint to be tiled in thi cause, and a copv thereot to be served on the solicitor for the complainant, within twenly days alter the service ol a copy ol' said bil! on said non-n-sident delendant or his solicitor. and nolice of this order or iu defaultthireol', that the said bilí be taken ás contessed liy the said non-residcnt defendant. And it is further ordered, that within twenty days alter the dnte of this order the said comulamant cause ¦ co;:y of this order to be pulilished Ín ihe Ann Arbor Coniier, a public uewspapi r print.d and published at the city of Aun Arbor in sald County of Wushtenaw, and thatsuch publ'icatlon be c.mtinned thurein at least once in each week for híx successive weekí, or that she cause a copy of this order to be ui-rsoually s rved on said non reidt¦ut defendant at least twentj days lieforu the time proscrib.-d for suid defendaufo aiipearaur:e in this canse. Dated June l:h, 1S. , . PATRKK MoKKRNAN, Oue of thc Circuit Ccurt Conuntanlunen iu and lor Washtenaw Connty, Michlmn J. A. SKSSIONS, Hol citor lor Complainant 1147-1153 Chuncery Sale. In ptirsuanee and by virtue of a decree of the Clroult Court of the United Btatea for the Kastern Distriot of Michigan, In equity lnild J entered upon theyth day oí kpm A. U„ li:. In a eer tal o cause therelli pending, whereiii Lynian D. James is oom pial uant, and Thomas K. Leonard, Laura A.Leonard, 1 liornas II. Geer, and Henry Mathews are defeudiints, notice is herehy glveu that n Saturday. the lllh day of August, A. D 1K.S.5, at two o'clock iu the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Uourt House iu ïhe city of Anu Arbor, CMunty of Washteilaw and btate ol Michigan, I shall sell at public aurtion.tothehighest bidder, all those certaln pieees or pareéis of laudsituated In the city of Auu Arbor, Connty of Washtenaw aml State of Michigan, described aitolfSS? to wit: Lot mini lier tour (4) In Block number three M) east ; also the west half ol Lot three 8) in sald Kloek one(l) soulh ol Huroa Street n Hange three (3) east, exceptlug uine (j leet in width by seventy-two (72, herelofore sold and iracy W. Root. otr and Hom ihe northeast corner ol said west half of sald lol, acíítv Hf I"" riic?rtlei1 I)lHt of the vlllat-e, now city of Aun Arbor, Ut;etlier wltli the tcnenients, heredltaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Tliat Iu and by the deeieealoresaid there Is lound due and a lien upon the property above descrlbed the suin pt elghleen thousaud eight hundred and Zl ih Liï-n xte,e'1-OI'e-liundredtn8 dol?,L i?' , lt'100).a'ul Int8t thereon from the 12ih dayol Kebruary, 18SÍ ; that sixteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-sï" and nlutyoue one-hundredlhs dollars (Í16826.91-1U0) „f 8aid a.uount bears iStoSS at therate of ten (10) per cent. per aniuimthat nmeteeu hundred and Qloty.four a cl wïf nty-flve. 'e-''und edths dolíais ( !iyi "-,. 100) dollars bears Interest at the rale of seve i ou!,tcr; Lnrt„SS5Sd 1LJSLL said Iota, and nineteen hundred aml n,.tv "SaSSfiSV1 i Ukoeok W. Hadkokd.' Solicltor for Complalnant Hli.MtY M. OAMPBELL lus 54Stei' ln ulllll"--'''y. i