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The G.A.R. post have decided not to go to Toledo the 4th. Couipimy A expect to curry 5ö muskets to Toledo Wednesday. Il, costs $30U.0U lor Speil Ui furnish the music l'or the week. Tuesday a German exciirsion came up trom Toledo and pionicetl In Relief Park. Xot mucli wool coinés i for 28 or 30 cents and wliat does ippear is not tirst grade. The Presbyterianchurcu had Children's dy exercises last Sunday with a sermón and short speeches. Tlieclass of six whicli graduated from the Dexter High School was in town Saturday to have their pictures taken. llon. J. Witter Baxter and Levi Barbour of the State board of charities yesterday visited the county house and jail. Tlie star route between here and Hamburg luis been sub-let to Mr. Snow ot Ann Arbor. who begins tocarry the mails July lat. „___ Tlie house of Mis. Belir on William street has been rented for a term of years by Mr. Hinry 1Í. Morse, a lamber dealer of Alpena. Tlie green-houses and the flower beds no.v look loiiesiime and demoralized. Coinmencemeiits are fatal to tlie floral beauties. Soiiicbody lias sent the editor of the Manchester Enterprise a bnncli of oranje blossoms. As he is a married man we wonder wliat is np. Have you seen Amos ? We do not mean a-nios-quito hut Dr. Amos who is happy at being presented with á flne set of surgieal instniments bj' Dr. Breakey. We were misinformed last week in the name of the person who built Mis. Mariott's bain in Lodi. lt should have been Gcorge Jacobus instead of Geo. Morwlck. J. J. Parshall of the town of Ann Arbor had forty sheep killed by dogs Wednesday nigbt. The dogs evidently could not wait until Commencement day for their sheep-skins. The pilgrimage of the Knights to Ypsilanti to attend services on St. John's day was participated in by about fifty of the Cominaudery. They were well entertained by the resident mernbers. At the election of Otseningo Lol;e. I. O. O. F. Tuesday evening on election of offleers resulted as follows : John AVahr, X. G.; G. N. Miller, V. G.; I. O. Walker, Ree. Sec; Chase Dow, F. S.; C. J. Durheiin, treasuror. A ïuimber of our citizens are going to Toledo on the glorious Fourth to see the laying of the corner stone of the Soldiers' memorial building, the military and Knight Templar review and sham battle and the Cre-works. The Toledo road runs excursión traius and makes the fare from here $1.13. ?- The Detroit Evening News, Monday eveniog had tbla bit oí pleasaut news : ÏJie Tabernacle M. E. church in their appreciation of their pastor, Rev. Dr. John Alabaster, Lave tried to retain liim by advancing his salary to $3,000, but Dr. A. still thinks it best to accept the cali to Iuiliiinapolis tendered sorae montlis ago. The Indiiinapolis church offers liim $3,0U0 and a furnished parsonage. Tlie peal of bells was runj out Wednesday afternoon from the tower of the library. TUey are p.iesented by Jacob J. Hagerman of Milwaukee, Edwin C. Hegeler, of Lasalle, 111., and President And re W White of Cornell. President Angell at the Alumni dinner gave a hint that they were atended for a clock, but that had not yet been provided for by any onc. 'l'lie funeral of George C. Mogk yesterday was atended by the G. A. R. Post of the city. He served in the army as a First I.icutenant in the First Infantry, entering May l, 1801, and belng mustered out Sept. 2G, 130-1. August JO, 1362, at Bull Run he was taken prison r and afterwards exctianged. He then was made a captain. Ho Was a shoemaker, and has been in the BlBploy of Mr. Foster for soine years. The American Association for the advaiicement of Science holds its thirtyKoond animal meeting in Minneapolis, August 1 5-2 1 . Prof. De Volsen Wood of Hoboken, formerly in the U. of M. is the Tice president of mechanical soience, and Prof V. J. Beal of Lansing of biology. rol. J. w. Langley is secrutary of cliemistry and Prof. C. K. Wead, of physics. Prof. Winchell was a vice president oí the last meeting,