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site wUnfailing f t ForailSkinV I REMEDY SUCHAS DlSEASESl ItEUER-ITCH. SOBES. PIMPLES, ƒ' ERY5IPELAS.4 WRING WORMj THE GREAIfUREFOR WÉG PILES Symptome are moisture, stinginp, i tchinjr, worse at nigbt; Bocms :t3 if pin-worms were crawling about the rectum ; tbc private parts are often affected. As a pleasant, economical and positivo cure, Swayne's Ointment is superior to any article in the inarkct. Sold ly druggiats, or send 5ü ets. in S-ct. Stampa 3 Boxei, $1.25. Address, Da. Swayne & Son, Pbila., Pa USO Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tho TCev. Z. r. Wilds, wrll-knovrn city missionary in Nnv York, jmd brother of the late eminent Jullie Wild, of the MiiSHiuhusetts Supreme Court, write ns fbllowai "78 E. bith SI., Kern Ym-k, Mutj IC, 1S2. Mi:ssi!s. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Gentlemen : Last winter 1 was tronbled wlth a most niioonifortable Helling humor affeotlng more espeotallj my limbs, which Itobed fo Intolerably at nlgbt, and bornea so Intensely, that 1 eould Bonroely bear any clotliing over théni. 1 was also a BuSerer f rom a severe catarrli and catarrhal omigli ; niy appetite waspoor, and niysystoin a good deal run down. Knowing the value of AYEK's Sahsai-akili.a, by observation of many other cases.and froni pirsonal nse in tormer yean, I lii'g.-iii taking it for tlie abovt'-named dlBorden. M.v appetite improveil almost f rom tlie tirst dose. Alter a short time the f ever and itchlng were aliayed, .inl all signs of lrrttationof tlioskindisappeared. My catarrh mui cimgh were also cureil by llit: same means, and my genera] health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a lmndred per cent stronger, and 1 attribule these resaltó to the use of the Saksai-auilla, wnieli I reeominend with all oonfldenee as the best blood medicina ever devlsed. 1 took it in small doses tliree times a day, and wed. In all, less t han two bottles, I place these (acts at your service, hoping thcir publicalioit may 1" good. Yours ïtspectiully, Z. P. Wilds." The above iiistance is bt one of the many constantly coming to our notiee, -whicb prove the perfect adaptability of Aveu's Sai:s.u'Aiii[.u to the cnre of all diseases arising from impureur iu, poverishcd blood, and a veakened vualily. Ayer's Sarsaparüla cleanses, enriches, and Btrengtlienfl tho blood, stimulates the action of the stoinach and bowels, andthereby enables tho system lo resist and overeóme the attacksof all Srrofulous Diseases, F.nqitions of the Skiii, RheumatUm, i'ntdn-It, General Dtbiiitij, and all disorders resnlting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of tbc lyptOSb PKEI'AKKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Suld by all Druggists; price SI, .ix bottles for S3. -Best Purgative Medicine - cure Coustipation, Indigestión, Headache, and all Büious Disorders. Solil everywhirt!, Alwii} reliable.