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Rheumatic Syrup

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The Createst Blood Purifier Known! A positlYe curo for RHEUMAT1SM, In all lt varlous forms, vtz.: 0HBONI0, ACUTB, 1NFLAMMATORY, SCIATICA, and MUSCULAR RHBUMATI8M, NEURALGIA and GOUT. An lnfalllble remedj for 11 dleoes of the 8KIN nnd BLOOD, such hs TKTTKU, niNGWOUM, I5RYSÍPELAS, SALT RHKL'M, 8CROFULA, PIMPLES, BLOTCIIES, &c, &c. It restores the dlsoased LI VKR nnd KIDNEYS to hoalthy action, and dlssolves and eipel from tho blood 11 the ACRID POISON or "URATE OF LIME" contalned therein, whlob Is tlie solo causo of all RHEUMATIC and NEURALGIC PAINS. Manufactured by RHEÜMATIC SYlltJPiCO., ROCHESTER N. Y. For sale everywliere. Send for circular. Rheumalio Byrup Co.: Butler, N. Y., March 10, 1882. Gents- I take this opportur ity to oxpress my gratituilo for what your Rheumatic Syrup has done for me. Af tor suflering over one year w!th tlui rheumatism in my shoulder, so I could hardly ffet my coat on without help, a friendinducodme to.try one bottle of Rheumatic Syrup. Af ter taking it I could seo such a decided ehange tliat I continued its use a short time and it cured me. DANIEL ROE.