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-00222 _. Éor Dyspopsia, ÁfJYTh V fV9 S të xü ' ostlvc ii c s s, MgklLaiJgpSii-k Ueatlacho, li7 i5? ff "T :ir.:ï uil Oiseases g- VT cnused hy Derangement of Uver, líov.cls aud Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A BISEA3KD IJVER. Bad Brcath ; Pain in the Side, sometimos the pain is feit under the Shouldcr-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appetitc ; Bowels generally costive, sometimos aiterD&Uñg with lax; the head is troublcd WÏtta pain, is dull and heavy, with. considerable loss of memory, accompanied with apainfulsensationof lavingundoncsomething which oughfto have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an aitendant, ofun mistaken for consumption; the p.uient complain of wearincss and debility ; nervous, ensily srartled; fect cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensatie of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satis lied that exercise would nc benoficial, yet one can hardly summon up foriitude to try it - Ín fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the dïsease, but cases have .occurrea when but few of them existed, yej examinarían after death has shown the Liver te have been cxtensively deranged. It shoulrt 1)0 used by all persons, o UI and young, v. henevcr any of the abcve symptoms appear. Persons Travellnj; or Living in Unhcalthy Localitles, by taking a dosc occasionally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avold all Malaria, Bilious attaeks, Dlzzineu, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dopressíon of Spirits, etc. It will inviiiate likea glas.s of winc, but is 110 intoxicatiug beverac. If Toxi have oaten anything hard ol digestión, or'feel heavy after mcals, or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will bc rcüeved. Time and Doctors' Rllls will bo saved by always keeping tlio Regulator in tho Houso 1 For, whatcver the ailment may be, a thoroughlj safe purgativo, alterativo and toiíío crxa never De out of place. The remedy i iiarnalesfl and does nof interfero with business or pleasure. IT IS PCEELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and cfñ of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the njurious aftcr effecu. A GovernoV's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in ifte in my family for some time, and I sm satisticd it is valuaUe addition to the medical science. J. Gill SiiOKrnp, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stophens, of Ga., says : Have derived sme benent f rom the ue cf Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a furthcr trial. "Xlio only Thing that never fails to Ilelicve." - I have used niany remedies for Dyv pepsia, Liver AfTcction and Debility, but never nave found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send furiher for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly aflêcted to give it a trial as it scems the only thing that never faíis to relieve. P. M. Ja:-.'ney, Minneapolis, Miïin. Dr. T. IV. Mason saj's : From actual experience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. JTake only the Genuine, which nlways has on the Wrappcr ihe red Z'k and Signatura of J. IT. ZEILIN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Tlic only known speciüc for Epileptlc Fits. "CD Also for Spasms and Fiüling Sickuess. Kervons Wcakness it instantly relieves and cures. Cleanses blood and quickens &lu&glsli clrcolatlon. Keutrallzes gemis of dlsease and sayes eickness. Cures [QCEPTIC SAIDJ ugly Motclies and stubbom blood sores. Ellmlnates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds. pp-Pennanontly and promptly cures pnralysis. Ycs, ifisa channlng and hcalthful Aperient. Kills Scroiula and Klngs Erll, twin brothers. Cbanges bad brcath to good,LemoTIng the causo. Houts billoos tendeucles and make clear complexión. Equallcd by none in the delirium of fever. A cbarming resolvent and a matchlcss laxatlve. It drives Slck Headaclio llke the wind. "Contalns no drastic catharticor oplateo. Eellevo (THE GREflT] CHElRfyEXcÏQlMlQlUlElROlRp the braln of morbld f ancles. Tromptly cures Bheumatlsm by routing It. Restores lif e-glving propertlcs to the blood. Is guaranteod to cure all nervous disorders. iyReliable -w-hen all oplates f all. Re. fresnos the mlnd and inylgoratcs the body. Curc dyspcpsla or money ref unded. ClNlElYlElBÏFlAÜlLlsEl Diseascs oí tho blood own it a conqueror. Endprsed inwritlnKly over flity thousand leading cltlzens, clergi-men and puyalclans fn V. S. and Europc. [STor sale by all leading drugglsts. Í1.50. (13) For Testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. Ths Dr.S. A. fiichmond Metí Go. St. JosBph.Mo. HA LUS CméCe is Recommeñded by SIQOmVARDIiUMigS We manufacture andíellitwitha positiva cuarantce that It will cure any case, and wowill forfeit the abovümouut ifitiaüsin singlo instance. Itis unlike any otnei Catarrh romedy, aa itia taken internally, actlrgupon thO blOOd. lf you ai' troublcdwiih thia distressing diooase.ask yourDruggiit font, and ACCEPT NO 1BITATI0 Oli SrUCTITDÏK. It IJ bas not gat it, send to us and wo will forffara inirnediately. l'rice, 75 cpnts per bottle. F. 1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0h0. 1132-1183 For sale by Eberbach & on AYER'S Agne Cure COlltains an antidoto for all malarlal disorders whlcll, BO far as known, is used in no i ther rcincdy. It contato no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deloterioua substanco -nliatei r, and consequently produces noinjurious effect ujion tho consUtutlon, but levcs tho tem ns hcaltliy as it was beforeJie attack. WE WARRANT AYEE'S AGÜE CUEE to cure every case of Fever and Age, Intermitida or Chili Fever, llemittont Fever, Dumo Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Complalnt caused by malaria. Iu case of failuro, aftcr duo trial, doulcrs are autborized, byour circular dated July lst, 1SS2, to refund Uw money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowelJ,Mass. SüldliyallDrusgists.