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A huiro pcütion signed by lawyers, oetors, divines and business men general ly as been 6igned at Ypsilanti asking tíie presient to rebútate l'ostmaster Clinton Spencer L tUat city. agaiust whom a charge of defalcaon is pending in the court. Prof. Kstabrook, President of Olivet ollege and Mrs. Hicock of Charlotte, were ïarried at tbat place a few daye ago. Newaygo is making vigoróos prepartions for rceoycry and iniprovementrfrom the ecent iire. Fire llmits have been establishcd. Vin. L'ourtiight has contrectoil for the Imildng of a line briek hotel on tho or the. oid rooka house, tba new foundation for the irse house, and waltiag for the iirstsiipplv of lick from the ncw yard just beginning" to lanufacture. Preparatlons are for ew brick buildings over ueavly the whóle of ie burut district. A Maeomb coniity Methodist minister ias been arrested for assault and battery.' Mackinaw is more popular this year s a suminer resort Una ever before. Ai'thur Slinohoff and Jack Phelps aived thi'ir examination on the charge of lurdering Martin Bropliy at Otvosso, on the ight oí June 18, and were bound over to the djourned term of the circuit court, which sits uly 9. E. M. Hawley, propnetor of the Cenal house in Hastias; feil down stairs the ther niglit and broke "his neck. Mr. Hawley vas for many years a resident of Charlotte. The clerk's ollice in Jackson is heing eflttredfor the. flrst time in raany years. It is numerously reportèd tliat a tele;ra,ph operator in one of the northeru counties, laving trained an assistant so he thought he ould be trusted to do business, went off on a eek's vacation, leaving his voung wife at ïome. Ileacliing Grand Rapids'he telegraphed ack to his trustiug spouse: "Here I am, ïaviug a high old time with Elton." (Elton sa brother-in-law.) The boy left in charge rote out tlie message and took it to the wife nis: "'ilere I am, haviug a high old time ith Ellen." The awfulness of the subsequent iroceediugs is too sacred for newspapcr comnent. A rnurderous attack was made upn a young man named Judd Marb'.e of Big iapids, by Eli Turner, a laborer. Marble was taudiug on the sidewalk in Upper Big Rapids, alklng with Mis. Turner, when Turner apiroached from behind and struck Marble a earful bjow with a large stone on the left emple, feiling him to the ground uncongcious. 'urner ran but was captured and jailed. Marie was taken to a hotel and his recovcry is oabtful. The heavy raius of the last few days ïave done great damage to railroad tracks in arious parts of the state. Petrina Anderson, the Grand Hapids ittle glrl who hs.d a leg taken off by being run ver by a train on the Chicago and West Mlchan railroad a few weeks ago, is slowJv recoyring from the cffects of her injuries, and will O! n be able to get arouud on one leg and wbat remains of the other. It is said that the liild's father has offred to tak(! $5,000 froin ,he railroad company in full settlement. Nearly all of the milis about 15ay City and the Saginaws have Ehut down on account of high water. Battle Creek's taxable property for his year amounts to $3,105,98, an increase of ;To,808 over laRt year. A largo addition lately built to the Fenton building in Fliut feil the other day. "ortuuat.ely no one was in the building at the ime, but a number of persons who were near he wall8 at, the time had a narrow escape for !heir Uves. It ih supposed that the. eitremely wet weather that wc have been having the ast few weeks undermiued the walls and :aused the accident. The residents of Genoa. Livingstoae Co are in a rather unhappy predicament just now by reason of the postoffice being dlseontinued for want of one to act as postmaster he retiring oilicial claiming it did notpay, anii, hereforc, their maüs are very frequently carriedto Howell and sometimt-s ïeturned to Detroit, thus keeping mail on the rorul for eight or ten days. The little viihige of Gaylord in Oslcgo countv, is fairly 'booming. ïwo new lown halls re beinsr built. A new saw mil i-, being erected besk'lcs business blocks and dwellings innumerable. Gaylord is the highest point in Michigau, bciug 984 feet above Bay City, and henee is healthy. H:v. John llussell, a ivell-known Ie nterance worker and Methodist minister of th!s state, WOO has been in the upoer prninsuhi or several year?, will shortly return to lus old home in Detroit. The Michigan legislative excursión throueh the upper península starts August 15, ei v rTg irom points on the Michigan Central a„d (fran.l ltapids & indiana rairoade, rendevouiug at the Straits of Mackinac, probablv Those receiving invitations aud accept toi" the same are requested to notify Lieut. (?v M S. Crosby, at (irand Rapids, by letter, as sson as possible, giving narnes and the munter of lidies who will accompany tliem, and saying which road Uey will take. Tickets ' atoe eard will then be forwarded. AU íx ens'séxcepttransportationwill be borne by the indiv duale composing the excursión party, ieu (ov. Crosbv, Wm. P. lnnes, and Secret ary of State HarrV A. Conant, are the committeeol arrangemenls. Another stabbing affray oecurred at Grand Rapids the other day which will probablT resulf fatally. A fpñg " " SL there ís' bare possibility that the young man nay recover Tecmniseh has a building boom and reports a brighter business outlook thau for several years past. _ Mrs Elizaboth Noble lias obtained.a „idL'nu'nt for583 and coste againstthe city of T!:e case was tried iu the United btates uis trïctcourt. A court house is being built at Omer.. the county seat of the new countv of Arenac. From all over the state come reporta of high water and consequent damas.-. At ?,' i laven Grand river has reached aheigbt lodgeJ, and will not be worth cutüng. i- il llieklev & Co.'s dry doek at yaeIanrtseol?wastlln.ri1CdCthercunder. Others escaped by jumping tato ÖW lake. Hobert Campbell, an mght-year old severe wh ;P" P' tnKJnc 'östrander, is ducc such a eerious effect. AtSmith's Crossing, g3 sa?inaw and Midland one gggj- fs'shc says, "he treatcd lier K L Mrs. MeKeuzie probabably win tcluv keiwieescapedtothewoods. 0W,000 feet of lumber. down the flooded river from the two Saginaws and tow them into position over the sites of the principal Bay City streets, where they are anchored to settle into place when the irater goes dowu eix or eight f iet; and rumor says that (irand Haven is organizing a gang to plav the same game on Grand Raplds. A Germán named Matliias BuchfcrjSr mer committed suicide in gaginaw City by tïrst trymg to cut his tliroat and Uien hanging hlmsclf. He was undoubtedly insane. Hay City aocidents:- Wm. II. Blodgett, a brakcinau on the Detroit and ISay City railroad, whose home was at Mungtr's station, attcmpted to board a movire englné at liay City and, missing his hold, feil under the driving-wheels and was cruslwrl to rteath. lleorge f.inkmr, whcclsman of tb steam barge II. t. llulibell. trled to walk on "the booinstick from tlie barge to where a line was fastened, to loose it. He süppcd off into the river and before asBlstanee could reacb Mm was drowued. Ho halled from Sandus!y, ()., and was 25 years o!l. m lunitorr iharkicts. Detroit, July 2, 1883. Wueat- The m.irket is intber uusettled, aad for the most part has a downward tcudeney, thougli it id hard to dcline any particular positiou as prices are so flUCtaatlng. Kor to-day the quofationa are as tollows : No. 1 white, ít 00M1 0:3; No. 2 white, 91@93; No. 8 white. T.ÍB; Ited, $1 08@l OSK Flouií- The market li steady and unchanged. Dealers claim to have no inlention of lowering tlie priees at present. Jobbing rates are quotod as follows : Mich white w heat, low grados $:! 50(4 00 Micli white wheat, common (V4 75 Mkh white wheat, cholee 5 Ü0(n) Mich white wheat, roller procese 5 50(ár 75 Micb white wheat, patents (5 50@l 75 Minn. bakers' s 6 00g0 25 Minn. patents ". 7 50((tü 00 Kye (H 00 Corn - Has moved rather freely durini the weck just closed, and prieea rather in advarce of those offered the proceeding week. Prices range from 50 to 54 cents. Oats- The demand is moderate and fully suppüed at from 35 to 37 cents. I'iiovisroNS - Detroit mjss pork, $18@1S 50; family pork, $19@10 50; clear pork, $2ü' 50(321 lard in tierecs ü%@10c ; in half hbls. 10@l 0c ; iopails, llííll%e; hams, 1313'4'c; Bhoulders, !)@!)}o ; dried beef, 15@15'4c; bacon, 12Ji@l3c; extra messbeelílS 50@13. I.IVE STOCK. Cattle. - The market is rather dul), and the run llght. Prices have declined somewhat.and to-day stand as follows : Fair shipping steers, $4 75@5 25; good butchers, $4 50@4 75; medium, 4@4 50; eonmion, $3@4. Hoos. - Offcrings are very few, and priees remain aliout tl;e same. Sales of conirnon to good mixed paekiug and shiping erades of hogs at $5 70@6; good to cholee heavv lots of paekiug and shipping hoss at $0@0 25; light and bacon grade" aé $5 75@0 30 ; skips and ulls, Í4@5 90 Shesp.- No ehange in the sheep market has CCnicpvitcdfor eacprfll ñny P lwu ""' rom $3 50 to Í4 B0. Clover Seed, bu 7 00 @ 8 25 ApplCB, V bbl M 25 $ 3 50 Dried Ápples, 1b S@ 8Ji Peaehes 15 (W lfi Cherries J5 ( 16 Buttcr, %) 1I 14 @ 15 Eegs 15 Drcssed Chickcns 14 @ 15 Dressed Turkeys 10 @ 1? Geese 11 è 13 Ducks 13 @ l1 Cheest V @ K Potatoes, old $) bu 25 @ 30 Votatocs, new, f bbl 2 25 @ 9 50 lloney 18 M 30 tieans, pieKed 2 10 Q 2 In Beans, unpicked 1 00 (g 1 50 Hay 9 0001400 Straw 7 00 7 50


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