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An enterprisiiig dentist liangs 'out the alluring holiday tnnouncenient : "Have your teeth pulled out lor a Christinas present.1'- Hawkeyo. A Life Savlng Present. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, K:in. Saved nis life by a simple Trial bottle of lr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, wliich caused him to procure a large bottle, tliat completely cured him, wben Doctors, change of clim.iteand everytliing else liad failed. Astlnna, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, severe Ooughs, and all Throat nd Lungdiseases, itis guaranteed tocure. Trial bottles free at H. J. Brown & Co 's Irug store. Large size, $1.00. ';Did you go to the grand ball last evenng?" inquired a merchant of a dude. ' Yaws, I was there," was the languid re)ly. "What costume did you wear!" 'Oh, my wegular dvvess suit, ye knaw." Ah ! then you were disguised as a genteman." Thousaiuls are being cured of Catarrh very year wlth Halls' Catarrh Cure, that the doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold bv Eberbach & Son. J " Mr. Smith," said a lady at a bazaar, "won'tyou buya bouquet to present to the lady you love ? " " That wouldn't be nght," said Mr. Smith, " I'm a married raan." in no otner meaiciuai picparation have the results of the most intelligent study and scientific inquiry been so steadily and progressively utilized as in Ayer's : parilla. It leads the list as a truly i tifie preparation for all blood diseases. i BoAtackmailer-A negro postraaster.- Tliat Hiisbana of Mine Is three times the man lie was before he bean using Wells1 Health Renewer." fl. Druggists. Plíi in, .yeyirr spirits-ïhe cork.1 niladelphia Herald. Butler, n. y., Sept. 1, j882 Rheumaiic Syrup Co. : Gents- Feeling grateful for what your medicine lias done for me, Idesire toroake the following statement: For two reara Mocfa of the time I could not dress mvself nor put food to my mouth, and anffered the mos mtenae pain all the while. SonTe hveeks since I was persusded to trv t vo bottles the pain had all left, so tliat I slept soundly nights ; I ca D now dress my. self and need no one to feed me, and ín fact feel as well as ever I did In my ife M.lH,1,"860' thebest medicine h the world- Rheumatic Syrup. John Wicks. A girl has been bom out west with tbree o.igues Grcat Lord ! If tl, Is should 4t to be a fashion.- Blizzard. " Cy The Diamond Dyes tor family se bave no equals. All popular colors easily dyed, fast and beautiful. 10 cents a package for any color. When a fish decides to go on its own hook it is apt to take snap judgment and ' make a mistake.- N. O. Picaymie T-T7"íDl]3-eMSOn'3 Ce]ery all(1 Cliamomile Pilis tor the c-ure of Neuralgia ara a auecess." Dr. G. P. Holma... Cl.ristia, bu g, "Sanded Strawberries "ü a new muñe whlch la plaved at the table when tlw strawberries luive beeu properly prenared for the palate. The game & KTS2 whether the Pand carne wlth the bentaíoc the sugar.-PhtUdelpl.te News. My Wlfe had Fits. " For35 vcar.," says our correspondent Hcnry C ark, of Pairfiel.l, LenaweeCo, my wife had fits. They would last about an hour, and sometimes longer bamantan Mrvine lias permanently ciired