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We have new advertisements this week f rom B, K. Ailes & Co.; the Savings Bank; Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank; Hunt's Kidney Retneily; Castoria; Dr. Bosanko Medical Compaiiy andTunison's Maps. The sunimer trotting meeting of the Chicago Driving Park is from July 14 to 21st. There are 280 entries and $50,000 in purses, stakes, and special offers. W.tnted - By a practical printer, foremanship of a good country office. Can give best of references. Address, Thos. F. Nelson, Northport.Leelanaw Co.,Mlch. Kalamazoo is ettiag ready for some big races on its National Driving Park, July 10-13. $40,000 has been spent in lixing the grounds with the mile track and shcds. St. Julien, Fanny Weatherspoon and olher fainous liorses are to trot. A big crowd is likely to be in atatteudance. T EPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' S MECHANICS' MIE AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At 'lose of BiiitiiieNH July 3, 1883. Made in acconlance wlth the Oeneral Banlclug Luw of Miclhgan. RESOURCES. Loansand Discounts $ 72,581 68 (Jverdrafts 70 47 Dae from Banks and liaukers 28,680 68 RevenueStamps _ IS 00 Furuiture and Fixtures 3,373 l(i Kspenses 1,050 22 lionds, ir.S 4 per cents 1,400 K Pifiniums Paid 267 25 Cush ou hand 9,800 86 $117,203 20 I.IAB1I.IT1ES. Capital Stock _ 8 50.000 00 Due I ii-po.silors 65.154 82 Discount. Interest and Kxcliange .... 2,048 38 $117,203 20 I do solemnly swear that the above State ment Í8 Iriie, to Uie besl uf luy kuowkdge and belief. Wilt.iam A. Toi.chaüd, Cashler. Siibserlbed and sworn to before me, tiiis Thlrd day of July, L883. Wji. W. WiíEDON.Notary Pubüe. T3KPORÏ OF ÏHE CONDITION - OF THE- AH ÁRBÜR SAYIN&S BANK, AT ANN AKBOIt, MICHIGAN, Attbecloae m ihii.s.. Honda] , i ulj d, A. I. iss:i, Made in accordance with Sections 18, 19, and 67 ot the Generíil Banking Law as amended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Diecounts $286,915 51 Bouda and Mortgages 182,021 83 U. S. regietered 4 per cent. Bonds 11,400 00 Overdrafts 84 36 Furnitnre and Fixtures 1,930 85 Revcnue Stnmps . 95 00 Bill in Tianeit _ 3.186 98 Due from National and State Banks 45,315 34 Sliver Coin, NIckels and Pennies 1,840 70 Legal TYnders.Bank Notes and Qold coin 34,300 00 Total $586,690 65 I.IABir.ITIES. Capital Stock $no,000 00 Surplus Fund 25.000 00 July Dividend 3,088.00 Undivlded Proflts _ 6.544 71 Duo Depositors 482,057 91 Total $586.690 65 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my kuowlcdge and belief. cuas. E. Hiscock. Oasbler. Subscribod and sworn to before me, this 3d day of July, 18S3. ADAM D. SEYLER, 1150 1151 Notary Public. TUI E PROPRIETOUS OF ÏIIE CENTRAL FLOURING MILLS kavlng finisheil the equipment of their milis are now ready for all kinds of work in their line. Graham, fine meal and all kinds of feed are kept oonstantly on hand, warrantcd of good quality and at the lowest rates. Farmers will lïnü fucilities for liavlng all kinds of custo.n work promptly done. We cali especial attention to our "White IiOaf " hrand of flour as superior to any flour heretofore made in Washtenaw County, being manufacturad by the latest roller proces. If your grocer does not keep t for sale order direct from the milis on First Street. 1150-G2 R. K. I l.i: & CO. Endorsed by the Frenen Acaderay of Medicine for luflammation of the Urinary O rgiins caused by Iudlscretion or Exposure. Hotel Dleu Hospital, Paris, Treatment. Positlvecure in one to three days. Local Treatment only required. No nauseous doses of' Cupebs or C'opalba. iNFALLIliLE, HYQIKNIC, CURATIVE, TREventive Price$150, includiiiK Bulb Syiïnge. Sold by all Drugglsts. or sent free by mail securely sealed, on receipt of prlce. Descriptlye Treatlse free on application. AMERICAN AGENCV " 0 " MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mlch and Windsor.Oiit. öold In Ann Arbor by O E. Holmes, Cook Hotel Block. 1131-85 e o w lBltíflflnrií5l %Xi s "'. ?riZ !.ÏM ii ii ¦ ij"1 Vftft ;; ' , ;., ¦' 1 .Í.-, aiïti' - - - ¦ '- ¦'¦¦¦ -' - '¦ ' " Fcr SC ,.w ¦ ¦. i'i e, -n i ¦" Bddreaa, tí. :. ïaSïf.'O . f "-Í I A-t Cincii.i. ;.!!. .-. V. ï. CllJ ' '' 5 JookojTÓl. -lïl.. O.-ah. io . arí! j 1180-62 " Oh.dear! " sighed Mrs. P., witli tooth ache. "Why can't people be bom without teeth?" "If yon will reflect a moment, iny dear," replied Mr. P., "you will be convinced that such is the fact." Everybody Kuows it. When you have the Itch, Salt Rhcum, Oalls, orSkin Eruptions of a-iy kind, and the Pile?, tliat you know without being told of it. Eberbach & Sou, the Druggists will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy for 50 cents, which alfords immedlate relief, and is a sure cure for either of the above diseases.