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füíhrgiveSthe farmers Iota of time to rest. , Harvesting lias been commenced in parts of the county Aun h&B lias eleveI1 telel)1'one !ines .entering to general office.. Efforts are being made to organize a lodge oí the Knights of Pythias. THe saloon men have contribníed $9,M1.4S to the city treasury. In Ypsilanti theamount was $2,885.85. The President ippointed Miss Francés L. Stewart postmistress at Ypsilanti, in place of Clinton Spencer, defuulter. The SmitU house ou State street opposite the Museum has been sold to Prof. Morris who will make some improvements in it. ___ A slight white trost Sunday night and thermometer 54 at six Monday morning. Who says Ann Arbor is not a good slimmer resort? At the dedicatlon of the new CongregidionaV church in Ypsilanti, Tuesday, Rev. W. H. Ryder,j and Deacon Mills were present. Deputy-sheriff A. W. Porter has In his possession an opera-glass and some other articles receutly fouiul. They can be obtaineil of him. Woik is progressing on tlie Sixth Ward school house. Wheu completcd it will be an additional souroe of pride and the finest one in the city. ??? James Atkinson, the old man who for so long a time was the janitor of the Firemeitó Hall, died Tuesday :.t the age of 77 years and a half. The Zion church Germán school opcned Monday with Gl scholars. Thoy have a new teacher, Mr. Gottlob Long who is also going to run a night school. A young Imrber named Frank Osborne was arrested the other day on a scandal case. Xo one appearing to prosecute, he was released and has left town. "All flies are very wise. Ko one knows as he sits in a doze. how much afly knows that alights on his nose, UU he lévela the blows, when away the fly goes." George Parker, tlie High School boy who recently went insane, was taken to liis home in Montana last week by his parents. He was but little better, A special train witli 850 Knights Templar froin Chicago went through here this morning at thrce o"clock. They are on the way for a trip to .Europe. - Company A will have its animal rifleshoot August 6th. On the 8th tlie boys go into camp at Ioland Lake, two miles south of Brighton, the same place of encampmcnt as last year. The Wm. Wagner. whose name was recently published in the list of bondsmen for the saloon keepers of Ann Arbor, was not Wm. Wagner, tlie merchant tailor, but the blacksmith of that Dame. Sotne 50,000 pounda of wool have been brouglit iuto town this season. Mack & Schmidare the only buyers up towu and they are paying 30 cents for the best. This week they have bonght 15,000 pounds. The Beethoven society have just been presented with beer mugs for each member. Mr. Osius brouglit home from Germany a lot of those largo pint mugs so generally used in the Fatherland and gave thera to the boys. The real estáte sales for the week have been light. The following were made in town: Sarah W. Farnsworth et al to John Doig and wife, $1,300. S. W. Smith et al to G. S. & V. H. Morris, $6,000. Alta Wilniot to Phllllp Leonard, $2,850. A few days since we were shown a rose plucked frora a bush fifty-three years old i the garden of Daniel B. Brown. At times the bush would die down, and they would think it was gone, again it would spring up ailc] the roses would bloom once more. " The local editor goeth about as a roarmg lion seeking items which he niay put into cold type and findeth none. Then the subscriber growleth because there is no news in the paper. Thus is the life of the newspaper man made pleasant, yea exceedingly so. ' The New York and Postal telegraph company is extending westward and a Michigan company is about to take it up and carry it along the Central road as far as Kalamazoo. By thus bringing it to Ann Arbor we would have a competitor t the Western Union. Monday Dundee was visited by Messrs. Hoss & Tessmer, Ann Arbor builden and contraetors of extensive experience, who me to investígate the new school house Project with a view of submitting a bid for lts construction when such bids are receiveJ.-Dundee Reporter. Whitmore Lake was visited Tuesday by P"rty of picnicerR consisting of the following persons: The Misses May WheTOn, Mury Ashley, Elsie Jonee, Millie Knowlton, Annle Wilson and Mary Jayï and the Messrs, Chas. Ashley, F. L. ork, Henry Ronaldson, J. E. Beal, Jolin 'aycox, Sam DuShane, and Leroy Hodder ofCiiieiiinati. Tlio Tempéranos Meeting Banda? aficrnoon will be addressed by J{ev. E. A. Spence. He has just returned aud will teil us of the work ia Massaehusetts. In the Gallatin County court iu Montana, recently, Isaac D. McCutclieon, territorial secretaiy, obtained adivorce from his wife, Mrs. A. McCutclieon of Aim Arbor. Isaac has since, in St. Paul,' married a woman who already lias been divorced from three huabands. Company A had a meeting Mondny evening, and at an election promoted Sid Millard from 3d corporal to 3d sergeant ; Fred Hoezle from 4th corporal to 4th sergeant. Froin the ranks the following were made corporals : Charles Grossman 2d; Will Watts, 3d, and George Millen, 4th. A lawn social is to be giveu Tuesday evening from live o'clock at Mr. Godfrey's on West Hnron strect. It is under the auspiccs of the ladies society of the M. E. church and some of the attractions will be good mnsic and light refreshmenU. It will be postponed until Wednesday shoukl the weather be unfavorable Tuesday night. Another change in business. Fall and Hendricks will be the new flrm, having made arrangements wlth Joe. T. Jacobs to take his business. The change will be made in about a week. The young men are coming to the front. John Sloore first sold out to two of of his old clerks. It would probably be just as well if other old merchants would step aside and let the boys have a chance. ïwo classes of the M.K. Sunday School went to "NVhitmore Lake Wednesclay with Mr. Pope and their teachers, Miss Paul and Mi.s Giles. The scholars who went are as follows: Jaraie Breakey, Sperry Pope, Ed.Gay.Walter Booth, John Jewell, Osgood Ingalls, Willie Tolchard, Frank LeSuer, Mabelle Randolph, Nellie Ames, Flora Bourns, May Webster, Carrie Winans, Nina Davison, Jennie Davison. Court has been busy this week with a bilí in aid of execution against the John N. Gott estáte, brougbt for fl,000 by Dunham, Bnckley & Co., of New York. The property is on Fifth street, and was transferred in 1879 by Mr. Gott to Mis. Pitkin. The Gott estáte proving insolvent, it is now a q nestion as to whether it was not then insolvent as well. The case will be argued on the 30th by Sawyer & Knowlton for the plaintift", and Gott & Swift of Detroit, for the defendai.t. ___ Conipared with the average for the inonth of June in the prccedingsix years, measles, and bronchitis, were reported more prevalent and intennittent fever, remittent fever, whooping-cough, and consumption, less prevalent during the inonth of June, 1883. For the nionth of June, 1883, compareil with the average of corresponding montlis in the five years 187!) -1883, the temperature was sliglitly lower, the absolute and relative humidity and the daj' ozone more, and the niglit ozone less, and the rain fall very much greater. We have in Jai) again one of wliom perhaps a few here and in Detroit and Jackson have heard. Her name is Sophie Lyons, and she has been retornad frotn the Work house for a new triaj. She has already cost the county a large sinn of money in the two trials she has had and the case may be taken to another court 01 perhaps not again prosecuted here. However it is to be hoped that no pains or money will be spared in giving this noted outlaw her just deserts. It would not be a bad reputation for Washtenaw county that it was a hard one for crimináis. On the 4th of July George Mooie resolved to sell bis book store to hls clerks who had been with him some time, and the sale was effected the next evening. The new booksellers of the flrm are Geo. Osius, Charles H. Ludlow and George Wahr who will continue the business under the name of Geo. Osius & Co. Mr. Moore has been ló the business in the St. James block for some flfteen years and proposes now to retire. His successors ire young men of experience in the trade industrious habitsand gentlemanly bearing who will undoubtly keep the eood trade with which they start. The Ypsilanti Commercial gives itsreaders some excellent advice which we would be glad to hare our own readers heed. It is to the following effect : " Friends, will you not be 10 kind as to give us the news from your respective localities. How easy if anything occurs in your own family or any prodigy in farm growth or produce, or in your neighbors' family or farm to let us know. Only costs a penny to send a postal and get your reward by seeing it in print. IE you are going to take ajourney drop a postal and let us know. It inay save somebody a journey to your home to see you on business or to make % visit knowiua: that you are not at home. Be good to yourselves and make your home paper a f uil compendium of news."