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F j. Cheney Co., proprletora EW1 Hall'í Catarrh Cure. POT sale by Eber bacli Ss Son. BaforecuUlngftinftn' li-al off in CUlna thfautl on les co..8iüer.itdy n.akes blm dunk beauty of syrtem is tlmt B heail on Uw next Kochesui Express. Mothcr :Swaii' Worm Sj rup." Infullible, tastelese, harmlfss, catbarÜC, f„r fevertohnU rertie-n, worm., constipalion. 2flc. __ A„ interwttaKoll trama 10L, pla(',e .1 TÍini Wurd verterday. Tbonjrh [He mtl ó vb!.U,.wtíllikeab,.llu..dii.J è c U n't hear ït, the oUl lady -urm-red oil. . Epilepsy or Mne ïar. 'Ithanktbe "ver of all jtood fïifls," wiites J N. Marfiia, of Gnmby, Newton ;' Mo -for .rivins me Somantan Nerv Z " meu .y daugi-tefs epilepUo fltó ó" iiine yeara tíndinjc " Oei at drug-.-sis. $1.50 "So vou-ve given up kí-eplne boarder. Hra Prinirle! Coiildiilyuii wake ii payí' - óh yeafí made it w well enoujth, but the n.istake I made ruítbat I DWdfl .1 pay tbc boardere. . To most childreii tlie snjjgestlon of a dose of castor oil ín naiueatiinf. W l'y not, then, wüen pbygfc i necewaiy for tlie httle o.ies, use Ayer'sCatlmitic Pilis? Tbey combine every essentialimil voluble prin. ciple of a cathartic medicine, and being sugar coated are easily taken. uNo s!r," said the pliysician wlio liad worked over the Texas man flshed out Of the water unconscious, " 1 liever conia have brought blm back to lite. It tnat circus procession hadn't pHtóed he never would have regatned consclousneM. Catarrh of the Bladder. StingiDK iiTitatioi), Inflamation, all Kidney and Urinary ComplalnU, curca by " Duchu-xiaiba." $1. " Johnnie, what are you doing up stairs?' said Johnnie's ma. "Oh, notliiu' inucli, ma." " But, sir, I want to know.' "Oh, well then, l'm skinnin' a freckle to see what she looks like inside." Canse oi Fallnrc. -Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to-day. Eberbach & Son the Druggist, are not Hable to teil for the want of coniidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away a bottle free to all who are suffering with Coughs, Colds, Aslhma, Consumption and all atfections of the Throat and Lungs. Col. Percy Yerger : " Great CiBSar ! Anotherhat? You are th; most extravagant woman in Austin. Why, I believe you have got a different hat for every day in the week,' Mrs. Yerger: " "Wliy of course I have ! Thafs just it. I have one for every day in the week, but none for Simday. I want an expen.sive one for Sunday.- Texas Siftings. Daughtcrs, Wives, ana Molhcrs. vVe eniphntically guarantee Dr. Marchlsi's Catholicon a Feínale líeinedy, to cure Female Diseases,such as trouble?, Inflammation and ulceration, Falling and Displaeements or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barrenncss, Changeof Life, Leuconhoea, besides many weaknesses springinc from the above, like Ileadache, BloatingSpinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debility, Palpitation of the heart, etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by druggists. Pricesfl.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica. N. Y., for pamphlet, free. For sale by Eberbaeb & Son, Druggists. 1 1 1 1 ï 1 1 lt Piles- Sjniptoiiis and Cure. The symptoms are moislure like perspiration, intense ïtching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seenis as if pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts ave sonietimes afl'ected. If allowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Ointmenf' is a pleasant, sure 6ure. Also for tetter, itch. salt rheuin, scald head, erysipelas, baibers' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes for $1.25, (in stamps). Address, Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. Positive cure for Piles. To the people ofthis County we would say we have been given the Agency of Dr. Marchisi'sltalian PileOintment - einphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refunded - Interna!, Bxternal, Blind, Bleeding or Itcliing Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Ebcrbach & Son, Druggists. GET YOUB PROPERTÏ INSURED BY C. XX. MXXiXiEXT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeet agency In the city. Establishcd a quarter ol a century ago. Kepreeentiiig the following firet-claeii companiee: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y S 7,000.000 Continental Insurance Co., of N. Y J,2W.20t Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,736,563 'ürard Insnrance Co., of Phila 1.132J486 Oriënt Innnrance Co., of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of London 12,000,000 Liverpool, London und Globe 3.%0ü0,000 HST Hates Low. Losses Iiberally adjusted and promptly paid. THE NAYK8 POUTA1ILE BOOK M Holdi ii..tonl_vSü to:.i rohunw, buttbe ITnubrldicfxl llcC1on ury, the Ikiter Hther upul wrotoicd. lt i ruadeof drk oherry or tilark Walout, EïciintlY QÊêf. _ Bnislied, nndbeiugoucsipááMff f- ?t? ters li protlcllj k l,-. VJE e5t?B Hy tors nii lchol"'ï have B iug largo atines aud magHftyJi Muohtne wliich rcmovei 'VjjEJ B Iul niRltfi réaiUng od jfl TOFTtvBBWCl ituJ7 'y lIlllt there i 5SáiKtw3fia iBÊÊ no -t1"-" for ignorancê. MpUlHl U rtii "Machine" holds the QmHÉéKI (M book by the aovert; th? '"¦''¦M leaves are lir-td opeo with a i.earllolder, a touch, can bc removed or rplaced. The hook tilti to any angle and 11 pivoied to turn to ny position. A CUmp atfaohe lt lo a tal.! or dMk. An Exti-nïon Arm couDi!ta it wad the book cuae or your easy cbair, for which purpncRUMbinenURrcalwiiyaprovIded. This legaat outfit il ¦old at a rematkably iow price. Scnd for circular Ad.irei UW. WOYKS, The Maker of lM.-tl.-rj UuldiTF. Ui) mid 101 W. Monroe Street. Chluao. 1151-54 paNETICJVfEDICÏNET J mfS k c i KS ' Har traOH"mark3ví ïESiBR AIN &NERVE FOOtóB A curo (iHinuihTil in all Cnsen For Oíd and A mu, n ni. and I. milMAQITETI MEDICINE; , Brai w? VomFo Ï] ünfuUng and PoííUto Core. Tone ni the di'bilitateá system, arresta all involuntary dÍ8ChnraiB.r,'movcs mt'iital gloom and dcspondvncy, and rc-Btore wonderful power to the wi'akcnod orynna r With each order lor twelve packuges, accompanied with flve dollars, we will send nur Guárante lo relund u e, ïïn;?r " "le t"' i?" not effect a cure. 1 1 ia tlie CheapeBt and Beut Medicino In the marker Pnll particular In Pamphlet, which we muil free tó auy addreBs. Sold by alÍDruegisis, one packaBe 50 cent; 8lr for Í2.50, or sent by mail on r.-oiirt ol Detroit, Mlch. Gnarantecs iscued iu Ann Arbor by C. E. HOLMES, Cook Hotel Block. ÍISS-S