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Wanted- By a practical printer, foremanship of a good country office Can o-ivebestof refcrences. Address, ltios. F. Nelson, Nortliport.Leelanaw Co.,Micli. p KPOirTOF TEIE CONDITION - OF TUE- AUN ASBOR SAVINGS BANK, AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close ol budines, Monday, July tl, A. I. l!Wít Made in accordance with Sectlona 18 IL i W ol the Goucrul Banklug Law as ameuded in 1871. KK90URCE8. MtMQir, 1 Loans andDiscoants Wffiï tö Bonds and Morteages .....¦ i, iwi m U. S. reglstered 4 per ceut. Bouds UTO OU Overdrafte 1 m,i uk Furniture and Flxtures L1 g Revenue Stamps g 1SJ. i)g SÏÏT frm Nnlfand-y wTe Banï;::::::: 45.315 34 SIlverCoin.NIckels and PennieB........... 110 TO Legal Teudèrs.Bank Notes and Gold cuin 31,300 W Total .tm,m MABILITIES. Capita! Stock g-g g July Dividend .' 7j Undivided Profils - 482057 94 Duo Depositors - vmem Total Jm "? I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the be9t oMiet_ Subscribid and sworn to bcfore me, this 3d day of July, 1883. SBYLER. 1U0 11S1 Notary Public. miIE PROPMETOKS OF THE CENTRAL FLOURING MILLS havtng fluished the equimnent of their milis are uow ready for all kinds of work i„ their line. Graham, flne meal and all kinds of feed are kept constantly on hand, warranted of good quality and at the lowest rates. Farmers will find facilities for liavlng all kinds of custo.ii work proinptly done. We cali especial attention to our "White Loaf " brand.of flour as superior to any flour heretofore made in Washte„aw County, being manufactured by the latest roller proces. If your grocer does not keep tt for sale order direct from the milis on First Street. 1150-62 B. K. AILES & CO.