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How Her Life Was Saved

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From Cleveland Herald : It is a trite saying "That wonder never cease." Hecent Information has most forcibly impressed us that there is much truth in this old adage. The details, as given by our reporter, are exceedingly interesting. Last spring Mrs. H. P. Spencer, living in the west part of this city, suddenly became very sick. A physician was at once called, and after careful examination pronounced her in a very dangerous condition. It was the first serious sickness she ever had, always having been robust and healthy. Howevershe rapidly grew worse and death seemed inevitable. She commenced bloating terribly and was subsequently tapped three different times, discharging large quanties of watery fluid. Her stomach was in a very deranged state, so that it was with great difllculty that she could retaintne slightest nourishment. The fifth week found her in so discouraging a condition that the attending physician said there was no hope, and that before it was too late she had better be sent home to her immediate friend?. who lived at Huntington, a srnall village but a few hours' ride from Cleveland. The advice was followed, and on arrival at her father's home it seemed as if life to her was but a matter of a few days at best. She was made as comfortable as possible, and the prominent physician of the town was sent for. He found her stomach and liver in a terrible condition ; kidneys badly aftected ; bowels very constlpated. Said he, "Could I succced in producingcathartic effect and get her stomach in a condition to retain and digest what she eats, I will tlien have somo hope of saing Mrs. Spencer's lile," and during all the following week, and by the aid of counsel of another physician, did he try, but to no purpose. Finally, said he, tnere is no medicine that will reach her case. Kothing can save her. But herparents, feeling that while there was a spark of life there was hope, summoned at once a noted physician from a neighboring town. This was the second Sunday in June. The physician on careful diagnosis of the case said he eould do nothing for her; that it was too late. Thus four physicians pronounced her incurable, which must have been most discouraging not only to Mis. Spencer but to her parents and friends. At this time her condition was worse than it had been during her long sickness. Scarcely a moment's sleep did she get. Head troubled her exceedingly. Noappatite, kidneys and stomach in a very deranged condition, and very nervous and excitable, pain and numbnessinaH parts of the body ; at times experlenced great melancholy ; chills, followed by flushes of heat, shortness of breath, and clieeks and lips very pale, indicating serious heart trouble; emaciated as to be scarcely recognized and so weak that it was impossible for her to raise a glass of water to her lips. At this critical period a f riend called the attention of Mrs. Spencer's niother to the Germán pharmaceutical remedy, Von Tagan's Alaxine, and induced her to get a bottle at once for her daughter, he havinff known of its curing a number of persons afïlicted with some form of kidney, liver or stomach trouble, and in some instances their sickness was as extraordinary as that Mrs. Spencer's. During the first day Alaxine was given her three times in teaspoonf ui doses, and to their great surprise it agreed perfectly with her stomach. The next day she was given four teaspoonful doses, and it began to act as a gentle laxatlve, whlch afforded her mmediate relief. Thursday the long sought for cathaitic effect was brought about which had so baflled the physicians, and its effect on her stomach was wonderful, as In a few days she was able to retain nourishment without the slightest distress. lts marvelous tonic properties toned up and strengthened her weak and emaciated body so that in less than two weeks she was ableto sit up In bed, something she had not done for nearly three long weary months. During the use of this remaikable remedy, as Mrs. Spence told our reporter, "I gradually grew better very rapidly, though occasionally I woukl have very bad spells, but by persistent use of this remedy I have finally become so well that 1 am now able to assist in dolng household duties, a tact so astonishing to rayself and friends as to seem almost incredible when mv terrible recent condition is coiisidered." The above is a very important statement to those enger to regaiu thoir health and equally so to those whose iffliction may be however slight, yet anxious to arrest the progresa of their conjplaint. Incrediblo as it muy seetn, yet this is only one instance out of hundreds of actual experiences that liave come to our notice where life has often been despaired of, and in which this remedy has proved just as satisfactory. We, therefore, feel like giving gratuitous expression of our opinión regarding this great remedy which frorn the lirst annouucement attracted marked attention In all the leading papers and its general use strongly advocated. The more so because it is the greatest cure and prevention known for heart diease, a complaint which iscausing death so frequently and suddenly as to be appalling, and it is feit there is no time to lose in bringing this remedy prominenlly before the people. We unhesitatingly say that it is not an insult to the intelligence of any person to cali their attention to a remedy of this high charactcr, and while no one would be slower or more strongly vpposed to advising the use of remedies in general, yet we are compelled by its grreat merit to discrimínate greatly in favor of this most wonderful medical discovery. Unprecedented is the following authorized statement. The chemists who prepare this remedy are sending to every druggist in the land a notice to sell Alaxine on a guarantee to be of positive benefit, to every patiënt who takes it for complaints for which it ia recommended.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News