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H .A. 31. 1_.'S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of tho scalp, and the first succesiful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has liad maiiy imitators, but noue have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatmi-nt oí the hair and scalp. Hall's Hair Rexewkh h:is steadily grown in favor, and spread its faine aml usefulness to every quarter of the globe. lts uuparalleled success can be attributed to but oae cause: Ihe entire fulfilment of its promises. The proprietors have of ten been surpri sed at the reieipt of orders from remóte countrtas, wlnre they had never made au etTort for its iiitrodr.etiou. The use for a short time of Hall's Haih Resewkb wonderfully improves the personal appearance. It cleanses the scalp froin all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldiiess. It stimulate.s the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effectó of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic preparations, but remain a long time, whicli makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOB THE WHISKEES Will change the beard to a natural browii, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. FREPAKED BY E. P. HALL & CO.,Na.shumïï.H. Sold by all Dealers iu Medicines. tPOR ALL THE PORMS Scrofulous, Mercnrial, and Blootl Disorders, the best remedy, becatise the most searcliing aiid thurougU blootiAyer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all üruggists ; $1, six bottles, $3. $IW f A week made at home hy the indnstri' I loas. Best business now before tbe pabi II lic. Capital not needed. We will start I # you. Men, women. boy and elrla I f wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Bis the time. You can work in spaie time, or give your whole time to the businen. 'o other business will pay yoo nearly as well. Noone can fail to make enormous pay, by enaiu at ouceCostly outfit and terms free. Money made fal, easily, and honorably. Address ïbue & Co., Port. land, Moine. G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wliolesale and Iietail Dealers in Musical Merchandise of all kinds, reneral agent for the celebrated PIANOS DECKER & SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSEALL & WENDALL, ALSO TUE rOPÜLAIi OHGAXTS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - TAYLOR & FARLEY. AGENTS WASTED. W Send for Catalogue and Prices. .ga 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. ll ktiKlkof Hook-lliinliiiKlone at Ibc uui-Iit Ullice on short notlee.