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MJnfailing y ForailSW I Remldy 6UCflAS DlSEASESj iTETTER.ITCa SOBES. PIMPLIS. ƒ RYHPEIASJ WRING WOfWV ITÊkWÈS 8ymptoms are moisture, sÜDging, itching, worso at Dight; iftenuM if pin-worma were crawling about th f rectum; the private parta are ofteo affected. As a pleannt, economical and poaitiTe cure, Swatni's Ownin i superior to any articlo In the market Sold hf druggists, or send6O ets. in 3-ct. Stampa. S Boxei, 81 . 2i. Addresa, D. S wüne & Son, Fbila., Pa. 1129-1180 AYER'S Sarsaparilla coras Khi'mníiHxni, Neuralgia, Rhoumatic Ooas, General Debllity, Catarrh, and all dtemlors auued by a Ihln and impoverished, or orrapteil, condition of tha blod; expellrng the Mm1 !j#i. i, from tlie system, enriching and rensivtii tbe blooil, aud restoring its vitallzing mn. DniH( a long period of unparalltled uscfulneas, Atbr's Saksai'aiulla has proven its perfect adaptation to the cure of all dieeasos Migtaating Ín poor blooil and a weakened vitality. It is a highly concentrateil extract of Sarsaparilla and otber bloocl-ptn-lfylng: root, cumblned n-ith Ioctlde of I'otasgium and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most economical blood-purifier aud blood-íood that oan be used. Infiammatorj Khcmnat isia Cured. " Ayeh's Sahsatakii i a has u i ¦ ] me of tho Inflanimatory Kheuinatisni, with which I have suffered for inany years. W. H. Müoke," Durham, la., March 2, 1682. " Eight years ago 1 hatl an attack of Rhouniat i huí so severe that I couM not move from tiiti bed, or dress, without help. I triad several remedies without niuch if any relief, until 1 took Aykk'8 Sahsai'Arilla, by the usa of two bottles of which I was completely cured. I have not been troubled with the Kheujnatism tiuce. llave sold large quantities of your SAUSAl'AltlLLA, and it stilt retains itswonderful (opularity. The maixy notable cures it bas effected in this vicinity conrluce me that it Ib the best blood medicine ever offered totiie public. E. F. Haruih." Uiver St., Bucklaud, Mass., Hay 13, Ib82. u Ln-t March I was bo weak froni general deblllty tliat I could not walk without help. Kollowing the advice of a f riend, I coinmenced taking Aykk'8 Sarsaparilla, and before I liad used three bottles 1 felt aswell as I everdidin mylife. I have been at work now for two months, and think your Sahsai-akilla the greatest blood medicine in the world. James Maynard." S.'U West 4Jd St., New York, July 19, 180. Ayer's Sabsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Cotuplaints, Kryslpela, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotcheft, SorB, Boilg, Tumors, and Krnptiong of tho Skin. Itolears the bMod of all lmpuritics, aids digestión, stiniu lates the actian of the bowcls, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the wholc system. rni'j'Aiu:i) by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Kvlit by all Drusgitts; price $1, ix bottlos .