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From the Herald ïlie school house is now undergoing repairs. Wheat is bout all harvested and most of il i 11 excellent condition. Mrs. A. L. Briggs of Bivlinc, wlm was injured at Carlyon, s Improvinj: ütwjill lier serious hurte. A hout oiie liiiinli'cd and ten Ptuck nm machine covers have been snhl at Ihi place tliis soHSnn. 'l'liis speaks well fo the farmers. Gustav VVela", of Freedom, lost tv barns tilled with wheat and tl staek o wlieat hy (ie lust Tliursitay afternoon The fire probably orljrinated from careless smokere. Insured iti the YViishtenaw Mutual. DEXTER. From the Leader. D. 15. Blnnchard, Esq., the late proprietor of the.Exehangc, goes to Norvell, JHCk sou couiity, to take charge if a hotel a that place. The Ann Arbor Remist er r ley es beciinse it is " compelk'd to do imslupga in the same county with a lot of untutored newspaper men ; " and Jfivea as a reasoD, alter using the items gotten tip by those '" tintutorei gentlemen," for Hot giving them credit for the news they finnisli it, thal a credi to eacli item would OCCUpy too much space We wish to give the Register editor i " pointer " On this subject. Condense al onr items, or copy them in hole, mass them together and put "From the Dexter Leader," in rConparell type, in one line over the top, which would occupy 1-1 2tl of au inch. The Courier adopts tlia plan, why not you ? Lust week the wife of one of business men left hllB alone in his gloiy, to take care of lllmself while she went to the sea-shore for a little recreation. The next day after his wife went away, and while he was preparing his noonday meal chuckling to himself that he was now his own boss, and had no one to bother him to his horror and astonishment who should quietly lile in the front door but a lot o his relatives from Buffalo, N. Y.. who hw come to spend a few days- you know Now some of our readers know how t i to have their hearts just drop clear into their boots. Well, that's what happened to the heart of our friend. He manager, to stammer out a few words of welcome and then excusing himself for a moment rushed over to a neighbor's and told his pitiful story. They took compassion on him, and fixed up a dinner for his visitors but the meal was eaten in silence. It is needless to say that the aforesaid relatives made a short visit, and the next day were on their way homeward. üur business man now keeps all the doors locked, and a notice on the front door, " Gone to Coney Island," and defies any one to catch him that way again. MANCHESTER. By telephone from Mr. Blosser, just before going to press, we learn that a son of John Moehn of Sharon had his foot stepped on, and severely injured, by a horse Wednesday night. From thv; Enterprise. Frpeman & Burtless have shipped 9 car load.s of wool thus far this season aggregating between 00,000 and 95,000 pounds. W. L. Watkins iniorms us tbat he l:as tranpferred the agency of the American express company in this village to S. H. Perkins. The office will remain in the same place. At a mretíng of the directors of the Peoples' Bank on Saturday last, W. L. Watkins was elected cashier vice S. W. Clarkson resigned. Jlr. Clarkson it will be remembered has accepted a position as cashier of the lst National Bank of Ann Arbor and will report for duty next week. He has been cashier of the Peoples Bank for about 11 years and made a very efficient and valuable offïcer. As a citizen 4ie has been ready to do his part in promoting good, and be will be greatly missed both in society and business circles. SALINE. From the Observer. Rev. J. C. Wortley left yesterday for Carlyon, N. Y., the scene of the late railroad disaster, wherein his wife was killed. Wednesday the woods in all directions resounded with the voice of the fowling pieces in the hands of the hunters, seekin after the assassination of Mr. Woodcock. YPSILANTI. From the Sentinel. The colored camp meetinfr on the Fair ïround, closed a successful season Tuesday. It is reported the attendance was large, though it scarcely created a ripple in the city. Cady's new block is now about conipleted, and ready for oocupation. It is a flue addition to Washington street, ind will doubtless prove a good investnent to the enterprising proprietor. From the Ypsilantian. The regular animal camp-nieeting of the 11. E. chureb will be held on the grounds lear Bellville, commencing Tuesday, August 14, and co.ntiniiing one week. Ben. Joslyn Informa us that he is negoiatii:g for a startling exhibit at the State Fair, being no less than the explosión of lis balloon in mid-air anda descent by neans of a parachute. From the Commercial. The Ypsilanti Paper Company isgrindng and cornigatingthefiouring rolll rolls !or the Deubels. The only place in Michgan where it can be done. Rev. T. W. McLain, rector of St. Lukes eaves Monday to join the lst Wisconsin regiment in enoampment at Jaynesville. He is the cbaplain and will preach to the boys.Sunday August 12th He wül be absent a couple of weeks and visit his former parishioners at that city. The means are heing raised to complete the lecture room of the Baptist chürcli at all events and, if possible, to finish up the entire structure so as to dedícate it in June next. The subscription is to be in three nstallments, payable in Octobcr next. February '85 and June '85. About $0,000 is needed.