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SCALES AND SAFES. MANÜPACTÜRERS of Plstform, nay, Whent and Counter Scales. NEW AND SECOND1AND öcalea and Safee for eale nnd repaired. 1128 1179 M. N. ROWLEY, Detroit, Mich. BELL-HANGING & LOCKSMITHING. BURGLAR ALAKMS and ELECTRIC BELLS, KEY FITTING. SAFE REPAIRING, ETC. GES EK AL KEPAIREKS AND JOBBERS. M. N. EOWLEY, Detroit, Mich. 1128-1178 SS TUJHsojrsMAPS&CHMrrs 3 For 35 psge catalogue, freo, ff address, II. C. TCXX.SOX, ïLl v Cin-innal, O., N. Y. City, "ö y Jaclcaonvllle, 111., Onii-ba, Ne'a. mm 11.50-02 ¦Ui An internal Remerly and aSÏÏEE CUES for all kinds of RHEÜMATIC COMPLAINTS ! RHEUMATiNE If you are suffering Trom KIDNBY COMPLAINTS ! Give Rheumatise a fair trial. You will never regret having done so. Testimonial front Mr. Thomas IT. Zay of No. g 2rJ streel, Chicago, tuno has been for manu years employed bytlie Waffner Sleepng Car Co., and is no-ur Conductor oj one of iheir cars running between New 1 ork and Chicago. J.X.Si'Thrrland, Manager Rheumatinc Mfg Co., Niágara Falls, Chicago, June ajth. 18S3 Dear Sir.- Itgives mepleasurcto inform you of the benefit your rheumatic cure "Rheumatme' lias been to my dauhter, wlio for the past few years lias been a great suñerer from Rheu.ratisim, at times being quite helpless. She took three (á) bottles of your preperation, and I can bear tesumony to its speedy action in affording her rehel from pain and soreness. ïhanks to Rhcumatine her health is now quite restored. Yours very Truly, THOS. II. DAY. See our Ciange of Testimoniáis everj week in Daily Papers. SOM BV ALL Itlt I I.I.IST Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michigan, MESSES. SWIFT & DODDS. 1143-IUI