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How many hnrd-working ministers and lawyers sit at their desks and in tlieir studie?, wlio are luffering trom over-work or indigestión, dyspepsia, nervouíiieís, sleeplesfiress and rritability, who mijjlit by tlie use of Kheumatie Syrup regúlate their digestí ve organs, oure tlieir dypP" sia, sleep soundly and tlius rest their nerves and be the better fltted for tlieir daily labo. Try it and you will be eonvinéed of lts merits. Two for aseen t- A pair of hallounisrs. -New York Journal. Hopoless Epilepsy Cured. " The doctors pronounced my case to be one of liopeless epilepsy," says fíat correspondent, W. C Browning, Attomeyat Law,.ludsonia, Ark., "and deehired death to be iny only relief. Samaritan Nervine has eurcd me." Get at druRgists. $1.50. The work of tlie hitrdy miner is all in vein. Yet lie is happy w bun 'tls o'er. - Exchange paper. fy Explicit dlrecttotis for every use are given with the Diamond Dyes, For dyeing Mosses, Grasfet-, Eg-s Ivory, Ilair, etc. Only 10 cents. Whyeamiot an erator tffckle niue Esriiiinaux woineu? Becnose he can " gestickerlate." - Ex. Ererybodj Knows it. When you h:ive tlie Itch, Salt Rbeam, (ialls, or Skin Eruption of a-.y kind, and tiie Pile, that you know without beiii";told of it. Eberbaeh & Sou, tlie Draggits will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile líemedy for 50 cents, wliich aflfoi-dg linmedlate relief, and is a mire cure For either of the above diseases. The readiness witu vvim-n me toot ot the modern man taketli hiin to the club would go far to prove by nature that man is club-footed_ - Dr. Benson'8 Skin Cure constata of tnternal and extenial treatniental sonie time and it makes the skin white, sott and smooth. It contains no poisonous drugs. $1. at druggists. When a Boston man invites you to dinner, and heads a postscrlpt, N. B , lie means " no beans." Young, old, and middle-aged, all experivince the wonderful beneñcial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young cliildren sufferiug from sore eyes, sore ears, scald head, or with any scrofulons or syphilitic taint, inay be made healiby and strong by its use. It is a comfort to know that the Brook]yn bridge is only a suspension. At one time it was regarded as a complete failure. Tliousands are being cured of Catarrh every year wltli Halls' Catarrli Cure, that the doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 73 cents a bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Paradoxical as it may soem, a married man in the tbeatrical world is ot'ten conipellcd to support another nian's wii'e. - Waterloo Observer. Flics and liugs. Flies, ronches, ants, bed-bugs, rats,niioc, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Kough on Kats." 15c. Seeing a carriage full of belles and beaux drive by, Aminidab remarked tbat that reminded him of a load of wooed. - Marathon Independent. A Life Saving rreent. Mr. M. E. Aüison, Hufcliinson, Kan.: Saved big life by a simple Trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, wliich caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climateand everything else had failed. Asthnia, Broncliitis, Hoarseness, severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lungdiseases, itis guaranteed tocure Trial bottles free at H. J. Brown & Co.'s drug store. Large size, $1.00. [ Talk about despair. Yon ought to sce the face of the boy when the circus tent blows down just as lie has paid for lus ticket .'-Boston Post. "Mother Swan'a Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, comstipation. 25c. A tailor was startled the otlier day by the return of a bilí which he had sent to an editor, with anote that the "manuscript was respectfully declined." Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation, lnflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Coinplaints, cured by '"Buchu-paiba." $1. " Did the child die under suspicious circumstances ? " aeked the coroner of a Witness. "No, sir, it did not. Itdied under the back porcli."- Pitrsburg Telegraph. Don't flll the system with quinine in the cffort to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer's Agüe Cure is a far more potent preventive and remedy, with the advantage of leaving in the body no poisons to produce dizziness, deafness, headache, and other disorders. The proprietors warrant it. The nihilists promised the Czar a biblow out when he was crowned. "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks gophers. 15c. Druggists. When Ilenry waa courting Sarah he used to boast that he had a "boss" girlnow that he is married, he linds he has a ' boss wife ; but he never nientions it. - IJoston Transcript. Skinny Men. "Wells1 Health Renewer" restores liealth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1, Crushed banana is a new color. If it is the color of tlie stars a man seos after he has accidentally cmshed a banana with hisfeet the tint must be very brilllant.- Pluladelphia News. HealYWeal] „iLL ¦'. West's Nerte and ünAix TrftS soara'itood BDedfio'for Hysterin, DizziH 'i Vonl8os, l'its, Nervous Neuralgia Headaoho, Nerroun Pros t rat ion caused by the use" of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakefalnees, Mental Do P". Softening „f the Brein resultingin in" samty and lpuding to misery, decay and drath Prematuro Oíd Age, BnrreimVs8, L„B8 of ,„ "ver' in eithor sex Involuntary Lossra and K]tV, at orrha-a cuusod by over-exerticm ofthe brain "èïf. Kach b"x cóntains fir?m featmei.t. $1.(X)K box.or bix boxea ror5.oo, sent by mail ptvpotdon raoèipt of prioe Wit UAKAXTEK SIX 1IOXFS Tu cure any case. With eacli order received byus fimrt f „ 'S!. nreo"iPanl with HU, we will sena t lie purchaser onr ritten Kuarantoo to reaiuri efmnPy U'e tr''"tI"e"tde8not effect aturo. (ïiiarauteoa issued only by J. H. BKOWX, Solo Asont. Ann Arbor, Mlch. lteal Kstate for Sale. gTATE OP MICHIGAN, County ol Wayne, 89. In the matter of the eslate or Jcnnie W. Holüs and Lmu llcillis, minor.. Notlo is berebï v ¦ tuit in purauance of „n ordat granted t "h. Í , u ' siened SamuelJ Springer, snardian ol the eStM of 8a d minors, hy thu Bon. Judife of Probate fO? AnSmK f 0If ""= ""'¦cnth lar of May A.D.18S.! there will be old at public v.ndue toffia hi-hest bidder, at the east front door ol The CmnS gnie in the city of Aun Arbor, m thé cminVv ,f WHshlenaw.ln saId Btate, on Saturd,'" the fli d, v of September, A. 1). two ' i i ,heíf?."r noonol thatday (fllbject to all eucumbr, i ct" hv mortgani or ptfierwtae exl.tlon at the timé ? ,hy uid üe, the foUonina aeferlbed rSü Ma to-wit: All the ri,-ht title and interest of sal ' minor in the undivided one oWhtn 1 1 h J . hundred and twenty acre" „I Vhé ! ,r, al o'f "èc" I tion six () townsh.p two9) fouth UïesevJn Sl exceptinii the norlh-we-t .r.clional qüinèï of Z,i section, in ihe townphiu of Smirr r ' ! WaBhtenaw.and State of Michiiañ' "my ül ' SAMUEL J. SPRINGER II Bi T, wO?,ftl'd'an of 8aid Minors, lij. o Jknnik W. Uollis and Linn


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News