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rpIE PROPRIETOHS OF THE CENTEAL FLOU&ING MILLS having flnlshed the equipment of tlieir inills are now ready for all kinds of work In tlieir line. Graham, fine meal and all kinds of feed are kept constantly on hand, warranted of good quality and at the lowest rates. Farmers will iind facilities for haring all kinds of custon work promptly done. We cali especial attention to our "White Loaf " brand of flour as superior to any flour heretofore made in Washtenaw County, being manufactured by the latest roller proces. If your grocer does not keep it for sale order direct from the milis on First Street. 1150-62 R. K. AIL.ES & CO. Danghters, Wives, and Mothers. We emphatically guaranteeDr. Marchisi's Catholicon a Female Remedy, to cure Female Diseases,such as Ovarían troubles, Inflammatioii and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barren ness, Change of Life, Leuconhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, l'ike Headache, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debiliry, Palpitation of the heart, etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by druggists. Prices$1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Sendto Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica. N. Y., for pamphlet, f ree. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Druggists. Itchlng Piles- Symptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture like perspiration, intense ïtching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seems as if piu-worms were crawling In and about the rectum; the private parts aie sometiraes aftected. If allowed to continue sciious resulta may follow. "Swayne's Ointmeuf' is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itch, salt rhenm, scald head, erysipelas, baibers' tch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents ; 3 boxes for $1.25, (n stiimps). Address, Dr. Swavne & Son, Phllaaelphla, Pa. Sold by Druggists. Endorsed by the French Academy of Medicine for Inflanimation of the Urinary ürgan, caused by Iudiscrellon or Exposure. Hotel Dleu Hospita!, Paris, Treatment. Posltlvecure in one to three days. Local Treatment only requlred. No nauseous doses of Cupebs or Copalba. Infallible, Hygienic, Cubativk, Preventive Price$150, includine Bulb Syrlnge. Sold by all Druggists, or sent free by mail securely sealed.on receiptof price. Descriptlve ïreatise free on appllcatlon. AMERICAN AGENCY " 66 " MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich.. and Wlndsor, Ont. Sold in Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes, Cook Hotel Block. 1131-85 e o w


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