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Win. W. Hall ui' louia, ,s uBilur , est for alicRcii crookcdncH in peuten iuiïcss. Threo ohildreii ut Horaoe and Mar? iVarrcn dieá at Bad Axc witliln oae weel of liphtheria. A workuüin un the Mttcbtgsn iV l"" allroad jra robbed of 2(M i Addison, the ,'llirr duy. The Youug Men' 8 Catholic Bonevolent Society of Baltic Ctcekha Hled artlclc of auocl&tloB ai, l.auelDg. Alviu Tripp and Frank Pascliall aro uudcr arrcel in Mutskcgon for making and circulating csunterfelt tnonej. A .youug uian ii:ut'd Raudolpü, vf UraseLakc, hae been utested lor maiTJ-lng a youug laOy undcr 10 ycare of asc. Thu rccuutly orgauizcd Presbytorlatt cburtb of Baltic t'reck contcmplatea the creot ii .11 of n handeumv dmrcti edifico. A young womau in ï'linl. beiug accoalcd by a mabher the other eveniug. pitked up a club and thrashcd her iasultor nouudly. 'J'. Greou, uf Hauuvcr, was nm over by l street car in JackEou, Srcaklug ouc of hl? anklrs to that amputation will be ncccaüRr.T Williaiu Aldrich, bulcher, in Muskcgou, hadouBof lib aruib iicar!j ¦ Gcvcrcd by an accidcutal blow wlth a clcaycr (hc other day C, Walker of Ludiug tori los l his huuse and itü contento the otiier nlghl by üre. HU wlte and i htld barely ctcapcd wlth thclr Hveo. Michigan has 1,527 post offices, 107 oiwlikh are prcsidentlal offices. Thcrc has becu an lacreaoe durlng the year iust, cloEcd of 48 oincc?. Twu liuudrod citizeris uf Wcsl Bay City Uave petitloncd the common councU to have ITreuch books purchased ior llic public library for the French cltizens. Lausing is jubilant uver the tact that thero is a yeta of water in the 6and rock near the Grand rWer, rlch in tho6O subslanccsTVhicli mnkc up a valuable mineral water. The Kalaruazoo Tolegraph printing company is doing work íor a business house In South África, Much Kalamasoo work flnds ltê way to that country, cspccially wind mlllñ, etc. Harriet Oliver, the jonag coloicd woman arrcatcd in Detroit, a few weeks ago, on chaigc of abandoming lier babes, by throwingthcmio a ranlt, mi coHvfcted of lis charge. Who eau boat Ibis? O. W. Bkd, ui Romulus, Wayue eounty, bas a pair of twln iiclfcrs Icbs than thrce ycare old, and the pair hayc glyen blrth to slï caÍTCS, all alivc and ine: weü. A Iwo-year-uld clauglitur of Starr Bloil gett ol Coldwater,{dlcd Irom the cilectsof a pea nut Bhcll rtid ludgcd ui her tliroal. A simular clrcumstanre occurml at Adriau a few days bcfore. Oak ParkSeminaiy, fornierly lucalcd al Faw Taw, hab buen remoTcd to Thrcc Rivers and wlll hercafter be called tho Threc Kivers'seminary. MlM AM.ic Bftrk?r mwplta instltutlon. Tbe C. & G. 'V raüroa'l have oaused tu be crectcd at their wobsiug In Baltic Creek, clcctrlcljelb, whichwlll announecthe spproach oLa train whea the trata to wltMn 100 xto rf the crosblugDr Ilciaiau Keiïcr of Detroit haa recelved Ihc appütatmtiit ol Uulted Stato coneul at Stetin, Pruwta, at a ilary oí ÜUm rer year. Dr. Kotter riM hm Hm T on the 7th if. Thoheitb of George Stater ol Charlotte, who M "lied ncar Neehvlllc r,.n th Mfblean Centeal ralhoad, laai winter, have commeneeO -„ ,,M... Hb Py . 4,000 aamagee. The .f tt J1 wg ment Michigan ,olunte,r Iníantry MS at routbe September 4. TM. dale ta the ,U annlvercary of tbc dat, wta the regtae tafl Pontlac to ko to the at oí war. The wheat erop of Ottawa wuutj is even WOTEC than was exPettcd before thmhlng. Thcarerace ylcW wlU not exceed iU buiielB . f,. Ja mm tble lo oí poor quallw. The oat erop 1b largc. Corn an patato UI je poor crops In tha.t vlclnlty. JüsephMcCoUuui. deal mulo. wao s unovcrbya Mt trata on the 1 iilU oranch, in Manchcoter, te othcr dy. One cgTaabadly malled, -the Loot betag laken j labore tbc anklc. He recelved olher . les, irom the cflects oL wlilch hc flied Bill Ncuaty, a half bred Indian, tried to dro n hlmclt in the (Mr, nd 11, ut the lire saving crew rc6cT1ed him. Then hc ried to UU hlswiicbul 6he creamcJ and an lor help. When lbo neighbors arnved hc butcber knlfc. Firobrokeout iü Long.Hubbell NcwBün-B planing mffl ut Manietee reccnUy otally dwtw. Ing lt I alw the rcldencoof r . J Brlley,8plccr&Co.-bblack8mith shop, the jar. 8 ítcl andtwo tenement cottages bdong ngtoCol. 3. W. Fowlcr. Thítota] lo to $30,000; Insurance $13,000. Kcdzie & Kodzio, propiietors of the Grand Havei, Uerald, uaYc been bucI tor ¦¦ egcd libel by l'atrlck Leo of Spring Lake. Lee claims $10,000 damages to hls charac er n ac tonntot anarticlepubliBhedin the llera U on jTl3 tot. Tlio gentlemen wero held In ëSbontonppcaratth, drcu.t cour. .n November. The contract for bufldlng the ten tionof the Detroit, Macklnac ana Man,uctt linoad fromManuetle tolbe iron nunin befóte February 1, BWIa Toohey & Sagertj's oawp, near a lalling tree. '- o[ hL - xvltüOUtbciDgaWctoMcnUfyll. Win. Gtidley, u young man tictl 18 i rcars, was iuistautly killed In Flint, wlillc i ing to juuip on an englne whllc mirtlog. lic was in tho employ of too 'li Ur-_; .; Cniml Trunk iiatlroad. Tho Adrián coniuiou cuuucil, by :i vote of 5 to 3, hare con6cntcd to üivc Ihc VVa. bash rallway tbc rlgbt to lay a track down Kallroacl and connectinKEtrccts iu that city. l'ropcrty owners along theso thoroughfares opposcd Ihc eclicmc wlth grent vigor, bilt tho city fathers belleved in cucouraglng enter priec. Lansiiig Republioan: Willic Lawrenco as standing in a lot adjoinlng the residencc uf hle father, H. Jjswrcnce, on 8hiawa6sce strect west, rccently, watching auothcr lad who was cuttlng grata vrlth a skklc, when the blcklc flew from the boy'e liauds, 6truck Willic on the coat collar, penctratod iour thicknetse of cloth, and plcrcedhls neck nbout lialf an Incl from the rlglit jugular vein. Thoro is soine talk of uLgauiiSiug n hlock company iu Gram! Kapkls with a capital oí b00,000 to opérate onc oí the tlmbcr conceBsijM In Spanish Honduras obtained by Rob ineon & Laccy. The bchcmc contémplales cut. ting the valuablc furnii-urc wuod In thatcoun try, bringlng them by water au far as poseiblo nd then by rail to that city, and Ihcre cutting hem into luinber and vcnceib. The colored people held au cinanciliation celebration in Calvin, 13 miles BOUtheast of CaoBopolte, on the lötb, ut which Hon. 3. R. Iliutou, of indiana, bpokc. Aftcr the meeting clo&ed a ecrlouB afiray occurrcd iu which Malcúlm Wilton wao killed, and a coroner's 'jury f ound JamcB C'urtis did tho killing. Curtió and four othere are In iall. ín the Iracas John Aktus in atoo shot bul nol (.langeroiiply woundcd. James F. Jordau, secretary of the Oak Park ieminary locatcd at l'aw Taw, denles that that Institution has been removed to Thrcc Rlvcre. It still flourislics and will upen as usual with a full corps uL teachers. Miss Abbie Barkcr, fonnerJy preceptruss at at Oak Park eeminary, has resigned, and will bc conncctcd wltli a NimUar institution at Thrce Rivers. The littlc villagc uf Buchanaii haa aa indutitry of which thcre Is uo counterpart in any other country ; the manufacture of zinc collar pads for horecs and mulee. Over 3,085,000 pads have been turned out 6ince the business was starled In 18V0, in the manufacture oí which nearly 2,000,000 pounds of zinc werc uscd. These collar pads aru pent to all part 5 oí Ihls country aud Europe, and nhipnunti arp made direct lo Australia. Tkii last rail cuunccliii the Grtvud Trunk extensión wlth tho othcrroads at tjouth Lyune, was laid the othcr afternoon. Much joy nns expresstd by tlic cillzens and a grand supper was glvcu in tbc yroTc tu tUc men cf tho tracklayer's gang, as well as to Ihe gradcrb of the Air Line road who are uow liulshing their work at that place. The ladies of that place aud vlcinity arraingcd the feast, and it did theni ctcat credit. Wm. H, Pixeunier, aged 24, kas boen arrested in New Haven township', Gratiot tounty, chargcd ith adultciy with his wife's eister, a girl only 14 years of age, who is enciente, the crime takini? place at hle on house while the giri waB visltlng her sister, his wife l,ettcre to the girl from Vrocunicr, reports the Ithica Journal, raakc a strong case agalosl him, even if thcre were no othcr evidence. The Adrián Times a few days ayu jiublishcd a btatement thal tho.wifc of a prominent ciüzen of Marquetto viiitcd a fortune teller and wab iuCurmed that hcrhUBbandkcevs ¦?,0 worncu about towii, after wblch therc was adislurtancc in (he famlly. The prominent Marriuette citlzcn thus eruelly 6landercd tavs It'e a cursed Hc-he docent keep orur scven or eigtt. Thls port of rcckleBo luaccnrtc; is " Uat 'o lulnioE tlio. iuüucncc of tbc press. Mr. Georgo T. Clark of Muskegon i cíaraiulngnntl having analyzcd thc water uí thcTariouiiWcllBln Uiat city. He flsds tho Tatcrrfmost weltannflt íor ir,, nud torne daogerone to lUo-fiTbren deathl iroin typholrt fcTcr have been fraced dlrccUy to one wcll; and a vromlncuL'.citUeii, whoec broken hcalth liao cauea au orto rrom hls phjflcian to travel iii bcarch ot licallh, owes lile ptortraUon to hie wcll. Muskcgou ucedü a thorougli cyblcni ot water orke, laklng water from bouic pure BourcowblcUwlll rcmaln acure from conlamiuaUon. At the raco courso iu Charlotte a colllslon occurrccl hetwccn Eayuard, owncd by S M. McLean oL Bay City, and Bankcrn Hotlis chlld, owned by Kcynoldo BttTOM oí Tecum6eh, inotanUy kfflW Kaynard and latally lnjuriuK Bankcrb Rcthscbild Buhe cannot re cotci" Thc borece wcro coinlug írorn opposite directlons, Bankere KothBcHIMB being ou thc wi-ong eldc oL thc track. The duet was to thlck Uiat lila drlvcr dld nol seo Kaynard coming lili too late. Eight thoueand dollars had been rehusa te Kaynard, and Bankc Brthíchlld la valued ni 6,00a Battle Crcek Journal: Saturd&y JOwcn nnd brotbcr ui leroy went to l'ine Creck to bring home a buil they had bougfct oL a Mr. Wclton, whcu the furious animal lurned on th'cui in the road and gave them quite a btttlc. He wns flnally ibducd witha club, however and diivcu along. Arriviug in Leroy ho ngaiu charged uu nis drivers and auccccdod in gorging onc ui them iiultc sevcrcly, but the two fought uim and knockcd hta duwu with a heavy dub. They cut hifi throat lusavc Ihcir Htm He te sai 1 to bc U11C "f "ie ""st l'erslst" cntly rcrocious brutea tuut ha beeï in theepart8for a long time. Au Bgcd Fo!u uamcil Anthony Roski vne, cru&hcd to dcath bctwcen two piles at the of AVoodwnid avenue, Detroit, ae the fcrryl-oal touehed 1h WÍ. Koökl and otlicr rolisli laborero were aitin? for thoferrj boat to cross the river, decca cd bíUídr apart from the otheiB tctwecu S btatlonary and ;,pring pUe. ihcbnatwaancarinKthcwürf hewM seeD tori-rrromacit-tin.sposition as if to catcb the thrown out by the approachlng boat. Whlle in a rtooptng politlón he wat caught betw een the piles and Ub heaü-and t,houlders were Eoeru6hed thW hellvcd bui o few momnU aftcv ibr icddcnt. Boubon Bidwoll, pieoident "f tho Union Trubt compaaj ot Ownd Kapldt, ha been burrendcred over to the authoritifs by Ulg bondemen and Is now Injail. Ho, b held [on a body csccntioD for Judament Kcnrea igaiiul liiui bj Louis Phillips Tor mamey paid iilo tbc L'n'.ou Trust company by hiin. H Is; iHeged that the Trust eoinpany is a frauduIcnt concern and It has been been black libtcd by tbc postofllcc. The office goods aud challéis aicuowlulhe hnuds of the sheriff and Kill be oíd to satitfy nuincrouis credltors. Muuy poor jieoplc iu all pnrl? of the country will bc losen or email buuu. Over 300 delégales were present ;it the Froblbltiou etate conventiou which asseuiblcd nt Eatou Kspide uu tbc 16tll inst. Grcal cnthu6iasm prevallcd. Unc thousnud dolla:s watj rnkcdl.'y bubscrlpliou; aud a scheme dcvi8ed to ralsc a campaiRn fuml of $100,001. Ten thousaad 6haree of btoek are to bc lbucd al $111 each and paid for iu four cquiil aurual installmcms. Jlon. A. B. Cheney of Keut m ae peiruancn'. chairruau u! the couveutlou, and AVm. A. Taylor of Lausiue, secretary. A fítatc Central Cummillcc was appolnlcd with Mcrritt Moore of ionia ib chalruian, and W'm. ATaylur of LanelDg, secretary. Stroug prohibí tionrcboluliont wcre adoptcd, andonc dcuuuclatory of the Kcpublieau party for itt conree on the liqii'jr (UC6tiou and dcclaring Umi that party is incompctcul to dcl nith il. urubutí iiiuuuiuü, passenger conauo i ,or on the Grand Rápida aud Indiana rosil. vhollvcb in Grand Kapids lias scvrral limes reccnlly bccn trauips or buriláis trying to entcr the houbc wben he ivas absent. Flic other nighl Mr. Hamillon remained at hiomo and armed with a navy revolver took poíition bchimi the kitcheu door, v here he coñld ;ommaud a view oí Ihe duora aDd windowts ind walled lor the aunoyancetu be repeated. A.bouL inldnight he fell aslccp, and ivlfe tiearing a noiso at thc kitchen wtndów, rose md went out therc. Mr. Hamilton wokc sud Icnly and seeiug thc íurm oí bis wife íuppo6:dilwasthat oL aburglar r.ud llrcd, the ball striking over the cye, glancirg around, and :oming oul over thc rlghi, ear. Mis. Hauíiltou la in a critkal conditlou, but may recoyer. Al tbo Stato Firemaa'a tournauieat in Marshal!, thu special prie uL $25 for thc best appcaring conipany. was aivarded to l'rolection No. 1, of Qulney, Mich. ïhe hand en giue contest, flret tlass, had thiec conteetantB, thc Citiüscs, oí 8t. Louíb, laklng thc flrst prize, vla : $1-5, aud the etate charupionshlp banucr valued at $100. The prize was won by throwlng a stream :íl3 lecl and lwo jaches Liberty (Joinpany, of Marshall, took the sec oud pri-ze, $75, throwíng 202 f eet and IJ inches. l'rotectiou, of Quiney, was third, having thrown water 177 feet and XI inches. The bteamer contest was woi by Albiou, while Marshall capturcd second pri,c. Thc bicycle races wcre a brilliant feature oL tlic tournainent. Thero ivere 10 entrics in thc milo race, which ae won by E, C. Adanis of Battle Cieek in 3 minutes 50 seconds, aud thc serond ulace was wou in 3 minutes 511,.; seconds by Ëugene Breaky of Homer. The half inllcjou test was won by C. H. Pmith of Detroit, in l minute 46]í setoudó; Chas. Conovcr of Coldwater eccouil. . Speech Itcotored by McsiHtrlsm. Tho Lapeer (Mich.) Dumocrat says ,hat Dr. W. L. Vanüorn, ui Brooklyn, N. Y., terfonned a reniarkable mcbinerlc foat in the 3eincxral office a few doys agoupun JobnKip?en, formerly oL Imloy City but now oí Lapcer. l I'he Dcroocrat says: "bout 18 months ago ' Kippen wae stricken wltü paralybis, hits right ' irrn, leg and elde being almo&t helplees. Ilis ' ionguc ivn3 aliso paralyzed by the shock and ho had Qot Epokcti a single word sincc that Urne ' up U) latt WcdQPsdav. Ibn dotter BHbjccted ' Lhc manto uicamcrlc lufluence and alternóme urgent and distiuct, articulatlons oí the voicc, uu the part of the doctor, the power of speech, ! lu .1 very fair decreo, was rebtored to the hilh erto dumii niau, bo that aflcr very llttlc practice Kippen oould mate use of and control hU longue passably well. The subject, mindful of the 18 months of sileuce and the convenien i of speerh, turned hls eyes heavenward and wlth tear rolling dowu hls cheeks, offered up a prayer to (.od, Dellevlng it to be a diópcueaUon of Divine ÏYovidencr. Tbe doitor deerns thls a cure by mesmcrlc inflneace nd iv.'l by faith." m rttWAKDLl" OBIKIS. MiiHanrt Deliberately B-lddlci in WtfeHBody wlut Bnllet. aAjnojtcold-bloodedand dclibcratc rnurder raa a inunitted on th ferry boal Hope, plying betwecn Detroit aml Wlndsor, on Punday evcniug, the 19th tint. A man uamed Luke Fhipps dellberately wa!kcd up bhiDd hls ivifc Efïie, who ivas riding on the boat, aud iircd thrce 6hot6 into her budr Uo was arapowcred and laken in custody. Luke Khlppi. and Effle Brown we marned 13 jefti go, at Spencerport, N. Y., a email town near Rochestcr. Her íather, a prominent citizen was naincd William Brown. 'Ihey Hved wlth her párente somc time, when he carne to Detroit, aB her íather marrled agalu and 60inc unpleassutneüs oecurrcd which made i,n, luw in iRi"? t.liev returned to port and Mr. Brown gave hls daughter ten acrec ol land, a house and a billir.rd saloon whl'.'h lic furnkbed In ono of the blocks hc owncd. Tliey only reinalncd n few months, Phippe rcturilng to Detroit nnd hir, wlfe followlng. They Hvcd happllj togelher huta faw montha aftor aniving in Detroit, and fcincc theu their caroct has been a most unliappy one. H ncenia that uil of the trouble waa tauBcd by a inan naincil Ilarry LlvinEbtonc, a fellow-workman of l'hipps, who boariled in l'uipps' family. Xt wa rumorcd tbat Mis. Phlpps was not all to ),-, i,iihnrl that her mamase vow re(iilred, ml rüipps was toldtowatch liiü wlle. Tuis cdid, playlue the spy forome time, and! as result bewas led to institutc proceedings lor divorov, uu the grounds of flduHwy. Mrs. 'hll'ps was arrestcd, aud held tor trial in the ily oí Detroit cm that chnrirr. Mrs. Vhlpj lias bven Hviug 1" WindBM lor metimo, boarding atvariouü pla'-e,. She lad also atefl a claim in Detroit f or dlvorce on ie ground of .¦nieltv aud nun-suppurt, tiho rcryfrankly admittcd that hen the decree vas granted intendcd to marry LlviDgrtoae. Slnce partlng wtth Uer hueljand, slie aas met hlm frnaucntly, and ende&vored in avery posible way to dissuatlc him from proeEcuting her on the charge ot adultciy. Hut he was Bint, and the case was pending at the Urne the iearful trngedy eccurred. The eycniDg the inurdcr noiamitted, Phipps learned o( hpr prcbence en the boat and wentaboard. He pMMd among the ptople, and nr, bo dld eo rcached flo-.vlv tcward blo hip pocket. When he had rcached n rolnt a Ï4W ieet from her. ehc saw him and startcd to get up. Howasthcnalhcr tide, and had got a little back of her. Ueíorc ehe could say a word hli hand grasrc'1 !ll: "''"I11"1 ln hle pocket, incl a6 lt glcamcd in Ihc moo:üight lie shot iracc, twice, thrke, the woinau running uuurag the passcngcrs cd falling in a hca], crying, "Oh, Lukcl Oh, motker!" Tlicrc was, of coursc, an uproar among the passunwrs, and whllc sowcsought tótetac thcinurderer, otbers raliied blows ou his hcad witli 'haire. He was hamled oycr to Uic Cauadian aathoritlee when the boat reachcd th3du'k. Thrcc childreu werc bom to Mr. and Mre. Phipps, and af Ier tbc i-cparatlon Mrs. l'htpps ruadc cvery cfforl to obtain the custody of her thildrcu. The father idolized Ihem, bul through tome mrans, the niothcr obtalncd pjseesBion o( thetn. Phlppa was almost crazed bv this action of hi3 wife, and his friend bay tkat lt was undoubledlj the cause oí Ihc terrible act, whleh has made the chüdrrn motbcrlcis and Ihfii father n murdercr A Burglar's Fatc. Kariy Sunday morninR, the 19th inst., Sipt. Conely of Detroit, was called up ihiough the telcphone by Deputy Rhcrlff Beattlc, of Birruingham, who inícrmcd bun that anunkuowa man had bccu bhot durinf; the nlght at that lowu while in the act of burglaming the etoro of Ürrin l'oppletou, of that place, lt was euspected that he was a profeüslOEal lurglar, and tbe deputy aBkcd Supl. Conely to ecnd'out one oL his detective to teo if tbe man could bc ideutifled. Accordingly DetectlveB Bishup and McGulrc were dispatched to the eceno, and they had no troublc iu recognizlug tho deceased as 3. r. Kennedy, who llved at 737 Third street, in IMroil, ncarly oppodte Bishop's home. L'pon Inquiry thiy learned the facie connected rith hls death tobe üubstantlally as followe : Shortly bcforu 2 o'clock in tbe morninp; a MrG. Mitchell happeued to wake up.lookcd out of tbc wlndow, and eaw a man trving the door of Topplcton'E store, eoou aftcrwhlch ho went around to tbe side. She awakencd her bueband, who secured the aiisietancc of two neigbbors, and tvilh E. C. Poppleton, a ton of tbc owuer of Ibc atore, slartcd out to capture the burglar. l'oppleton Btationed himself aL the opea window on the ground Hoor, while the others went in. A man Boon appeared at the winduw, and sceing that he was caugbt, fired blo revolver at l'oppleton, tbc ball juet hie hcad and Inflictlug a sligbt tcalp woumd. l'oppletou fircd back and hit the burglar In the neik. The lattcr then iuuij'cd out of the window aud ftred again, hitUuk I'opplctou ou Ibe top of the hcad a tecond time. The lattor then closed and Ürcd agaiD, but the ball went uudcr the burglar'ij arm anJ lodged iu the iviudow blind of the etcre. In lb& clinch the burglar (Tot tbc best of il and feil on top of l'oppleton, who, haviüg hia right arm free, Drcd three shotb froni bis sclf-cockIdp revolver into the burlar's buwcU which werc lald open. Tbc niiduight marauder then re!eaecd hie huid, rolkd over and ehorüy af ter dicd, refusiug Btubbornly to teil his namn or aoythlng about hlmself. Tlto.Woiueu Hare a TVord to Saj . The equal euflragists oL Fllnt held a meeting gf,l week and passcd the followlng rcsolution : Whereas, Women are taxpayere, and someimes iasane, paupers, idlots, crimínate, and herefere women have a. perêonal interest in ;he Etalr inetltutions of correction and chariAnd, whereas, The governor of Michigan hat legal authorlty to appoint onc or more Women to inBpect baid institutionc and inTCBtigate the provisión made tor women and childrcn; Resolved, That the governor of Michigan be re(uesterl to appolnt womeu to inquirc into the conditionof women and children hr nrr in 5t3tr iTlEtitUtlOnB.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News