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Canse of Fallnrc. - Wiuit of confldence accounts for lialf of the business failures of to-day. Bberbacfa & Son the Dnigists, are not lialjleto fail for the want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cougji and Luog Syrup, for lie gives away a bottle free to til who are sufferlng with Concha, Colds, Astluna, Consumption and all afl'ections of tlie Tliroat and LnngB. A littlo singular that passengers are not pennitted to converse with tlie man attlie wlieel, notwithstanding he is spokesman of the sliip. Kxcited Tliousand-i. All over the land aregoinr nto ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuni)tion. Their unlooked for reeovery by the timely use ot thi? great life Saving remedy, causes them to go neai ly wild in lts praise. It is guaranteed to positively eure severe Couurhs, Colds, Astlima, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoareenew, Loss of Voice, or anv affection of the Throat and Lun;s. Trial Bottles free at H. J. Brown & Co.'sdrug store. Laijreaize, ïl,00. GET THE BEST ! tffil LEAD ALL OTHERS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed TJnequaled for OPERATION. ECONOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Xmprovements and Conveniences found io .00 others. JUways Reliable. POPULA EVERYWHERE. Tor Salo'in Evory City and Town in the United Sta tei. Ana by Jolin I'fistcrer, Aun Arbor. 1157-71. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the flrst preparation perfeetly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the flrst successful restorer oL faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many' imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hairand scalp. Hall's Haik Ke.vewer has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. lts unparalleled sucoess can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilment of itspromises. Theproprietorshaveoften lei: ann.risp,! at tl, receipt of orders from remoto o.miitries, where they had never made au effort for its iutroduction. The nse for a short time of Hall's Haik Kiï.newkr wonderfully improves the personal appearance. It cleanses the sealp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevenís baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic preparations, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOB THE WHISKERS Win change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not ivash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO.,Nashun,N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. trOR ALL THE FORMS Scrofulou, Mercurial, and Blood Disorder, the best remedy, leo:iuse the most scaivhing thorough blooiU purifler, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six bottles, 5. Dr. Félix Lo Brun's ott:r,:e. A Giiaranteed Cnro for Gonorrtarei and Gleet bafe.pleasantand reliablo. No bad effect froro ft use; does not lnterfere with bnelneVor dleY Tice Í OU per box, or three boxea for 5 00 Writtpn toVefKV 88"ed by f Tery duly "'thoriüed agcm Sen, no t ""fj lf 'h'ee boxes fail to cure hent postage prepaid on recelpt of price Address, j.H. BROWN&CO., Solé Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. Vital Qiiestions ! ! Ask tlie most eminent physician Of iny school, what is the best tliing in the worlil tor quieting and allayin all .mtat.on of the nerves, and eurtol a forms ot nervous comnlaints. nlvln „. And tliey win teil yon tmhesltatiníriv " Some tona of Hops !" y CHAPTER I. ílcUins" ÜI' U" U'e "'st emi"ent Pty" What is the best and only remedv tw oan be relied on to cure all JSSSfofK kidnew snd .urinsry organs; suc as I 1 ng u's disease, diabetes, reten tionor in! abifltv to retaln urine, and all the dismies and ailments peculiar to Women"- "And they will teil you expücitlv ind emphatically, ' Buohu.' " vuwui ana Ask the same pliysicians " Vhat is the most reliable and surest cure fora vcrdiseasesordyspeMlS con ftipatton, .uliorestion bllionsnes l?u ffl fever, ague, etc ,¦ and they wiü'tei lyou Mandrake ! or Dandelion ! J Henee, wiien these remoü es are com b.ned witli others equally valmble A compounded Into H„p Bitters1' snel. n wondert ui and mysterioimcurative power s developed wklch I. so varied in i operations that no dlïease or ill health c„, [olb)y exist or resist its power, and ye" Harmless for the most frail woman veakest in val:d or smallest child to use CHAPTKK II, ' Patientö Almost dead or nearly dylng" For years, and given up by physieians f Br ght-i and other kidney èS mp aints severe oonglia lied cousump on, have been cured. ni Wümen gone nearly erazv ! r rom nírnnv nf imni.,ii:-" otomelT " " ' Pecu" People drawn out of simpe from cxcruitinK pangs of Ilheumatism I:''3tryanJc,lrol,ic,orlufoi1,J Erysipelas ! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dvspensia diKcsLon, and [n fact almo.t ah dUc - V Í?nlTre U 'leÍr t0' hílVe beCn C"T y Hop Bitters, proof of which can be own World?'" nCÍgl'bOrhOOd " thej


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