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KlLLO Knowh to Men of Fame and Science for Removins ALL IIVÏPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Ackaew!olL:oi Qraul, Plemnt, isd Efflcieot Curo for lUNO I Ir Al IUW, dun face, heaviness. IWQPPP3IA known by irregular appeUiarCraiH, tiu,_ KOUr belching, weigh aiidtendeniessatpitofstomach.despondency. LIVÈR Complaint. Biliomnes, Maluri, Chili J L.I V Lfl j,-t,V(jr causing sorcnesfl in back and sid, atao bottom of. ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue ycllow, hot and cold sen- ¦ sations,eyesdull,drycoiigh,stifledandobstrucW ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APHPI FYY EpIlopy,PnrBlyi,dini "' ur -L¦" ' imVht sound in ears. giddiness, confusión in luad. nervousness, flashes of light before eyfls, I033 of memory. Discaaes of Bladder and ItlNFVQ urine ((ark or light, red deposit; IMUUCIO, i)llrniIlf,, stinging.bearingdown Bensntions, frequent desire to urinato, uneasinesn, innnmed eyes, dark circles, thirst. JHneaMe or LIC ADTT severo pains, öiittcrinfc or wejght netr il LM il I , heart, more ao on moving quickly ud w-hen h inon left side: out of breath on exertion. LJcAnAPUF (lul' or BQarP pains in templos, II CrlLfMUri &, eyes or htiad ; faintness, nausea. IrlM.v is caused by watery fluía. Klit'iinintiHill, Ac, by urio acid in blood. Boffrl !! IciH by corrupt matter. Worm bv the pests within. Coldn by ohoking of the secretions. SWAYNK1 l'll.l.s, bygentl otion, remoTe the cause, makini; a permanent cure. Sent by mail fot 25 cents box of 3il Pilis; 5 boxos, $1.00. (In postage¦tampa.) Al !r.-.. !)!L. SlïlïVC .1 SON, Philadelphla, Pa. Sold by Druggirts. 110-1180 HëaÏÏhTs Wealth! ]i: I. fJ.WjtsT's Nvk a;d 1!rn Tbicat¦ji-.n r, ii gnaranteed ppwiüc for HysU-rm, DizziiesB Co.ivnlsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Heaáaohe, Norvous Prontration cauucd by tho uee faloohol ortobaooo, VVaUcfulness, Mental Dejression, Bottening of tl.e lïraiii reBultiiiBin inanity and loading t.i misery, decay and death. Premature OlclAwo, Berréame, Loss of power in oither sex, Invohmtary Lossps and bpermnfirrhoea oaused byovsr-eierüon of thobrain. selfxbusoor over-indulcBiice. Eaeh box containu mie montli's trestmont. $1.(W n box, or bix boxoe tor $5.00, sent by mail jiropaidon recoipt of pnce. WE CAKAXTEK IX IIOXUS To cure any case. With each order received byu for six boxes, accompamed with fo.00, we wiU oend tho purchaser our wntten guarantee to refundlha money if the trratment does uotoffect a euro. GmironteoR issued oulyby J. II. BROU'X, folo Agent, Aun Albor, .Vlich. GET THE BEST ! LEADALLOTHEItS! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed XJnequaled FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURAB1LITY and Improvements andConvenienees fonnd ín AlwaysiReliable, POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale"lïT Evory City and Town tiTtho United State. And by John Pflsterer, Ann Ai hor. 1157-7J. F. J. Clieney & Oo., proprietora Hall's Catarrh Cure, otter $100 rewnrd for any case of Cutarrli tliat can't be cureJ with Hall's Catarrh Cure. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Rabblng is a popular remedy for many complainis. Rubbeis have certahily kept a great many people up. - Boston Commercial Bulletin. "Kougli on Kais." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. An Indiin chief beais the rjamë4'Liokinr Glass." He is the tenor of the plai - Boston Transcript. Want of Faith. If Eberbach & Son, the Druggists do not succeed it is not for the want of faith He has such faith in Dr. Bosanko'sCough and Lung Syrup as a remedy for Coughs Colds, Consumption,iind Lung aflections that he will give a bottle free to each ant every one who is in need of a medicine ol this kind. As Vesuvius is in a state of eruption now is the time to " see Naples and die.' - Rocliester Post-Express. I'hysifians Prescribe in Epilepsy. " 1 prescribe it in my practico." is the expression used by Dr. J. A. Patmore, o Kilcy, Ind. He referred to Samaritan Neroine, and fuitlieralongsnys : "It cures epüeptie rits." An actor who crosses theoceanthe tí is time dops not fnjoj' his new roll. - Huw York Advertiser. Don't Die in the House. " Konr!i on Rats," Clears out rats, inice loaches, bed-bugg, flies ants, moles, chip monks, gophers. 15c. The only negat.lve tliat we accept witl anything ike fjood grace in this world ia the photiigrapber'a and even tliem wede mand proofs. - Boston Times. For the prompt and certain cure of ery sipelas, use Ayer's Sarsapaiïlla, which is the specific endorsed by the most eminen medical antborities.


Ann Arbor Courier
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