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Thotlsands ure belng citred nf Catarrl every fearwlth Halls' Oatnrrh Cure, tlm the doctors had ven np and MM cmilil not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold b Ëberbacb & Sou. A Hartford btovcle-niakiiig firin calis itself the "Overn'ian Wlieel Couipany, Man üvervheel Couipany would be more appropriate- Boston Transcript. Skimii Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores hcalth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia. Inipotence, Sexual Debility. $1. The willing domeitlc doesn't like too ïnucb show of authority in her mistress. That is 60 say the icady maid is not made to order. - Boston Transcript. Thoii.sands Say So. Mr. T. W Atkins, Girard, Kin., writes: 'I never liesitate to recMinnend your Electric Bitters to my ciistomers, thev give entile satisfaetion and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regúlate the bowels. No family can aflbrd to be without thetll. Tlicy will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bilis everj' year. Sold at fir'ty cents 8 bottle by H. J. Brown & Co. "Yes," saíd the reporter. " I ahvays carry my copy In my hat." "I see," replied Fogg, ' news in a mitsliell."- Boston Transcript. Wells' "Kougli on Corus." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick. complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunlons. A wealtl.y New York man has married his servant girl. Even the rich have to ecoiiomize somctiines. - News, Philadelphia. Cause nul Effect. At times syniptoms of Indigestión are present, uneasiness of the stooiacb, &C, a iDoisture like perspiration producing itchiug at night, or w hen one is warm, cause the Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the appltcation of Dr. Bosunko'a Pile Uemedy, which costsyou bilt 50 cents and is sold by Eberbach & Sou. An improbable story is properly called a canard, because intelligent people canardly believe it. - Pittsburjfli Telegraph. C'atarrh of the Bladder. Stinginfr irritation, Inflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Complaints, cured by " Buchii-paiba." $1. Hay-fever people have a new name for a Maiuc mountain. They all It Mt. Catarrhden. - Mem pilla A valanche. - ' Tte heuditcheii my case was one of long standing, bid Dr. Bensoris Cclery and Chaiiiomile Pilis conqttered." C. T. Kein4t, Uerinan Minisier of the Gospel, Leslie, Dllio. 50 ets., at druggU'.B. lloiv may every passenger inake hiniself of use to ihe ship carpen ter f By nieiely bei:i ubourd. - llaipei's Bazar. 1 'lii's aml lillas. Flies, loaches, ants, bed-bugs, rati,niice, gophers, chipmuuks, cleared out by " liuugh on Kats." 15c. Somebody has been bright enougli to say : " Langtry and Gebliardt- the lily ol tlie valley and the valet of the lily." Wide Awake Druggists. jMessrs. II. J. Brown & Co. are always alive totheir business, and spare no pains to secure the best of every article In their line. They have secured the agency for th.e celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consumpton, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any aflection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Bottles f ree. Regular size, Í1.00. The Wall street sandwich - Buil on one side, bear on the other, and a little lamb in the niiddle. - Bosinn Tmnc...:..' Malarial poison can be entirely removed froni the systein by the use of Ayer's Agüe Cure, which contains a surespecific, in the form of a vegetable product, used in no other retnedy. Warranted. A captain who tied refractory sailors to the cajjstan said It was the only way to ease their rancor. - Boston Times. Motlier Swan's Worm Syrup." Infalllble, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. A bieyclist who spends all hls money for a machine may truly be said to be broken on the wheel.- Boston Star. - Dr. Benson's Skin Cure consists of internal and external treatmentat the same time, and t inakes the skin white, soft and smootli. It contains no poisonous drugs. $1. at druggists. The "belief which gains grou'id " is peculiarly attractive to the real estáte buyer. - Boston Transcript. W01.C0TT, N. Y, Bheuviatic Syrup Go. : Gents - I have been troubled for the past year with rheumatism, or cramp in my limbs, so at times I could scarcely get around. I consulted several physicians and was treated by them, but received 110 relief or benefit. I commenced taking Rheumatic Syrup, and three bottles cured ine entirely. I can most heartily recominend your Svrup, for it has cured quite a number that I ani personally acquainted with. Harlow Merrill, Of the firm of Merrill & Booth. Au excess of calcareous or limy matter in the blood and an insufücient supply o: acid in the urine to hold these particles ii solution is the direct cause of gravel, am the best known remedy to (.Üssolve aiid expel these corrupt and poisonous particles trom the system is Rheumatic Syrup. Base ball becnme popular because it isi very striking and catchy game. - New Or leans Picayune. íehismJ t311 i sa G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Musical Merchandise of all kinds, general agent for the celebrated PIANOS DECKER & SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & 1ENDALL, also the rorui.Aiï ORGAXTS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - TAYLOR & FARLEY. . :: i s WASITED. IW Send for Catalogue and Prices. _SJ 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT.


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