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WttÁ í lili lEsiimontlin -i ÍLi &l)UUUUlag V" 2! TÜHÍSOfíSMAPS&CHARTS 3 ¦5? For 36 patje catalogue, frce, ¦" address, U. C. TKÜISOSÍ, ! 5 Clnolnnatl, o., N. Y. Cuy, S3 %s Jncksouvülo, ni., Oirnho, Nou. E JJ "- i.-J.t-ltTMtggjir.iiir--.r-.--J--i-. 1150-G2 Positive cure for Piles. To tlie people of this County we woultl say we have been ;iven the Agency of Dr. Marchlal'a Italian Pile Oiutment- emphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refunded- -Internai External, Blind, Blecding or Itohing Piles. Prlce 50c. a box. No cnre, No pay. For sale by Eberbach ! & Son, Drugulsts. - 1 Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, 88. In the matter of tbc estnte of Jennle W. Ilollis and Litin Huilla, minors. Notlce Is hereby glven, that In pursnance of an order granted to the undersined 8aniuel J. Springer, guardián of the eetJtte ot said minors, by the Hon. Judee of Probate for the County of Wayne, on the flfteenth day of May, 1 A.D.18S3,there vvill besold at public vindue, to the biglMSt bidder, at the enst front door of the Court 1 House in the city of Anu Arbor, in the county of ' Washtenaw.ln said State, on Saturd.'iy the flrst day I of September, A. IJ. 188:ï,at two o'olock in theaficfnoonot that day (subject to all encombrancca by 1 mortgaite or otherwise exifting at the time of the ' xaid xale, the followinf described real estáte, ' to-wit: A'l the rti;ht title and lntereet of eald I minors in the undivided one eitihth of thy west one hundred and twenty acres of the nortli half of I tion six (6) tewnship twoi2)south range even east, exccpting the north-west Iractional quarter of said 1 socllon, In the township of Superior, County of I Washtcnaw, and State of Michigan. SAMUEL J. SPRINGER, Guardian of said Minors, 1152 58 Jennie W. Hoixib and Linn Hollis,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News