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1 1 Supervising Architect Hill wants to I reslgu. ¦ I The President and party have reI urnedfromtheir trip to the Yelïowstone ValA full stock of the new two cent stampe are on hand, subject to cali. The color I is metallic red. Already reports are in circulation to the effect that attempts have been made to I counterfeit the new postal notes. The authorities at Washington have been notifled that yellow fever is gaimng ground rapidly at the Pensacola navy yards. The issue of standard silver dollars for the week ended September 8 was f521,998, agalnst $449,500 the corresponding pcriod last year. The Utah commission have issued another curd in whlch they claim that they nave done tteir duty, and state that at least 15,000 persons were disfranchised because of polygamie prácticos. Postoffice departnint official think the governiúent will lose about $1,500,000 by not making the readjustment of postraasters' salaries and the reduction in letter postage op erative at the same time. Littlo Chief, a Cheyenne Indian has sent a unique appeal to the secretary of the in terior for a new 6Uit of clothes. He saye : "I don't care much for grub, but I do like todress In proper slyle. I want tüe best white bat you can purchase in the market." Commissioner Price advises the Seceetary of the Interior to refuse the request of the French Charge d' Affaires for 20 Iudians to be e-xhibited in Paris. The commissioner says such exhibitions will have a tendeney to make the Indians dissatisüed wii-h life at the ageucy. In the case of the Louisana Lottery Company vs. the Postmaster General, for 1100, 000 damages, in issuiog an order to prevent the delivery of letters to said company, the postmaster general has put in a broad and blunt defense. He pleads not guilty to the entire indietment, nd disclaims any motive of malice ordesire to injure the reputation of the complainant, and iuMsts that he was but performing his duty. It b nowascertained that the acquital of the principáis in the star route trial was secured by bribery and corruption of the most flagrant kind. The jurors werc tampered with in an outrageous and disgraceful manner. The?e things were hlnted at when the trial closed, and ever since, the most damaging evidence bas been gathered, inl; by link, uutil a Chain of cireumttances has been oven, strong enough to hang the conspiiators. The condition of the United Sutes treasury on the 8th inst. was as follows : Gold coin and bullion $204.661,610 Silver dollars and bullion 119,07, 7IIÍ Fractional silver coiu 27, 710, 1 24 United States notes 52,886,181 Total $494,286,628 CEHTIFICATES OUTSTAN'DING. Uold $54,759,160 Silver 75,90,2ol Currency 11,730,000 A tabulated statement of receipts and expenses and average cost of collectlug $1 of revenue in all the tustoms dlstricts of the United States for tbc fiscal year onding June 80., 18S3, has been prepared at the treasury dcpartment. From this 6tatement it appears that $216,7S0,S69 were eollected at a cost of $6,432,127. The cost of colleeting $1 ranges in different districts from 1 cent and 8 milis in New York to$50 84 in Atlanta, Ua., the average cost in all districts b(ing2 cents aiid 9 milis and a fraction. In 29 of 130 di-stricts the cost of eollecting $1 was more than $1, and in 30 it was more than 10 cents. Attorney General Brewstcr had written an important opinión in reply to a question submitted by Secrctary Folger regardine the payment of interest on money borrowed by the state of New York during the war of the rebellion for the enrollment, subsietence and clothing of the troops. Pennsylvanta, Ohio and several other northern states have presented claims of a similar cbaracter, which in volve hundreds of-thousands of dollar6 in taxes The Attornev Gendral, after a careful review of the act of July 27, 1861, which provides for the payment by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of aoy money not otberwise appropriated to the governor or authorized agenta of any state, the cost properly incurred in raising its troops for the suppression of the rebellion, says that the claim for Interest paid by the state of New York oü money borrowed for thie purpose do"8 not come within the province of the act. The opinión affeets all claims pending of this nature, thit of Ñew York having been selected by Secretarv Folger as a test. case. The only means by which these claims can now be coHeeted is througb the act of Congress making a speciüc appropriation. The Solicitor of the Treasury has been requestcd by the Sixth Auditor to bring suit on the bond of Cadet Taylor, postmaster at Wenona. III., for therecoveryof $900, the value of forgcd money order6cashed by one of hls assistants. This assistant obtalned acce68 to tb safe in which the blank book was kept, and thus procured the order blanks. which he filled out with fictítious ñames, and having sent letters of advice to the several po6tmasters on whom they were drawn,obtaiDed leave of absence and liad them casheit personallv. He escaped with tbe mouey thus secured, but was afterwanl anvsted and eonvicted. and is now in the peniteutiary. It ie stated at the Solicltor's office that the point to be determined in this case before suit is brought on the po6tmaster'g bond is, whether it was through carelcs8ness on hls part that hls assistant obtained aeces6 tu the monej order blauks, which by law the postmaster is obliged to keep in a fe under hls own care. GKKN LKAL ITEMS. Yellow fever is raging in Mexico. Chicago business men protest against the new postal notes. Ten of the oadets at Indianapolis, on trial for baaing, were acquitted. There has been a heavy flood in Texas, caused by the risein the Rio Grande. The corner stone of the new capítol building at Bismarck, Dakota, was laid on the 5tL inst. Abmt 20,000 men joined in the parade of labor organizations in New York the other day. Earthquake shocks were feil the othei day in Santa Barbara, Los úngelos and Wilmington, California. Large tanks are being manufacturad in thi6 courtry to be taken to South África, to be used in the manufacture of artificial ice. The trial of James Nutt, for the murder of Dukes at Unlontown, Pa., which was to have taken place this month, has been postponed until December. The late Mrs. Fisk, wifo of an exlibrarian of Cornell university, left nearly $500,000 to that lnstitution, and an effort is beiDg made to annul the will. The special election at Grand Haven to decide whether that city should ii3ue $9,000 bonds and buy the toil-bridge resulted in the propoeition to buy being defcated by 93 votes. Two spans of the railroad bridge over the Mississippi at Minneapolis, Minn., were burned a few days ago. The flre caught from the sparks of a passing engine. Loss about $30,000. The murder of Mrs. Roso Clark of Bridgeport, Conn., still remains a mystery, baffliug the sliiU of th3 detectives. The reward has been iacreased to $1.000. Horace Greeley's farm atChappaqua, N. Y., was sold at auction on the 8th inst. Only one bid was made, and that by hts daughter Miss Gabrielle Greelev. The property was sold for $10,000. In accordance with an act of congress, the president has issucd a proclamation stating that a world's cotton exhibilion, lasting five msnths, would begin in New Orleans in December, 1884. There seems to be as soiiie doubt abou the colored convention whieh was to have been held in Louisville on the 34th inst. Fred Douglass is ill and fears are entertained that he will not De able to be present. A barn on the farm of J. L. Wilcox, of Stanton, but oecupied by J. Findlay, burned the other evening with about 12 tons of hay and two sacks of rye. Loss $SO0. It in believrd to have been the work of an incendiary. Property belonging to the insolvent Augustinian society of Lawrente, Maas, was sold at auctiin the other day. Enough was realized to pay the mortgage and accumulated Interest, leaving nothing for the depositor6. Negotiations are pending in Canada whereby eacli irish ehiid immigraling under Cardinal Mancing's direction may receive $2. Already six hundred children undr bis supervisión bave found homes in Canada this scasoi!. Sixty thousand dollars damage was done iu Milwaukee county, Wis., by the late cold snap, to the one artiele of cucumbere. Many farmers in tliat county made a specialty of this vegetable, and the loss falls heavily upon thein. John Watt, a young man of 19 years, was thre6hiug at Seley's in West Bloomficld, four miles from Pontiac, when he feil backwards into the separator and was ground to a jelly up to bis shoulders beicre the machine eould be stopped. An unknown man was killed by the Kalainazoo express on the Michigan Central a Augusta. The name of W. W. Wilcox was found la bis pocket and a Chicago aDil Grand Trunk baggage check, a Chicago depot check and a tintyp of an old man. Frank .Jumes, the notorious outlaw, ou trial at Gallatin, Mo., for the niurder of the Hite Brothers, wasacquittcd. The verdict of the jury causes great indlgnation. There are several other indictments against Mm, and he has been remanded for trial. A largc scizuro on teas has been made at New York, under the act prohibiting importatiou of adulterated tea. Examinaüons by enemiste, of sample?, 6howcd the teas utterly unflt for usc. Oae powder used is Prussian blue, an active poison. This is used to give a palé green color. The Dakotii constitutional convention now in Eession at Sioux Falls adopted a resolution that Congress be urged to open the Sioux reservation to settlement, making a just and reasonable compensation to the lndians. It Is the unanimous voice of the conventioD thas the intere8ts of the territory demani it. The fire that destroyed the office of the Times-Star in Cincinnati, was more serious than at flrst reported. The loss of the TimesStar company is about $10,000. The rag and paper warehouse of Bremer & Co., was totally destroyed, involving a loss of $35,000. Nine girls employed in the rag and paper warehouse were burncd to deatb. The last spike in the Great Northern Pacific railway was driven on Sdturday afternoon, September 8tb, and this great thoroughfare is now ready for business. The ceremonies attending the completion of the road were held in Gold Spike, Montana, amid theplaudité of a multitude, and the boomiug of cannon, President Villard delivered the opening address, reviewing thehistoryof the enterprise from the tlmê of lts first Inception in 1835. flon. Edward M. Evarts delivered an able and tbrilling addrese, and the exercises of the day closed. While a wild Texan steer was beiug transferred from the pier to a steamer, in Boston, the animal broke away and ran at full speed througu the streets. One little boy was caught on the horns of the enraged animal, and horribly gorcl, the hom tearing its way up through the throat, and the tongue torn entirely out. He was tbrown high up in the air and then plunged to the ground. Several other persons were more or lees iDJured. The steer rushed out on the pier and jumped into the water, but was finally las-oed and drawn to shore by the aid of a derick, and killed. A dispatch from Washington says: The solicitor of the treasury rendered a decisión that may ultimately lead to the breaking up of the practice of overloading passenger steamers. The law has been understood heretofore to provide that the government must proceed against the violators of the steamboat law only by information furnished by outside parties. In consequence vessels are often overcrowded wilh impunity. The Bolicitor of the treasury decides that it is withln the power of government officials todirectly prosecute owners of steam vt'6sels for violation of the law. The decisión was rendered on a test case broughi from Florida.


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