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Secretary Chandler is in favor of sending out another cxpedltion for the relict of Lieut. Grccley. Orders have been issued froni tho navy department ordering the dismlssal of the naval cadets found guilty of hazing. The seizure of "stiam" stills in South Carolina was found to be the work of United States deputy marshalls, and that the internal revenue offlcers were entirelj innocent. A clerk narued Bonnell, employed in the pension office, has been discharged for supplying confederates on the outsidc with Information regarding the business of the office. The total paper ciroulation now out standing is 1831,757,069; total coin circulation, $743,347,573 ; grand total, $1,575,104,642. Assuming the total population to be 52,000,000 the disftibutton por capita would b-r f30 29. A statement prepared at the money order office based upon returns for onc week from 100 of the smaller money order offices, 6how that 42 per cent. of the money transmit ted by the money order service was in posta notes. It has been discovcrei that s national bank in New Orleane Is in league with a iottery of that State, and suit is to be brought to determine whether a national bank can lawfully lend its name and influeuco to such an umlertaking. Comroissioner Dudley of the pension bureau has issued a circular stating that the department is practieally up with the work before it, and thal they are prepaied to attend to all applications prornptly; the circular also states that further delay in the settlement of claims will be chargeable to applicants for their failure or inability to produce evidence required of tin-m. The postoffice department began the distribution of the new two cent stamps, on the 15 inst., and the requisition upon the contractors was the largest in number of pieces and value ever issued in one day. The order was for 37,879,830 postase stamps, 7,131,950 stamped envelopes (most of these being of the two cent denomination) and 5,953,000 postal cards. The sggreeate value of the articles ordered is yuo,uOU. The report of tho Hill investigating committec finds the Sapervising Architect guilty of official dereliction, and recommends the establishment of a board of public buildings to whom shall be referred aii contracts plats, specifications and the llke. Under the present system, all these matters are in the hands of the Supervising Architect, and the committee thinks the position too responsible tobe Buccessfully managed by one man. Jndge Thoman of the civil service coinmission bas tbis to say about paliticai asesumente. "As fur as within the power of the commission to sec the provisions of the civil service liw strictlv adhered to, it is their purpose to do so. I have no hesitation in saying that to assess dues upon clerks and enployes of the government for the purpose of maintaining political organizations in this city or aiding politlcal parties In tLc states is an absolute violation of sections 11 and 14 of the civil service act. Whether the circular demanding money comes from a United State senator, representative or a department clerk, its author should be dealt witü vu a inaoner that would show that the law is not a collectian of meaningless words. It is undoubtedly the duty of the head of each executive department to assist the commission in seeing that the law is vindicated, and I haveno doubt they will." Of the appropriaMon of 9100,000,000 for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year tnded June 30, 1883, 139,000,000 remained unexpended, and was reoppropriatedfor the present llícal year, inaking the sum available for expenses of the pension bureau about $125,000,000. Commissioner Dualey expresses the opinión that there will be another large surplus at the end of the present fiscal year. In that cvent he will ask to have the surplns reappropriated and expects to be able to considerably reduce the amount required for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 18S4. The commissiouer saysnotwithstanding the probable existence of this large surplus the number of pension claims passed upon the present year will show a large increase over last year, and he attributes the saving to the character of the cases and the efficiency of the exaininers. Coramissioner Dudley is also of opinión that he will be enabled to reduce the number of employés in the pension bureau from 1,500 to 1,250 the next fiscal year. ; l:?s ;.lí 1 , 11MCM.H. The IndiaDs in Arizona are still on the war path. Prof. Swift of Rochester, N. Y., has diecovercd another cornet. The iirst through train between Portland, Matne aud Portland, Oregon started on the 17th lnst. The ill-feeling between the whites and blacks in Craig county, Tcxae, continúes, and a reigo of terror prevails. Tke governor of Connecüeut oifers a reward of $l,50J for the arre&t and conviction of the murdcrer of Rose Clark. Lieut. Danenliower, of the Jeannette, has expreseed hls willingness to take partin an Arctieexpedltionfor the relief of Lleut. Greeley. ¦ John C. Calhoun, a grandsou of the famoue statesman, testifled bcfore the senatc coniniittee oo labor and edueaticm the other day Judge Edgerton decides that the Dakota capítol commlsslon is an illegal body, and hi order ousts them from their poBitlon wlth costs upon thni. Authorities at Washington are said to be adverse to another Greelej .relief expedltion, although Lient. Garlington has eipressed hls wlllingnes3 to go agaln. From observations made in the far west the director of the mint thtnks the yield of gold this year will ba slightly less than last and of sllver slightly more. It is rumored in San Francisco that President VlUard of the Northern Paciflc ha boaght connecting Unes so tha.t he has a direc line from Puget Sound nearly to San Diego, Southern California. The Florida ship canal will be 136 miles long, 230 feet wide, and 30 feet deep. The stockholders have ordered the directora to proceed with its con6truction. The large steani barge Oakland from Bay City to Erie, lumbcr laden, foundered off Conneaut, O. The vessel had been previously abandoned by all but four of the crew, who are believed to have been drowned. Another preamblc to the constitution adopted by the Dakota constitutional convention In session atSloux Falls has bemadopted. The preamble is brief, but its tone is conciliatory and no doubt will mollfy the wrath of the people in the north. It is stated that the Czarina lately detectcd one of the Imperial Chamberlalns in the act of placing a Nihtlistie document in her apartmcnt and he, fearing the consequences committed suicide The authorities endeavorcd to prevent the fact from belng made public. The secretary of state of North Carolina, and tbe private secretary of the governor of the Palmetto state, had a little difliculty the other day, and proceedcd to settle the matter by a hand-to-hand flght. Aftcr they were pretty well pumelled, hisexiollencyappeared upon the scenc, and separated them. The New Hampshire legislature has adjourned to the last Wedncsday in May, 1885. The session of the legislature was the longest ever held in the state. Members each receive 102 days' pay. It will require upwards ol $100,000 to settle their per dlem. Nearly 375 bilis and joint resolutions were passed. The Massachusetts Conimissioners of Immigration report that 39,C03 immlgrants landed at Boston from August 3, 18S2, to June 30, 1888. Of this number seventeeu were lunatice, idiotd or persons unable to take care of themselves. The Comniissioners say the worst class of paupers they are called upon to provide for, come through t'auada, and addltional lcgislatiou is asked to prevent such an infiux. Twenty thousaud oil barrels, a cooper shop and adjaeenl sheds of the Standard oil company burned,&ix miles north of Milwaukee. Severa! carsof theSt. Paul eompany, and many of the Northwestern company, standing on tho tracks, were also eousumed. The loss is about $40,000; no insurance. The fire is supposed to bave been ineendiary. Pipes leading to the big tanks were cut by the watchman, so the fire did not spread to them at all. I. M. Ker, the Chicago bank clerk, who absconded with about $50,000 in funda belonging to Preston Kean & Co., of that city, and who was recently taken on board of an American man-of-war lu Peru, and brought to thls country, was arraigned for trial the other day. He claimed that he was uot lecally arrested but was kidnapeii, and a stay of proceeding8 lias been 2'anted uutil the udge settles the question. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, ou his arrival in this country, was met by four United States secret service detectives, who no fol low him closely alinost every where he travels. When he rides one sits with the drivtr ou the carriage. It is understood the detectives were furnlshed on the application of the British minister at Washington, ou the grouud that fenians or other enemies mlght otherwise endanger Lord Coleridge's life or liberty. The citizens of North Dakota met in convention in Fargo on the 12th inst, and adopted resolutions vtgorously protesting against tLe action of the convention uow in session at Sioux Falls. The people of the North claim that representatives of South Dakota have no right to act for the people of the territory, nd proteBting again6t the admission of South Dakota as a separate state, and against the admlsüion of theterritory asawhole under a constitution adopted by the Sloux Falls conventiou. A large number of Government records were lost in the iireby which ihe Olympla, Washington Territory, land office was destroyed n the 14th. Over 100,000 pages of records belonging to the Survcyor-General's offiee and a large number of plats were consumed. The original papers or certifled copies, however,are among the archleves of the General Land office, and copies will be made to supply the Olympia flice. The Commissioner of tbe Land Office expres6es the opinión that this work will require the cmployment of a largo number of clerks for at least oue year. The president of Mexico in a message read at the opening of congress says Mexico's foreign relations become every day more satlsfaclory; that the condition of the country generally is good though therc exlstsorae financial troublcs which will be speedily overeóme The progre6s of internal improvements is high" ly satlsfactory and visible to everybody. The central railroad company has constructed more Iban 1,500 kilometers of road; the national construction compauy morethan 1,000 kilometers; total kilometers of railroad constructcd in the republic, 4,800. It was necessary to modify the agrecment made by an unorflcial agent with Britlfh bond holJers. The negotiations progressing for a loan of $20,000,000 abroad he hope6 will soon termínate satisfactorlly. The revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30 last were $33,500,000 an increase. of $1,500,000 over the previous year. The revenues of the present year bid fair to exceed the sum mentloned. The Dakota constitutional convention has adjourned. The last clause of the constitution proposing a new state of Dakota was unan, imously passed. The constitution adopted by the convention is a carefully coflstiueted document, Stringent safeguards are thrown up against monopolies of all kinds, banking and railroads being espceially consldered. A provi ion was adopted that will console the Prohlbltionists, which was to subintt to popular vote any measures upon petitlou of 5,000 legal voters it shall then become part of the State Constitution. The utmost good feeling prevails amoug the delegatee, who are well satlsfied with the work done. The que6tion of salaries to be allowed State officers was declded, the Governor to receive $2,ono, and the Treasurer. Auditor and Attornev-tteneral, $1,000; Superintendent of Public Instruction, $1,500. The Legislature wilt ñx the other salaries. Admiration is a forced tribute, and to extort it from mankind, envious and ignoreut as thev are they must be taken unawarsi. Nrthcote.5


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News