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O, F. Hunt, '81, was in Ann Albor last week. R. C. Davis, the librarían, returned rom the east last week. A brother of Prof. Morris is visiting with him for a few days. R. G. DePuy, '79, and wife registered t the Cook on Monday. N". W. Haire, '80, and family have arived in the city. Mr. Haire wlll enter he law school. W. B. Cady, '82. will be in a law office n Detroit the coming year. He left for bat point yesterüay. Miss Lillie E. Hudson, sister of Prof. Hudson, was marrled last week in Detroit o a Mr. Clay, of that city. In a test of the Muskegon salt brine Prof. A. B. Prescott finds 99 per cent. of alt, and a bushei of salt can be made from 21.8 gallons. Dr. Adams, of Clinton, moves his family o Ann Arbor. He has secured the appointment of hospital assistant in tlie ïomeopathic department of the university. - Adrián Weekly Press. John Ayers, '80. accompanied bis two sisters to Ann Arbor last week from their home at Fort Smith, Ark. He arranged for their entering the High School. Howard Ayers, his brother, is now in Europe. Among the appointments of the Detroit conference,Methodisr,for the cnsuing year we notice that Newberry and Dollarville, n the Sault Ste. Marie district, have been assigned to Guy M. Bigelow, '81, and Lauibertville, in this district, toF. L. Osborne, 83. James E. Fields, formerly of Dexter, but now of Alpena, left for home Saturday after a short stay In this city. He has just purchased a stock of goods for the purpose of opening a branch drug store in Alpena. Mrs. Field, who has been visiting here for several weeks, returned at the same time. Two new boilers are being put into the central boiler house, making six in all at that point and three at the laboratory. The additional boilers will be under the high pressure systetn, but the connecting pipes are being laid so as to return ultimately to low pressure. The old workshop on the campus is being moved over to the west side of the inechauical luboratory to increase the facilities of the latter building. Additional machinery will be put in so that eighteen persons at least can be at work in the building at the same time. The work-shop engine will take the place of the one in use at present, stcam being supplied from the laboratory boilers, "it is now hoped that the library building may be rcady for use in about three weeks. Two issues since we published the notice of marriage on the 5th. inst. at Jamestown, Dakota, of Dr. R. G. DePuy and Miss Charlotte D. Lloyd, daughter of ír T B. Llovd a Jamestown banker The following account of the marriage is taken from the Jamestown Moruing Alert:- At precisely twelve, noon, the contractiug parties came mto the spacious doublé parlor while the wedding raarch was being played on the piano and immediately the ceremony was performed The parlor which was darkened and U un w th jets, was handsomely decorated with emDlems and handiwork among which a bilí made of white and tuberroses üung from the ceilmg. The bnde was attired in a beautiful Ottoman trimmed in duchess lace with veil decorated with the lllies of the val ey. Immediately afler the ceremony the guests, oonsistine only of the intímate friends of ?he famMy adjourned to the dining room where a bou„Jtiful and beaut.ful breakfast nrenared by Misses Mary and MinnreVCyawaiLdthem Thetablewas handsomely decorated with bouqueta , a maminoth pyramid cake occupying the center. The presento consiUed of 114 pteccs of decorated china, remnants of a china set mrchased in 1798, gold ice-creara and errv spoons and cake knife, gold jelly bowl with spoon, pounded-silver pickle uisli witli fork, one dozen gold after-dinner spoons, one set of after-dinner cups and saucere, one white satin home-printed ïln cushion, one plush liand embroldered idy, one eiderdown comfort, one odd gold spoon, one elegant three-sided miror with Englush scènes on the buck, one jair of gold bracelets set with rubies, one ïne linen table cloth, four handsomely bound volumes of illustrated poetical works and sketches. The bride and grooin took their departiré on the east-bound train for St. Paul from wheuce they will go to Duluth and henee by lake to Buffalo and from there o Niágara, returning in a conpleof weeks by way of Detroit and Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News