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-1 O a 8 n 8 ¦d o O I o tí o o g Pl W Dr. Félix Le Brun's a GA Quaranteed Cnre for Oonorrbce and Oleet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effecta from ita use; oe nut Interferí wlth business or dlet. Price, $2 OU per box, or three boxee for $5.00. Wrltten guáranteos Isaued hy erery da] j authorized irent to refand the money ir thiee boxea fail to cure. Sent poatage prepaid on receipt of price. Áddreas, J. H. BRÜWN & CO., Solé Agent, Ann Arbor, Micb. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Itfy. Z. F. Wilil, m]lkinii city znisglonary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wild, of the Marhu. aett Supreme Court, wrlteg as folio: " T8 E. MM SI., Neü York May 16, 1S82. Mkssrs. J. C. A ver Sí 0o. (ientlenicii : Last winter I waa troubled with a most uncomfortable itching humor aifecting more especially my limbs, wbich itched ao intolerably nt night, and burned ao íntensely, that 1 coultl scarcely oear any clothing orer tbem. 1 was aleo a sufferer from a severe catarrb and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal rúa down. Knowing the Talue of A vkk's Sarsaparilla, by obserration of many other caaes, and from personal use Ín former years, 1 began takíng it for tbe abore-named disorders. My appetite lmprored alraost from tbe flrst dose. After a hort time the fereraod itching wereallayed, and all sigua of irritation of the nkiu disappeared. My catarrh aud cough were also cured by the same meaiis, and my general health greatly lmprored, untíl it ts dow excellent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and 1 attrlbute these resulta to the use of the Sabsaparilla, which I recommeiid with all confidence as the best blood medicine ever deTlsed. I took it in small doses three times a day, and used, in all, less than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publlcation may do good. Yours respectíully, Z. P. WiLDS." The abore instance U but one of the many conitantly coming to our notlce, whlch prore the perfect adaptabllity of AYEB'a Sarsaparilla to the cure of all diaeasea artelng from impure or iinporerished blood, and a weakencd vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanaes, onridies, and streugtheua the blood, atimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, aud thereby enables the system to rcsiat aud overeóme the attacksof all Scrofulout Diaeates, Erupliotii o the Skin, Jllieumaiism, Catarrh, General Üebility, aud all disorders reaultiug from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of tbe system. PREPAUKD BV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 5old by all Drugglsts; price ?1, six bottles for ?5. -Best Purgativo Medicine - cure Constipation, Indigestión, Headache, and all Bilious lisorders. Sold everywhere. Alwayg reliable.


Ann Arbor Courier
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