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THEODORE BIGALKE I'KOPKIEJOKOFTUK ' limArborCentral Floiir and Fced Store No 29 E. WASHINGTON' ST Joaler in (Jrnceries and ProTiMont.' ft. iwirs and ( unfectlonarles. Bole ainínt í' )la-.. in tnecIlywliTeyi.u can ln.y thr „,','i"ly Joods dclivered free t-, nny nurtof ihè' cly '"""y8CALES AND 8AFË8 [AKDFAl TURBES of Hatf onn, H... Wheat.n 'Li -i.untcrSciile, New aurt Mf.i,i„l-ii,,,„i 5 ,n(i ind Baf e f or ssle and repaired Scule im lir; M N. miwucy. Detroit. Mlch büliL-H dií .Vtí & i.UOK '"MiTHTSir ÏUBQI,AR ai.aHMS and ELKCTB10 hft t o MOV U1TTUÍO. SAFE lll:i', um '¦ l-,' 3BNBRAL bKPAlKS ANUJOBBBKS lBÏC "¦--¦!:¦¦ I_X. KOWI.kV. oSj,M j,cl, (ÏOlDlllS Catarrh.Throat Disease Bronchitis and Asthnia ' Can be Cured! Also dlseases oí tl' eyk, kah ma heart at the Detroit Throat&Lung Institute, M. HIIl'ON WILIJAMS, M. D., M. C, P. S O l'roprietor. Over 40,000 Case Treated in tho Last Seïenteen Year All dtaeases of the HespinUory OnS treatert by Hedicated Inhalatlon, comblñed i wheñ reqiiircd with prupiir consUtutional remedlM forthe STOMACII.l.lVEEUind Bu)OI), &c. If possllile SS l!i'r,!.',Vi 'f"r "" lsi'niination, otberw&e write }{ UW ? 9L-ESTIO.NS" and "MKDICAL TREAT ii.. Autlress, Detroit Thraat & Lung Institute 2Ö3 Woodward Ave.. Detroit .Mlch. GKT TUK BEST Fire Insurance Sourity held for tbe protectie of b. ¦ 7 hoMers. CHRISTIAN MAC i rtapreruits th followip chu-a coiniq, of which ou, tbe JE p, l'as alot p . j töo,"000,O0ü fire Io89s in eix'ï ar9'. ACetna, of Hartford % 7. imühGmi Rranklin. rulladelphia J.3. ,in , Uerman American N. V 2 8 00 0 " Liondoo A-umnce Corporation J5.8vtuui i, National, Hartford l,2n,l -o North öprmnn, llamburu 2 i. '!.'¦)¦¦ ifl r'doenix, t-;nokljn 2,h Underarlur Aïency N. Y 4,D. o " llbei Hf dj utid ai'l pruii ¦ i ,., . Polic h ?] (1 At thf Ifiwi'B' rffi o' f.r tnfnhu HM I'. CnHISTI.IS II Al K. ¦óinsey'&ëabolts BAKERY, GEOCERY FLOUR & FEED STORE. Wi keep constantlr od hnd. DftEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, rOR WHOLJtSALB AND MTAILTRATK. We hall alao keep a sopply ol WIFT DKÜBBL'S BBST WH1TB WH&AT FLOUR. DELHI FLOÜK, BYB KLOUR BüCKSVUBAT FUHJR, COEN MBAU FEED, 4c, c At wh ilesale and reviil. A íeneral nek "f GKOCEKIES A!%D PKOVISIO" eonstantlj on hand, wtalcb wlll beiold ou as re nable terms as at any utber bouBe In the cuy. Cah pald for Butter, Eeis, an Uonn'.rT Pro" general)?. WGiods dellrered to aoy part of th6 c ty "¦ out extra c' arto. „. RINSET 9BABOI.T 1 1 IR 0 Ia PeoP'c art' al"ays on the look ¦ ¦fr"_init for chances to ir.c-rease UU I k p tlieir c arniugs, nia in linie bc¦ ¦ IKjI ¦ - 1 1 , ¦ wealtny; those who do ¦ ¦ ¦ ""ïiot lmprove thcir opportanities remain in poverty. We offer & great chance to make monpy. We' want many meo, womet, boys and girls'to work for us rightintheirown localitiPS. Any onc can do tbe work properiy frorn the first Ftart. The business will pav more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No ene whoenf;ages fails to make moncy rapidly. Youcan devote your whole time to the work, or onlï your spare iiioments. Vuil informationaudtll that is needed sent free. Address Stixsox Co., Portland. Mainc. AF.HANGSTERFER&Co., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and OysterOcean Restaurant. ïheir Celebr at ed Premium Ice Cream, Water Ices, etc.,niade to order on short notioe: Parties 3upplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids.Charlotte de Russe, etc. We hava in our eniploy the finest Fincy Cake Bakers and Ornament i s in the state. Malaga G rapes, Oran ges, Figs. Dates, Kaisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candies. Álso Propriotor of the Hangsterfer Ice Company. ) 1 ( i t Connection. Ferdon Lumber Yaiu JAMES TOLBERT, Piop.Manuictnrer and Dealer U SAGINAW GAM-SAWEI) LDBH. Lath and Shingles. W inTlte all to irire m a cali, anJ ei""" '" too beforo purchasing elehre ALSO AGENT FOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE t And sells fire brick. JAMES TOLRERT, VR !' TI1T ANK AKBOIt Savings Bank, ajtx AitiiOR, jileara is. Transacts General lianking BnsiB& CAPITAL, $50,000. Orgnnlied umler tht Heneral BimVInü !- ""' Staie. the tockholders nn' lndnlüualiy l'0 'i addltlonal nmount equul to thu toci tie "," them, thereby cröa'lns a Guarantoe ïuoa the benefit of Depositora of SIOO.OOO.OO. Three per cent. interest iê oilol -'" " gaTirgs Depnslt of one dollar and up"" " OordlnK to the rule of the üunk and Intere-t ¦ pouniied senil annuollj Mon y to Loan e ' Lncurauered rem estáte nnd oiber Rood securay. DlRKcrrons -Chrlstian Mack, w . Wn ' ¦ Beul, WllHam Deubel, Wl l Harn Daniel HiscocH, and WiHar.' 1) Smiih OPPICRiRS. Cmristian IUck. Pres W.W . Winis. vi"t'"r" OA HiscocK. Caibier [¦¦"


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