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Troyal iswisj jk m POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty, strengthand wholesoraeness. More económica! thau the ordtnary kinds, and cannot he. sold In competltlon wlth the mullitude ol low test, slio't welght, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powdir Co., KW Wall St., N. Y. KIDNEY Bladder, TJrinary, and Liver Diseases, Dropsy, Gravel, and Diabetes, are cured by HUNTSREMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. HUNTSREMEDY cures Brigbt's Disease, Retention or Non-Ketention of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side. HUNTSREMEDY cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Female Weakness, and Excesses. HUNTSREMEDY cures Biliousness, Headiche, Jaundice, Sour Stomacb, DyBpepsia, Coustipation,aud Piles. HUNTSREMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidiitys, Llver, and Bowel, restoring them to a bealthy action, and CURES lun all other medicines fail. Hundreds have been saved wb.0 hare been given up to die by friends and pbysicians. Send for pampnlet to HUNT'S KEMEDY CO., l'rovidencc, K. T. Trial size, 75 cents. Large size choapest. SOI.I) BY ALL DKUGGISTS. ÁNNOUNCEMENT ! New York, Sept. 14th, 1883. W e take pleasnre In announcing that.until further notice, we have thls day placed lnto the hands of Clough & WiRred 'Organ Company of Detroit, Mioh , the exclusive sale of the Steinway & Sons' pianofortes for the State of Michigan. ' stkinway & Sons. Dealers wanting Exclusive Territory.apply to Clough & Warren Organ Co., Detroit, Mich J-H. SLIPPER; MAXAGER FOR pmwai Is a sliort time quaitered at the St. James Hotel, this city. He lias in charge APPLETON'S CYCLOPiDIA for this and adjotnlng counties. It is a work, by the confession of almost every scholar in the land, unparallelled for excellence. In it you have the thought of five hundred of the best scholars In the land, boiled down and crystalized ready for use. The work is sokl ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION- never in the book stores. The most favorable time to get it is now. THE TERMS ARE SO EASY that you will hardly be conscious that you have parted with any money- the payments are so small, the intervals so long. YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE WORK-2-t VOLUMES -W1TIHN FIVE DAYS AFTER OIVING THE ORDER, AND TWO LONG Y'EARS TO MAKE THE PAYrMENTS Eodorsed by the I'rench Academy of Medicine for Inflammatlon of the Urlnary Oiühiih. cuused by Indiscretion or Exposure. Hotel Dleu Hospita!, Paris, Treatment. Positive eure in one to three days. I.ocal Treatment ouly required. No nauseous doses of Cupebs or C'opaiba. INFALLIBH, HYQIENIC, CURATIVE Preventivk Pricetl.SU, iucluding Bulb Syringe Sold by all Druggists.or sent Free by mail securely sealed.on receiptof price. Descriptiva Treatise tree on application. AMERICAN AUENCY "CO" MEDICINE CO. Detroit, Mich.. and Wiudsor, Out. Kold In Anu Arbor by C. E. Holmes, Cook Hotel Block. 1131-85 e o w And now Uiey have discovered that the ten commandmenta as published in our accepted vercion of the scriptures are not co;-i-ect. We are sincerely jrlad to liear tliis, for those commandments did bear rather severely on m.-iny persons of eminent respectability.- Boston Transcript. Hjstcria and Nervous Prostration. We "ve our readers an extract f rom a cheerful letter, wrlttenby Mrs. Elizabeth Smlth, of Richmond, Indiana, who B8T8 : "Satnaritan Nenine cured me of liysteria and nervous prostration." Commont is useless. The U. S. 8. S. Yantic is now almost ready to go In search of Lieut. Greely's Arctic Colony, and we would respectfully suggest, as a paster for Mr. Chandler's hat, tliat work be begun at once on the ship wliicli ahall go in search of the Yantic Life.


Ann Arbor Courier
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