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The fall meeting of the Chicago DrivingPark will be held trom October 6 to 13 inclusive. Over $16,000 are offered iii purses, and the faster classes are so arrangas to secure the presence of the best horses oftheyear. Jay-Eye-See wili be there, the horse that made a mile in 2-10% in Providence, R. I., last Saturday. The fastest time on record was made by Maud S., against time, in harness, and accompanied by a running mate, at Rochester, N. Y., August 11, 18S1. The time of JayEye-See, therefore.lacks but one-half of a second of being the fastest time evertrotted by any horse. Ilaving taken possession of niy planing mili igain, I am prepared to do planing, scrol sawing, moulding, sash, doors and blinds, and all work in my line, would be pleased to see all of my old customers and many neiv ones. H. Krapp, 1162-65 Detroit Street. Mrs. Tuttle keeps constantly on hand a fine stock of milliuery. The Appleton's Cyclopedia which we advertise in anotlier column, is a libiary of Information not Blmply valuable but necessary to any one wlio reads, speaks, writes or thinks on important questions. In many respects it is the best one Americ nis can consult, and it certainly is a comfort to be able to have t at hand ready for consultation at any time. Good Carpenters wanted at 19 Orlean street. Box 1243. George A. Isbell has returned from a summer's engagement with the Cheqnamegon orchestra and is now prepared to tune and repair piano. Order may be left at A. Wilseys or P. O. box 908. The Armory Hall Academy of Dancing for 1883 84 has an opening social on Friday evening, Oct. 5th, 1883. The class in dancing for ladies and gentlemen begins on Fridny evening, Oct. 12, at 7 p. m. It. Gkanoer, Manager. GKAND OPERA HOUSE! A. J. S.UÏYHU, Manager. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAOKDINARY. OSE 11 I ON1.Y. MONDA Y, OOT.1, '83 The brilliunt young actress Miss Bella Moore Supported by a carefully selecled Comedy Company, produclng for the flrst time In this city Callaban and Murphy's plctaresque Comedy Drama DEW DROP! Admlssion : 75, 50 and 35 cents, with no extra charge for reserved seats lf secured at Bliss L Son's Jewelry store. W. A. Gbego, Manager. A. B. Bennett, Gen'l Agent. OUT SALE of a largeassortment of Harey Flowerlng NliriibN, at one fourth thelr value, at TOMS'S GREENHOUSE, Miller Avenue, Ann Arbor. Alsoa laree aosortment of Flower KootM The fall belngfar the bestseason lor such remováis. Yours tn. ÖSCAR O. SORG-, OFFERS PAINTS, OIL. LEflD, and WINDOW CLASS LOWKK THA5Í ASY OTHER PAISTER IST THE CITY. GO S. JjA-IT ST. m nsiiu, ü .iM No. 5 S. Main St. I .v FARM FOR SALE 80 ACRES, f27 acres timber) three miles from Ypsllantl. ' Good buildings, orchards, etc. TIRMS VERY REASONABLE ! Callon.oraddress WARREN WOOLSEY, - ATFAR8ON BROS. Factory, Vpsilantl. Itching Plles-Symptoms and Core. The symptoms are moisture like perspiration, intense itchlnfc increased by cratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seems as if pin-worms were crawflng In and about the netom) the private parts are sometimes affected. 11 úllowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Ointment' is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itch, salt rkeom, scald head, erysipelas, barbers tel), blotchw, all scaly, crusty skin dlseases. Sent by mail for DO cents 3 boxes for $125, (in stamps). Address, Dr. Swavne & Son, Philack-lphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News