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DAEBYS PROPHYLACTICi FLUID. A Household Articlo for Universal è Family Use. PB For Scarlet and !j I BTyphoid Fevers, I MaX iDipUtherla, SaUI MALAEIA ivatlon' Ulcerated È vutMn.ann. [SoreThroattSmall ¦sflBHBIHBHBH Fox, Measles, and f. allContagiousDiseases. Persons waiting on I the bick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has G ncver been known to spread where the Fluid was Ë uscd cllow Fever has been cured with it after fe black vomit had taken place. The worst i cases of Diphlheria yield to it. FevercdandSlckFer. I SMAIX-POX K sons refreshed and and lied Sores FITTING of Small H MfT WUh FKEVENTED g Inipure Air made .. A m=mher of my famI harniless and purificd. ! "V was taken with B For Sore Throat it is a SrnaN-pox. I used the B sure cure. rluid,; the patiënt was 1 Contagión destroyed n?' delirious, was not For Frosted Feet, P'"l, and was about g Clillblalns, Files, the huse again in three j Chaflngs, etc. weeks, and no others I i Rheumatism cured had t. - J. W. Park I Soft White '"son, Pliiladelphia. _ jons secured liy its iisc. BHNMESIBBIflÊ ' J Ship Fevcr prevcnted. B To purify the Iireath, ¦ DinTltriOria Cleanse the Teeth, ¦ "PilUieria it can't be surpassed. _. - I Catarrh relieved and ¦ PreVSHted. I cured. l_ M B Krvsipelas cured. PIHlaHEBIHi The physicians here AnAnlidote for Animal A' eSoÁl or Vegetable Poisons, I Greensboro, Ala. I Stings, etc. Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented. ourpro5entafflictionwith I Ulccrs purified and I Scarlet Fever with healed. cided advantage. It is I In cases of Death it I indispensable to the j should be used about I room. - VV ii. F. j the corpse - t wHl FORD, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleasHnBBrifaHa ant smcll. jTÊ ' The eminent Phy. ¦ CA._1.4. n.-,._ I sician, J. MAKION ¦ocanet üeverj bdhb, ju. d., Ne M York, says : "I am ClirSa I convinced Prof. Darbys ¦L 1 Prophylactic Fluid is a gmmmgfl I valuabledisinfectant." Vanderbilt University, Kashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted.- N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexandek H. Stephens, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; los. LeConte, Columbia, Prof, University, S.C. Kev. A. J. Battle, I'rof, Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Piercc, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HO3IE. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or licast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tcsted, and wc have abundant evidence that t has done everything claimed. For fuller information get of youi Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIN & CO., ManufacturmaChemists, _ PH1LADELPHIA tfTJÜÏQBlntt CMERVE)iiQlUEmOB) Tho only known speciflc for Epileptic Fits.-C jr--A1so for Spasms and Falling Sickness.-S Nervons Wcakucss quickly relieved and cured. Eqnalled by nonn in delirium of fever.- j-Neutralizp genus of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotehcs and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens eluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbunclos and Scalds.-O fH-Permancntly and promptly cures paralysis. Ycs, It is a charming and healthful Apericnt. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changos bad breatu to g&od, removing cante. t'-SJ-Eouts biliou5ncs3 and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchlcss laxative."iLd It drives Sick Ucadache libe the wind.- {5!7-Contains no drastic cathartic or opiatos. Promptly curca Rheumatism by routing it.-E Restores Iife-giving proporties to tho blood.-ú?. 13 guaranteed to cure all nervons disorders." [-Eeliable when all opiatos fail.-tL8 Rcfreolios the mind and invigorates the body. Cnrea dyspepsiaormoney refnntlcd."sSJl E3f-Endorscd in ivritinf,' by over fifty thonsand Loading phyeicians in U. S. and Europe.-S Leading clergymen in U. S. and Europc.-a.O Biseases of the blood own it a connwror.-'Sïi For aale by all leadiug druggists. tl.60.."TBi For testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. Tbe Dr. S. ft. Richmond Mei Go., Props., I Tocepl---, afio. U51 I HALL'S mtÊtÊÊtiÊmmÊÊËiÊËim ëjëLLlLIbHLS Recommendod by Physlcians! Wemanufactur nnd ecllitwitha positivo euaranteo that It wil! cure any caso, and wowill forfeit the above amouut iiitfjiisin a single nsiance, Iti3 unlike any oth.r Catarrh remedy.aS itis taken internally, acting upop the blOOd. lf yu ar6'troubK'd"ith this distressing disease, ask yourDruggistforit.and ACCEPT NO IMITATIO 0E SÜBGTITÜTE. II HO hs not got it, send to us and we will forwaru Price, 75 cents per bottle. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. 1x33-1183 For sale by Eberbacli AYER'S Agüe Cure G taino an antidote for all malarial disorders which, so far as known, is used in no other rcinedy. It contalns no Quinine, nor any inlnera] nor deleteriona substance whatcvor, uid consequently produces no injurious effect u)(in tho constitution, but leavea tb ¦ stem as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WARRANT AYER'S AGÜE CURE to cure evcry enso of Fcvefand Age, íntermittent or Chili Kever, Eemittent Fever, Dumb Agüe, Blliouí Ferer, and Liver C'omI plaint caused !y malaria. ín case of failure, I fter due trial, dealers are authorized, by oui I circular dated July lst, 1882, to refund the I money. I Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LoweU,Ma8S. Soldbyall Druggists.


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