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Newaygo is having a building boom Tho thriving little townof Ontorjagan siïhcth for a tailor. Whooping cough is raging frightfully in Adrián and vlcinity. Jackson schools wero norer so well attcnded as at present A new bank has been organized in Jackson with a capital of $100,000. Awfully moral poople of East Saginaw want all the light literaturc taken out of their pubUc library. The Kalkaska superviors have organized a new township called Glado, township 25 north of range 5 west. You can't buy potatocs at Calumet for less than onu dollar a bushei, and the raarket has tm upward tem'.eney. Any man who crosses tho line of a funeral procession at Grand Rapide must pay one dollar fine for the privilege. Business increased so rapidly as to nccessitate tbc running of a second telephone wire between IIowcll and Dttroit. Citizens of Milau have raised $2,000 to defróv the expenses of enlarglng and otherwise improvlug their school building. V. M. Wooster who once editert the Dowagiac Times, has secured control of The Pacific Coast, a San Francisco weekly. St. Ignace boasts of three newspaper tliree school house.s, five churches, 655 school cuildréu, and claims a population of 3,500. The Mecosta office of the Detroit, , Lansing and Northern railroad was brokt n into , and some tickets and seventy-flvo cents in cash ] were taken. 1 James Cornell, of Brónson, Branch county, broke open alarge stone the other day, wMlelayin?awñll, and f ound two large nails in the center. Frotn April 1 to October 15. A. Loyster & Son of Iludson have handled 70,000 dozen egsB and have cuurned 100,000 pounds of er cry butter. Hattia Hart, of Richland, Kalamazoo county, feil under a mowing machine, and her left foot was almost severed, every cord in the ankle being cut. The contract for building the new court house of Kalamazoo county tas been let to Mille, Cramr fc Horn of Toledo. The building will cost $49,000. A falling tree killed a woodsmau named Loncy Geladeau at Pickard's camp iu Chtppewa township, Mecosta county, about seveu miles south oí Evart. A team belo'ngins to Enos Johnson, of Gaines towt.ship, Kent county, baoked into" the canal at Grand Rapld and were drowned. The team was valutil at $300. The board of Supervisors of Mecosta countv offers a reward of 1600 for the arrest and conviclion of ihc yartiies who fired the county poorhouee a short time ngo. A corpse exhumed at Charlevoix, afterithadiaia in the grave 15 yeare, was f,„,l tn he In a good state of preservation, ;he features showing scarcely a change. GeorftpE. Preston sued the village 9t Charlotte, becausc he lmrt hln.B.-ll on a defectivo sidewalk in that town. Judgment for }5 900 has been rendered sgainst the city. Conductor NicUolson of the Flint and Perc Marquette had hls ira, caught between fhebunBofthetwocars I Eaet Saginaw íheresuftbolngita lacérate írom the elbow down. PatrickUelaney, a welUo-do farmer Uvioglnear Grand B .pid. took a 1 of "Rough luis with suidrial intent. A doctor and a stomachpumpbro.ghtPata.ound.Ungbt. WilliamG.Barneydiedat Ws home loMOTBliaU fneother niht oí oíd age, his and Min to thli country and 6ettleJ in M.chi ganinl835. Basis Petoskey, son of the oldclnef tn Dav Li- fine. Fifty tons of pie iron, 150 gallon 01 lumber form tbe d-Ily output of the Elk RapIds iron companv. Leo & Brown'sflouringmill at Sarancaused tbc disaster. ver and 2.06 In gold. ,Two oxen. tTTO yearlíngs and a cow lont! mourned as lost. Fdward Nevels of Muskegon nas ueu 8aye the officers gave him Burglars oraokcd a safe iu the store f M Vanden Bosch ftt Zeeland, and too i7()Tnca6h Several citizens, awakenc rtLcïïorn ave chase totnethievesuu could not capture them. flihevalidityoftheirtitles. . „ „mu., . ¦ '';s, ;í, u, ua was committed, the raen were sent to flve ycars' imprisonment iu Jackson. The conipaniona of Artie Meiss, of Ha6tines, a lad of only 18 Eummers, plagucd lnm sb'jut a girl to whom hc had ehown i;ome atlcntion. This bo anuoyea bim that he blew oiï the top of his head with a shot gun Fred Clark for many years proprietor of the railroad eating house at Adrián is now "mine host" of the Centra] House in tnat city. He malees a popular landlord, and doesn't feed hls guests on ratlroad enudwiches cliher. Edward McManus, of Troy, near Puntiac, reporta that he has íound oil on his farm. He says that it runs in a stream about two inches in diametor. Itwill be testcd at once. As he is a poor man he feels quite elated over hls dlscovery. Tho Ontonagon Herald says there is a spring near the Cnion mine which is 63 rod6 across, 6 feet ucep, and has flve boilers. '-The bed of the lit.tle body of water is covered with a white sand, and the waU-r, which is clear as crystal, ha. a deilcious taste.1' CharlevoixSentiticl: Anludiau name i3 eoraethiofr feariully and wonderfully made. [lere are a few aboriginal cognomens of Deighboring nomade: Meosrs. ' Ogenahgegedo, Ogitnsgigito, Piucsiwigixig, Shkibbegosh, Rnhbahsegtzhiek, Shagahnahrashc, Kth-bi-bo-nobay. An interesting sppciincn of early Iadian 8culpture has been found by C. A. Daniels on Uie Bueh farm in Allegan county. It is a piece of tbe hardest kind of stone cut into the staape of a duck, and very perfect. Two holes are drilled in the bottom by which it could be strung. Pat Connors, brakeman, was killed heother aftemoon while making a "fijing witch" at the coacenttating works beUeen [shpeming and Negaunee. Oq the same day jis bro'.her, WillUm Connors, was wouuded in ;!-e arm by an Italian laborer on the Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette extensión. C. A. Dunbar, of Southfield, OakaEd county, has in his possession a copper instrument of a curioue pattern, 6upposed by eome that have examiued it tobeahatchet or tomahawk used by a race of people that once had a knowledge of our copper mines and a way of temperiiig copper so as to make edge tOOlB OÍ it. The body of a man named Richard McGee was found in the river at Laneing, the other day. He was last seen in ttiat city Oct. 3 when he purchased a sinall stock of drugs preparatory to opening a store in Suufleld, Eaton county. It U uot known whether ha has a family or uot. In his pocket was found $1.20. Mrs. BuiTOWS, wife of üeo L. 3urrows, a well-knewn Sagiuaw City baukcr, liedrecently sged 41 years. M. Burrom. wat a daughter of Dr. Virona R. Hotchkiss, 'ormerly pastor of Baptist ohurches at RocbesicrandBuJMo.N. Y.. and was tor 20 year oroLc6sor oL biblical history in the Rocheeter neological Btmlnary. The Lousvil} Courier-Journal of the llth iust. eays thal when Lord Coleridge and MsIriendsTUitcathecarofthe West MlcUgan farmers' club In tho expositlon grouuJs, and examined tbs exhibit, he remarked that lie had heard Michigan spoken of as the Wolverine state, but he should always think of it as "The state on wheele." Fair, for a lord. Pat Cavanaughof Mnskegon wasoD a spreethe other night, and attemptcd to enter MrL Magoon's reMdence through a window totad of the door. C. J. Collins a boarder at Mrs Ma-oon's thought Cavanaugh wssa burgar andñred at Mm l.fllcling dangerous and fatal wound, CoHias was arrested and tdmUtcd to bail in the sum of $3,000. The Cedar SpriDgs Clipper saya u' Thomas Arnmtron of Burch's, whiie cuttiug c.„nfor Ju.tinH.roon,of OakHelJ, found In bfie.d over a wagon load of bullbeads and pieker,! Brt. Some of the pkkerel were thr Lt long. It ie supposed that daring the fre hrt last .ummer tbeae Bsh wcre Hooded tato h is low place from Watois lake whlrh is onlj t0 miles dlstant. The trustees of tho Bay View associatlon met at Grand RapMs and declded to ex"ewaten works on the camp groun andto build a reservoir to contato no les than -SO barrel,. The dock will be purebased "om'the doek companv that the aesoclatu, rnThave exclusive control over the MW& Tdether, The da.e for the next .mmer camp mec-liog was made July AJohu Hall, a prominent politician and usiness manof UMI madetwounsuccessul attempts to take his Ufe recently. He procuredakniteandbegan elashing away .t . fearful rate, infllcting dangerous wounds. ihe "ue was ta'uen away fromhlm, when Jjbed a gun standing near, and vas about to e'dhifexistenceintbatwav, when an unkind coliceman waltzcd John off to jail. Lovers of tragody will havo an opnortunitv duriDK the week beginning Monday, gSS Á tbrt .reatest of Amca,, raJians, Johu McCallough i. ' GlalI!a lo, .. YlrgiotuB, and "Richard III," at th DUoit üpcra Houee, D.t.rolt. Tb= mere an ou nc ment of McCu.lough's appearancc , i, Lffieient. All J rlroads entering Detrol, will carry passeDEers at special rates. N G Northrup f Eaton Rapids.wko l6 now n JW oM, enjoycd a cll a few tap ago from Ml. Min.rya Faxon, aged 81, b l yc te the east l.ut has been vtoiting n Ea tor ";". MM U "'¦" ' Mr. Cbrislian Miller. SJ ïe wmcoofera favor by commuDlcattog -ü, WlUiam Grceo, o HoUy C D Townsend, a farmer, residmg three miles west of Vmmt, commltted euieid, jnd in answer to inquirles said the only reason be bad for thU3 ushering hiraeeli into eternity wjs that he had bccomc tired of life and had taken tliis as the best niethod oí brineing it to a close. Mr. Townaend has been a resident of Vassar and vlcinity for a number of years. He leavcfl a wife and family of 6everal small ehildron. In s, lest caso lieard at Bay City, Judge Green held thnt the new county of Aranac, formod out of the northern half of Bay County, had not been properly aart Iegully or ganizcd. The actio:i causcd great excitement and the supervisors met at onee and adopted rtsolutions instruetine; the proseeuting attorney of Bay County to cake immediate steps to present the question to tbe supremo court in some proper way to secure an iuimrdiate dec sion thereon, and to that end to cmploy such counsel to assist him ashemayseefit to employ at the exnense of the countv. A young man named Wiiliain Stnith, whose home is near Nashvüie, lies iu jail at Uharlotte, eharged with a inurderous assault on Dede Mudiea, a boy of 14, from the effeets of whtch the lad died in aboat 24 hours. Smith was returning to Nashville from a hunting expeditiou and stopped at Mudica's bouse to get. a drink of water. Iu a teasing way young Mudioa spiiled 6ome water on Smitb, whereupon theluttor swore at the lad and in a moment pieked up his rifle and ñred. The ballet eiitered Mudica's side and carne out near the navel. Smith declares that the shooting was accidental. The recent death of JoIid Higgins at Allegan as at once sad aud startlins;. He wandered awav from his home in a rit o,' delirium caused by His wife, on missing htm, went in search, and found him tryingto get home again, having eucceeded in gettiug near the high school building where be was peated belng unable to procced further. Aided hy another womau . Bbe attempted to earry him home but he died in t'neir arms before reachine there. He leaves a wife and four email ehildren in very destitute circum Rtanceg. A subscription paper was ttarted and quite a sum rcalized to pav funeral expenses ard aí-sist the family. Mr. Higgius was an Euglishman bv birta and about 65 years of aae, nndfor25 years sailed io ber majesty'a fleet, visiting all parts of the oli world. DKTIiOrr JttAUKKTS. Detroit, Oct. 10, 1S83. Whkat- The sales of wlieftt for the past week wi-re uiuca liglier than usua!, and the market has bfeu dull and weak. The followiuir ure the quotations: Na. 1 white, $1 05% (31 06; No. 2 white, $1 01(3101?; Mo. a'red, $1 02. Flouk.- The local demand ior ilour is quite active aud is met with a good supply. Trices are as fullows .Vlich white iieat, low gradea $3 50@4 00 Mieh white wheat, comraon 4 90(d5 ( 0 Mioh white wheat, chulee 5 00@5 50 Mich white wheat.mller procesa. .. 5 51 @5 T5 Mich white wheat, patents 6 5U( i o Minuesotas, bakers' Oi)(dö -'o Minnesota?, patentR 7 5l@S 00 Kye 3 00@4 00 Corn.- Receives hutlittlc attention jaet at preseut. The ruarket ftrm at 50 td 51 cents. Oats.- Ofïerinss are light, and prlces are quoted at 3" to 32 cents. j-LED._OlIc-ring6 are llght and the niarket is poorlv supplicd. Bran is wanted at $12 T5 cearse middlingg atabimt $15, and fine at. $18@O. Corn nieal $22@35 : coru and oats 2. Puovisionb- York is depressed and unsetr led bat Finokcrt roeats are lirm, and are sclling rt-elv. Vrcvatlini; ratesare as follows: Mess i rk:$12ial2 25; family lli@16 50;clear, _16@ , 7; lard 8íá8JLe f.,r tierccs, and !%@9Ke tor kejts; pails, 10@llc; liains, ïiiiQsiae iion, Iüi@ric;6houliier6,8@8yi';drudbeef, caree at 15(a16e; extra inneB. ÍU 75@lri. ;iover Seed, ?bu 5 45 @ 5 55 FPies, WbM 2S?i32? ÏSBSiï.V "."... ,... 55 60 S picned 2 10 (! 2 15 BS 5 -sallfi S-:.:::: ¦:::::::::: 7 0750 LIVE STOCK. Cattlb- The cattle tnarket Is dull and the d.mdud lijiht. PHces are 10 to 15 cents lowir than last wetk'e quotatlons on all grades, ranguig as follnws: (Jood to choico steera, $4@4 60; nic(lium,3 75 ?4 : enod liutchtrs', 3 5(@3 90; eommou, $2 7jtt :- Tbe hdg market is dull, una the oil-rinpi of poor qualilT. Prtces raujje írom ti 00@t4 7o. For shecp the ('emand Is botti-r for good ¦mide, prÖfee rangtoí frojn Í3 25@Í2 00 íor fair, and f n in $3 .M'CaXS fl'i for climue.


Ann Arbor Courier
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