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Saturday, Ocfeober 13, Únele Sam had fi (406,650,301 on hand. r Secretary Folger has issucd a cali c for $15,000,000 three per cents. Gen. Hancock Í3 to succeed Gen. herldan in the department of the Missouri Charges against Postruaster Hayes.of e St. Louis, Mo., has been fllea Ín Washington, t The French-American claim i mission recently made several arard? in favor of the United States. Issue of standard silvev dollars for the l week'ended Oetober 13, $439,993; , ins pertod last year, $72,000. The President has appointed Edmund i Stanley agent for the Indians of the Fouca, Pawnee and Otoe ageney, Indlan tcrrltory. President Arthur approves the ] tence oL dismlssal in the case of Lieut. Col. llges, charged with having duplicatcd his pay accounts. A. C. Hessing, of Chicago, against wnora the government held a judginent, has compromised the matter by the paymeut of $2,700. The amount involved was $80,000. President Arthur disapproves the sentence oí the court martis.1 in tbe case of Lieut. Uobinson, and that offleer has ticen released and ordered to assume his regular dutles. Senator Edmunds, president protem of thescuate, wiU resign immeiliately alter theorganization of the senate, in faorof Senator Anthony, the olde6t member in point of service. The President has been requested to makeanew classifleatioa of employés under the civil service laws, so as to bring within operation of the civil service rules employés eceiving loss than $9G0 per aanum. The Great Talls Manufacturing Companv, tbrough (Ben. B. T. Butler as attorney, files a claim of $1,000,000 damages against the gorernment, for property and water rlghts which wiU be used by the government in effectIng the proposed extensión of the water sufp!y for the district. There is a strong probability that Sergeant Mason, imprlsoned at Albany for fl ;hootin;atGuiteau, will be pardoned. The records of the war depanment show that e ulicattons for Mason's release form the largest f jetltion ever presentud in the history of tbe Jnited States. The Bignaturss attached to the petition agrégate more than 900,000 names. A. II. Doan hasinvented a methodof L aispiaying wcather signáis to farmers and iré, nhich is worthy of trial. His niet-od is to ( display flags frora" the Uuited States mail cars which pass so continually over the net-work oí railroads in tbls country. A whi ,c flag will dicate olear weather, a blue flig fair weathei. red doubtful, and black, stormy. Signáis can i te ordered up from Washington by te'egraph. Ur. Loring, who regularly draws his pay at the rate of ït,000 a year as comn.iseion er of agrieulture at Washington, has been at tis post about three days continuously since June 1. Once when he U wanted to sign a warrant for current expensas he was found rOsticaUng in ( he coantry. The costly erperfraeuts in fancy horticulfare,acd the piyinu for the same, eo on like cloftk work whikthe doctor is away. Tlie secretary of tho interior lias accepted the resignatiotï of Edgar M. Marble, oommissionfir of patenta, to take effect November 1. The positiou has heen tendc-red to the Hon. Benj. Butterworth, Ohio. Secretary ellcr in acceptlng the n signation expresses the regret of rresidont Arthur and himself at the everance of official relations, and refers in the most oomp'imentary terms to the ability and faithiulness displayed by the retirlng ofBcial in every position of trust he has occupled. An order has boen issued establishing t a dnily excbange through reglütered pouches t etweeu the postmaiiera ut New and , Fortlana, Ore.. p-i-hos to leave New Yoik at c .25 a. M. via the H ïurii and Chicago f road postofflce. Pouches are to bc forwarded vla New York and Cbicago, Chicago ard LaCrosee, Minnea polis and LaCrosse, St. Paul and Fargo, Fargo and Bismarck, Bismarck aDd Billins?, Bllhngs and Helena, Uelena anl ' la Walla, and Walla Walla and Portland railroad postofflce. This exchangc wlll go into effect October 33. The colored peoplo of Washington aregreatl.-agitated over the decisión of the supreme court as to the ciTil rlghts bilí, and a meeting bas been cal led to express their views. Artlmr Smith, a colorcd journalist, says there is mueh fcelins among the colored people over the decisión thougu the more intelligent ot them who understood the civil riguts bill.have lwavs believcd it was not a good law. If the 13Ü) and 14th ameDdments don't an9wer tbe purpose.the colored people won't want another that wiii. Ei-pnator Bruce, register of the treasury, who has iaat returned f rom the Ohio campaiK", was asked Ifflr liis opinión of the de--¦- r.f tl.p court. '"It is a most ntunate decisión," was his reply'and grlcves me and thousands of others very mueh. I hink lts effect wil! be to carry the country ackwards 15 years at least. It does notreflect iie sentiments of the pfODleas acourt. decisión ughtto do, and it Is, m niy opinión, a reTiv. f "culboun's theory oí state rlghte." As to he effect of the decisión upon the future of he coiored people, Bruce is non-committal,but admltsthat nothing has oceurred since the war to emtmrrass them so much as this decisión . Thetamous "force biil" passed byl the forty-third congress is pionounced 1 stituttonal. This dt-cision of the éupreme court I wffl undoubtedly revive that race antagonísm I so pn-valent in party politics a few years ago. Already politicians are dlacaising lts probable eflect upon the presldeotial cainpai?n, many believing that it Vill have the effect of rallying the coiored vote eolidly in support of the Re. publican party. Prominent coiored men in Washington agree in considering the decisión matter f or regret. Doaglass tl.iuks it is a step backward and places the United 3tatcs Tn the rear of the civilized nattons of Europe and America. lts normal effect will, he thinks, be mischievous. Minister Langston, who ays he I draftcd the Civil Klgl.ts blll at the request of Charle Sumner, saye the only thlng the colorI cd people in the States can do when deprived


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News