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B.& A. THÜRSDAY -COLD AND WET Lupins Cashmire. - Inquiry is being made for them and we keep a large stock of everything Lupins makes. You may find everythiug here that is elsewhere and some beside, that otliers do not have. As to prices, surely we would not charge higherthan othcrs, only to have cut goods to take back. The fact s this store levéis prices. It is true now and then some on e to stimulate trade cut prices.but the moment it is advertised, or we hear of it, that minute our prices must go down, show us whereour cash mere or :iny other goods are higher than elsewhere and we will thank you. We can show you many goods that are lower than elsewhere and you can thank us. Bach & Abel. Fashion forecasters we are not. We would be nnwoithy our opportunities though, if we couldn't very often teil the drift of the current. Our provisión for your anticipated calis have often proved the wisdom of our thought. The Jersey coats have maue a place of their own. Of, everybody knew they would. We have about 20 doz. in all. fized from 30 to 42, which we will sell at $2.50. Formerprice, $4.00. Have you sceii theui? Our Merino Underwear Counters are thronged these days. We simply niention it to let you know that we have extra help there, and can give you prompt attention. Plaids are in greater request than last season, aud are a deal more pronounceU In style. Their use s by no means confined to the young, and both in full suits for misses, and skirts combined with Jerseys and otlier waists for young married and middle aged ladies, there is scope for a wide range of taste. We are especially fortúnate in opening to-day a very desirable line at prices tliat can not be dupliek- Bach & Abel. Mere mention: A choice assortraent in all the shades of Englisli Tricots 54 inches wide, opened last week. Bach & Abbl. Cloak buyers or visitors looking at our remarkable stock (who are equally welcome), will find it more agreeable and receive better attention in the morning. Our cloak trade is very large, and in mid-afternoon the throng of customers is quite pressing. We are constantly asked about our plush cloaks and dolmans, especially about our $35 00 cloak. We have bilt small assortment at this price and whei they are gone can not be duplica ted again this season at that price. Bacii & Aeux. Dr. Feliz Zie Brun's and (3QTJIRJE. A Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrtaoea and Gleet. Safe, plessant and reliable. Ho bad efferts from its use; does not interfere with business or diet. Price, $2 OU per box, or three boxea for $5.00. Writlen ruarnntees Issned by every duly authorized agent to refund the money if three boxea fail lo cure. Sent postage prcpaid on reccipt of price. Addrees, J, H. BRUWN &. C0„ Sole Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. I. Wilds, well-known city misslonary in New York, And brother of the late eminent Judge Willis, of the Masfiachuettg Snpreme Court, writes as follows : "78 E. Sith SI., Xew Torh, May 16, 1S82. Messrs. J. C. Ayer & Co., Gentlemen : Last winter I was troubled witli a most uneomfortable itching humor arfeetiiií; more estcially my liinbs, wbich itebed (O intolerably at nigbt, and bornea so lotenaely, tbat 1 coulil scavcoly Bear any clotbing over ttiein. I wm nlso a snfferer from a severe catarrli and catarrlial cough ; my appetite waspoor, and mysystem a good deal run down. Kuowing the value of Aykk's SausapaRILLA, by observation of many other Casea.and from personal use informer years, 1 began taking it for the above-named disorders. My appetite improved almost from the tirst dose.' Alter a short time the feverand itching wereallayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough were also cured by the saine means, and my general health greatly improved, until it ia now excellent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the Sarsaparilla, which I recommend with all conttdence as the best blood medicine ever devised. i took it in small doses three times a day, and used, in all, less than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hopiug their publicatiou may (to good. Yours respectfully, Z. V. "WlLDS." The above instance is but one of the manyeonstantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to the cure of all diseases arising from impureor impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer s Sarsapanlla clcanses, enrichcs, and strcngtliens the blood, stinmlates the action of tlie stomach anI bowels, and tberoby cnablcs the systein to resist and overeóme the attacksof a.U Scrofulou Diiewit, Entptions of the Skin, Rkttmaütm, Catanh, General Dtbilitti, and all disorder resultiiig from poor or corrupted blood and íi low stato oí' the syHteni. PBEPARED BY Dp. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; priee SI, pix bottles for Só. -Best Purgativo Medicine - cure Constipatioii, Indlgeftton, Hendadle, aml all Bílious Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always rellable.


Ann Arbor Courier
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