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DARBYS PBOPHYLACTIC FLUID. A üousehulil Article for Universal l'auiily Use. W lfM'WMfg?ayyig For Scarlct and 1 lEridiVi+fw BTypb.oid Fevors, 1 -ralCate jiMpntheria, -SaliMALAIA B'"10' Ulcerated íii.íi.Ma.iMíA. J Soro Throat Small í_I3gE32SSÍ5ESBBBÍ Pos, Measles, and :ill Contagious Diseaacs. Persons waiting on thc Sick should use it frecly. Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yelíow Fever has beca cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yicld to it. SMAXL.-POX son refreshed and and Bed Sores PITTING of Small íd vby Tb,:líli'Ilg with po PKEVENTED Darbys Fluid. , r Impuro Air made Amemberofmyfámharmlcss and purified. & ,"'as taJen For Sore Throat it is a 1 cd the surc cure. Fluid ; the patiënt was Contacion destroyed. n?' delinous, was not l-or Froatcd Feet, PuLd' and wa? a''ollt Chilblains, Piles, the house again in three Chaflngs, etc. : ï'eJk?' a".d " thcls Rheumatisin cured. i had "¦ Y ?ARK' Soft Wlüto i 'nson, I hiladelphia. _ ions secured by its use. BSHB9D9HHK359h Ship Fever prevented. I To purify the Breath, B "Híflil+rieTiía Clennse the Teethl Ï ipjlwiena it can't be surpassed. I , I Catarrb relieved and ¦ PreVeiltecl. 1 cured. BdfmbJ Krysipelas cured. fBsSBIBËBSÊQ Bnrnsrelievedinstantly. The physicians here An Antidote for Animal Greensboro, Ala. or Vegetable Poisons, I ' Stings, etc. i Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during ' Cholera prevented. our present aíHiction with , Ulcers purified and Scarlet Fever with i healed. ciJed advantage. It is : ín cases ofDeath it indispensable to the ! should be used about room.- Wm. F. 'he corpse - it wH( TORD, Eyrie, Ala. preveitt any unpleas(MMBHMfara ant smell. a' '"fa Tlie eminent Phj¦ C1-i TI.. I sician, J. MAEIÜN ¦Soarlet rever ¦ : sESS, m. d.( New I York, says: "I am CliTPO I convinced Prof. Darbys vuiwu. ¦ prophvlactc Fluid is a gmgHBSBB v:1'-uaLle disinfectant." Vanderbilt University, Nashvllle, Tenn. I testiíy to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted.- N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Kecommended by Hon. Alrxander H. Stehhens, of GeorgiaRev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strarjgers, N. V.; Jos. LeConte, Co'umbia, Prof. , University S C. Rcv. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. ESDISPEXSABI.E TO EVEET HOME. Perkctly harmless. Used nternally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has becn thoroughly tested, and we nave abundant evidence that it has doneeverything here clainicd. For fuller information get of youi J)n:ist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Mjtnufactaring Clhemists, PH1LADELPHIA tpimn líalinnr, Rhenmatism, Spermatorhic, or Seminal Weakness, and flfty other omplaints?" We claim it a epecifle, simly, becanee the vinis of all discases arises from lié blood. Ita Nervino, Eesolvent, Alterative ar.d ,axatíve propertiesmcctallthc conditions herein eferred to. It's known worlrt tvide aa (kerveXc16[ñTqiiLNob) t quieta and composes Iho patiunt- not by the ntroduction of opiatos nn;l drautic cathartics, but 7 the restoration of activityto the stomahand crvous systcm, whereby thc bmin ia relieved f morbid fancies, which aro created by thu auses above referred to. To Clcrgymcn, Lawycrs, Litcrary men, Mcrliants, Bankcra, Ladies and all thosowhose seilntary employment canses nervo'js prostraüon, rregularities of thc blood, Ftomach, bowels or idneys orwho reqnire a nerve tonic, appctizcror timnlant, Samaiutaií Nebvinb ís invaluab.c. 'honsands proclaim it the most wondcrful invigrant that ever sustained the sinking syatcm. 1.50. Sold by nll UruegiMt. (H For testimoníala and circulars aend stamp. IHE II f A. EICHUOHB UED. 00., ÏSOPE'., " ' ST. J08EPH, kO. (aíarrli ñire jB C8BBB8HB9BHBB II BBSBBBE2 s gG_CLyended by Physleians! ííoówim mMñl Wo manufacture and eell itwitha positivo guáranteO that It wlü curo any 3L".SOiand wo will forfeit tho above emount fitiaiis in a.sinele nsíance, Itia unüko any otlnT Catarrh remedy, as ts taken internally, acting upon thO ííloed. lf you are troubkd"-nli thi3 istressing disoase, ask yourDruggistforit.and ACCEPT NO IMITATIOK OK SÜDCTiTÜTE. If Í3O lasnotgotit, Bcnól to us and. wo will foiward Prico, 75 cents por bnttle. F. i. CHEKSY & CO., Toledo. Ohia 1[3J-11S! For salo by Eberbacli AYER'S Ague Onre ontaiiis an tintinóte for al] malaria! 11orderg which, so far as known, is used In no other reineUy. it conUrinl ¦ QulMtao, m,any mineral r deletoriou subítauce iever, and eonsequcutly prortuocí no liíjnrlong cileet upo:i t!ie cuustitutlun. bul Icavea ll" s st; m ni healthy as i! was Loíore thc altftck. WB WAERANT AYEE'S AGÜE ODKE í') oaro i'( ry oasa í Fevor aiul ..ue, i ter initteut or CUül I', ve:-, Kcmittci.t t'tvor, Durub Aguc, Bilioua 1 'i v. ¦:, ;;..1 ,ei Cumulalut cañan! by n a'i.-ia. Ín cnc "f faüv.rx-, afterüuo tria!, dcalera nvc nutlitr:zi-il, l : c "¦ circular d:'.ted July lst, ISF2, lo rc-'uiüi '¦ luoncy. Dr.j.C.AycráiCo..! .' Mass. . .-íol í Ifj ;. 1 ii. %, .


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