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B.&A. THÜRSDAY -GOLD AND WET. Lupins Cashmire. - Inqairy s being made for them anti wc keep a large stock of everything Lupins makes. You may Bod eveiytliing hcre that is elsewliere and somc beside, that otliersdonot have. As tn prices, surely we would not charge higliertlian otbers, only to have cut goods to take hack. The Tact is tliis store levéis prices. It is truc now and then soine one to slimiilate trade Cut prices, hut the moment it is advertised, or wc liear of it, that minute our prices must ;o down, show us whcre our cashniere or any other goods ure higher tlian elsewhore and we will tliauk you. We can sliow you inany goods tlmt are lowcr than etewhere and you eau tliank ns. JS.u u i A BBL. Fasliion (brecaaten wi are nor. We wonld be unworthy our opportunitles though, f we couldn't very often teil tbe drift of the current. Our provisión for your anticipated calis have often pfOVd the wisdom of our thought. Tlie Jersey coats have a place of their own. Of', everybody knew they would. We have about II do, in all, sized from 30 to 42, whic.h we will scll at $2.50. Fonner priee, $4.00. I lave you s-ti-u tliemv Our Merino Underwear Counters are tbronged these ilays. We simply inention it to let you know tbat we have extra help there, and eau give you prompt attent on. Plaiils are in greater reqoest than last season, and are a deal more pronoiwced In style. Their use is by no means conlined to the young, and both in ful] suits for misses, and skiits combiued with Jerseys and othcr waists for young married and niiddle aged ladies, therc is scope for a widc lange of taste. We are cspecially fortúnate in opening to-day a very desirablc line at pi'lces tbat can not be duiilicated. ISacii & Aüel. Mere mention: - cUoice assortment in all tbe shades of English Tricots 54 inches wide, opened last week. Bach & Abel. Cloak buyers or visitors looking at our reinarkable stock (who are equally welcome), will find it more agreeable and receive better attentioii in the mörning. Our cloak trade is very large. and in inid-aftornoon the throng of eustoiners is quite pressiug. We are constantly askcd about our plush cloaks and dolnmns, espoeially about our $l!5 00 eloak. We have but a small assortment at tliis price and when they are gone can not be dupllcjited again tliis season at tlmt price. Haoii & Ar.KT.. Dr. Feliz Xe Brun's and GOTTIEIE. A Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhcva and Glcet. Safe, plessant and reliable. No bad etl'ects from it 115e; doei nat lnterfere with business or diet. Price, $2 OW per box, or three boxe for $5.00. Written Kiiarantees issned by eycry duly autbnrtzrd agent to refund the money if thrce boxes fail to cure. Sent postape prepnid on roccipt of price. Addrc-ss, J. H. BROWN 4 C0„ Sole Agent, Ann Arbor, Midi. SCROFULA nd all scrofulous diseases, SorcB, EryMpelas, Eczema, Blotche, KinBworm, Tumors, CarbnncleR, Boits, and Krnption of the Skin, are the direct result of an impure state of the blond. ïo cnre these disoases the Wnod mnst be purified, and restored to a healthyand natural eondt tion. Aver's Sarsatakilla has for over forty years been recognized by eminent meileal anthorities as the most powerful blood puritier in existeuce. It frees the systein from all Fon] liumors, eniiches and strengtbens the bluod, removes all traces of mercurial Ireatment, and prove itself a complet master of all serofulmis disease?. A Recent Cure of Scrofiilou Sore " Some montbs ago I was tronbled witb sorofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. 'l'he Umba trere badly swollen and (nflamed, and tbc sorea chareed large quantities of olfeiiKive matter. F.very remedy I trieil failed, untll I used AYÏB'8 SAKSAPARll-l.A.of which 1 have now taken tliree bottles with the result that the sores are healed and my general health greatly improved. I feel Terygrateful for the good yonr medicine liaadnne me Vours respeetfnlly. Mits. A.nn U'Bhian.' 148 Sullivan St., New Vork, .Tune U4, 1SL'. y All peron interented are invilrd to cali on Mrs. O'Brian ; Bino upon the K-v. Z. P. Wllds of 78 Kant S4th Street, New York City.who will take pleamire in tentifyinR to the wonderful eflicacy of Ayer'n Sarsaparilla notonly in the cnre of this lady. luit in hia own cae and many other witliin hit knowledse. The well-known irriftrm the Botton tltrtihl, B. ¦W. Bali,, of Rochetter, A'...writes. June 7, 1882: " Having suffered severely for ome years with Ecïeroa. and having failed to flnd relief from other remedies, I have made use. during the past tliree months. of Ayer' Saksapakili.a. wlllch has eüected a rowplrte rme. J consider it a inatr"1'1cent remedy for all blond distases." Aver's Sarsaparilla timulates and regnialcs Ulo Wrtlon of tlie digestiré and wwmilaliro orgaria, renfews and trcngthon tlie vital fnrcfs. and ipeedily ram :iiniiiiatim. NeitralRia, lïhcmiialif Gom. C'ntnrrh, General Debilily. éfti = 11 disraxi -s arising from an impoTerislieil or eorrupted nliionof the blood, and a weakcnecl vilality. It is incomparably the cheapest bloo.l medicine, on account of its concent rated rtrength, Mid freM Kwer over Uisease. I'BEPABEI) BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold ly all I)rufii; price 1, six boules for $5.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News