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GET THE BESTi LEAD ALL OTHtti EveryStyli&Pri GuaraatoodTJ.e FOK OPERATIQMJ ECONOMY DURABILITY g 4 WORKMANSHIP Improvomeats.-and. Convenios to no ethers. J AiwafislReliahio ;POPULAR.EVERYWr And by John ra8torer,iAlmAr,w i W. TBEMAllT GENERAL Insurance Agencj ornea faer Casper Rinsey's Groeery Ston COH. HDEOH AKD TOOUTH ST, North British Insurance Comp' (Of London and Edinburg) Capital $13,000,000, Gola. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. (Jo. Cíuh AsseU $600,000 Springfield Ins. Comp'y of Mass., CaBh AssbU. . . . $1,800,090. Howard Ins. Co., of New York, Cash Aiseta.... $1,000,000. igricnltural Insurance Comp'y, WATEETOWN, - - NEW YOBK, Ch Asset ?l00,000. Lom liberally adjnitod and prompüj pau T INSEY "éTsËABOLTB BAKERY, aROCERY AKD FLOUR & FEED STORE. W kep copitaatijr on hnd, UltEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, roawnoiJSAiï andrítailthaüb. Wa ihall atso keep a flapply of SWIÏT 4 DKÜBBL'S BEST WHITB WIlEi? FLOÜK, DELHI F1X)ÜR, ETB FLOUB BUCKWHBAT FUOUH, CORN MKAL, FEED, 4c., 4c. At Wholesale aud reuil. A Keneral nock oí GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN eonatantlr on band, wbloh wül be sold on u na ablo tenas aa at any other iiouso In the city. Caih pu for Butter, Bítgs, cí Conntrr Prodo veneraily. WGood dellTered to aar prt of the c'O wl out utra fine. TT. RINSKT 4 SSABOLT A.F.HANGSTERFERíCo., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and Oyster Gcean Restaurant. Their Celebrated Premiumlce Cream, Water Ices, etc., made to order on short novice. Par ties supplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyraniids.Ciiarlotte de Russe, etc. We have in our eniploy the ñnest Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornament i a in the state. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Figs. Dates, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture ou: own Candies. Also Propriator of the Hangsterfer Ice Compauy. Telephone Connection. j f erdon Lumber Yard JA HES TOLBERT, Prop-' i Manufacturar ani Peiler t SAGIÏTAW ! GAÜ-SAWED LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. W InTit all te kít ui a mil, l av"1" '" ook txfore pnrchaslm eliewluM ALSO AGENT FOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., And sells flre brick. 3ÁMES TOLBERT, PBOP j'j J: Kmaen. gapt. w.t'1. THE ANN AKBOH Savings Bank, xyjr AJtnoR, michiqax. Transacts General Banking Bnsiness. CAPITAL, $50,000. Ontanlied under the General Bnnklnü Lw oitü BUte, the stockholder are Iiidlyldually "K "J n addltlonal amount equal to the itook h"1 " them, thcrebj crea'lnï a Guaranteo ?und 1 the benefit of Uepositors ot' $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest Is allowed on " SaTlrgs Dopur'.ts of one dollar and opwardi, ¦ cordlng to tbe rules of the Bank. and Interest coopoucJetl ioiui annualij Moncy to Loan on tuj Idcudj beiert real eatnte and olhergood ecurltr. DiRncTpns -C'hrlstlan Mack, W. W. WineKí' Benl, Wiillam Deubsl, Wlllam 1). HarrimUUanlel Hlscook, and Wlllar O. Smlth. OFFICEHS. Cbiubtian M.tCK, Pres. W.W.WntïB, Vlc-Ir cnxi n HisrocK,Crtlr. plW


Ann Arbor Courier
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