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Editor Couiuek. - As there has been considerable talk about Dr. Conway's right to the title of "Dr."(or, ta other worils. as to the college fïom which he reCelved bis diploma), and also in regard to whttt Church he was a member of, if any, we would like space enough in your columns to sny : We bave attended every meeting Dr. Conway has beid in ourcity, and it makes little dillerenee to 08 wbetlier he is a gradúate of medicine írom any college or not. We kno that he eau and bas doctored the drunkard into a sober man, and that he does not, or has not trom the iirst taken any credit to himself - but lias ahvays linnly niaintained that it was God's work, and without him he could do nothinK. He bas further shown the true Ch ristten spirit, by praying and askirig prayeis for every one with whom he caine in contact in the course of his labors here- uot forgetting the saloonkeeper or those who were attempting to persecute him and put a stop to ihe work whicb he was so nobly and modestly carrying on - a work never before equaled in our city. Yours, etc,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News