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KiDNEY Bladder, Urinary, and Liver Diseases, Dropsy, Gravel, and Diabetes, are curod by HUNTSREMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. HUNTSREMEDY cures Brlglit's Disease, Retention or Non-Retention of Urine, I 'ai ms in the Back, Loins, or Side. ¦i 1 1 ia i j n EbITi cj i cures Intemperance, Nervoua Diseases, General Debillty, Femalo Weakness, and Excesses. HUNTSREMEDY cures Biliousness, Headaclie, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Coustipation, aud Piles. HUNTSREMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels, restoring theiu to a healthy action, and CURES when all other medicines fail. H undreds have been save who have beeu given up to die by f rienda and physicinns. Send for pamphlet to HUNT'S KEMEDY CO.. Frovidence, R. I. Trial size, 75 cents. Large size cheapest. SOLD BY All. DRUGOISTS. ewAws Pilis Known to Mem of Fame and Science for Removins ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Acknowledgod Ornd, Fleasaat, ui Zfflcieat Cs:e for OUWO I IrMI IUW, duu face heavineaa. DYSPEPSIA known by Irregular appemortroiH, titUj sour belchingi weVïTt and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. LI VER C"m''lait' "¦'¦ousncal. Malaria, Chilla and ___ Fever, oausing Borcnot9 in back aad gid, also bottom 06 ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sensaUons.oycsdull.drycough.stifledandobstruc.t- ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. confusión in head, nervousness, flashes of lighi before eye, loaa of memory. Diseasefl of Bladder and K I D N EYS urin(; dark or .18ht' red deposit; burninp, stinginp.bearingdown ! sensatinns. frequent desire to urinate, uneasinesa, inHaino.1 .f.c.s. dark circlca, thirat. Ilseanr of HFART flevere paina, fluttering or weifht near 1 -rii I i lieart, more o on moving quickly and hen lyinf; on left aide ; out of breath on exertion. HFAflAPHF 'inI1 or Sharp pains in templea, nCMUMUnC, ejM or hel(j'. faintnei,, nauaea! Uropsy is cauaed by watorr duid. KhrnninliHin. V.t by uric acid in blood. Bowel DUortlera by corrupt matter. Wnrmn by the peau within. Tolde br rhoking of the aecretlona. SWATKE'S PILLN, by gentlt action. remove the cauae, making a permanent cure. Sent by mail fot 25 centa box of 30 Pilla : S boxea, tl.OO. (In poauatAtnps.) Addres, R. SWAY.NF. .V SOI, Philadvlpiiia, Pa. Sold by Druggiata. 1129-1180 RUPTURE „-, "EOAH'SIIIPESIAI T ,40 rr. ¦;:;.- ManuiacSHÊm JÊr Alm Thie mtSWk 'gr '" " new r'rUHh UK&0 M graduafced presjaLÊÊk sarei yields to ¦SrtKmïjjïïf every motion ol _i??itíSB "le 1)0Vv, retainnMHKSMH log the hernia day jPBffJIrnipfiitllllÉBtaf ..¦in..n. Endose stamp for circular and qnesliorn to b nnswcrea when we wlll seud you aTruss OX TRIAL. SO NOW USES IN ANN ARSQR. 50 Out of which are 7 permanent cures already. Each person Is referred to in our circular. Approved of and need by the BEST MEDICAL MEX OF AXN ARBOR. If yonr case is a SPECIAL ONE, cal] at the office andbeBtted. Office 1n Ilamilton Blork. Addrese BtrAM' ISPEBUIi THISS OO„ Box 2288. Ann Arbor, Mich. Health is Weajth ! Dk E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatmiínt, a guaranteed epeciüc for Hysteria, Bizziness. Convulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, ileadache, Nervous Prostration caused by the uee of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakofulness, Mental Depressiou, Boftening of the Bruin resulting in insamty and leading to misorT, decay and deatb. Premature üld Ago, Barrcnness, Losb of power in either box, Involuntary Losses and Bperraatorrheca caused byover-exertion of thebrain, Belfabuso or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatmont. $1.00 a box, or bix boxea for S.ï.UO, sent by mail prepaidon receipt of price. WE Ul'AKAXTEE SIX IIOXKS To cure any caBe. With each order received byus for bix boxea, accompanied with $5.00, we will eend the purchaser our written guarantee to refundthe monpy if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaranteea issued only by J. II. BHOWS, Sole AKent. Ann Arbor, Mich. Endorsed by the French Academy of Medicine lor lullammation of the Urlnary i ;:uis. cuuRed by Indiscretion or Exposme Hotel Dicu Hospita!, Paris, Treattnont. Positlve cure in one to three days. Local Treatinent only requlred. No nauseous doses of Cupebs or (Jopaiba. INFALI.IHI.E, HYOIENIC, CURATIVK, PbKventivk Price$l 50, Includine Bulb Syrtnge. .Sold by all DriiKglsts. or sent free by mail securely sealed.on recelptof prlce. Descriptivo ïti?-e,J1'eVn PPfleation. AMERICAN AGENCY "6O" MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mleh.. and Wlndsor, Ont. Nold in Ann Arbor by 0. E. Holmes, ('ook Hotel Block. 1131-85 e o w One of our best citizens would saV to the public that lie baat ried Hall's Catarrh Cure, nul it is all that is claitned for It Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbach &.Son. A yoiin wife in Boston, who lost her husband by dca th, telegraphed to her father in Chicago, in these succinct words ; 11 Dear John died this morning at eleven o'clock Loss fully covered by insurance,"


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